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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Believers don't care what science says about faith, as science is incapable of explaining it- waaaaay too primitive.
  2. Apparently you think that science knows everything 5555555555555555555 Science can only deal with what it can measure. It is impotent to measure faith or belief. Even some scientists admit there is much out there that they don't understand.
  3. IMO you've joined the club of people that think Religion IS God, instead of ABOUT God. It's not essential to be religious to believe that God exists.
  4. Have to agree that the British built rubbish quality cars. I liked my Hunter but it ended up with more bog in it than steel panel. Bedford trucks were garbage to fix. Comer vans- what a heap of junk!
  5. If it's been definitively disproved you need to provide a link to a reputable source, or it's not been definitively disproved.
  6. Can't nuke China as they refine all the rare earth needed to make electric cars for the believers. Who cares if they illegally invaded Tibet?
  7. WOW, that's such a mature post. Keep 'em coming.
  8. Perhaps they can make him and Joe cell buddies then. I don't get why some posters are so fixated on Trump that they overlook all the other criminality going on in the swamp Washington.
  9. IMO the ideal population was about 3 billion, so it's going to be a while getting back to that.
  10. Given that the US southern border is a fiasco, I don't see what difference the US getting involved would make.
  11. What the <deleted> has NATO been doing the last 30 years if that's how unprepared they are?
  12. 300,000 troops are just a bigger target for a nuclear tipped missile.
  13. Followed by the flattening of Berlin, London and Paris.
  14. LOL. IMO since the Berlin wall fell, European nations have been reducing the size and efficiency of their military forces. Since BAOR ended the British army is significantly reduced. Depending too much on America.
  15. Not forgetting the cost, at a time when covid policies have wrecked Euro economies and inflation is worrying.
  16. It's not necessary for it to be 100% human thought to eliminate millions of jobs. My bank has reduced the number of employees and open hours because they replaced them with a machine in the wall outside. I doubt governments have a clue what to do with millions of extra unemployable citizens.
  17. I see that you are using the "attack the poster" rebuttal rather than debating what he wrote. Doesn't work with some of us.
  18. You are either baiting me or being overly pedantic. Anyway, we didn't stop using fossil fuels so that must mean according to the "top scientist" we are all doomed now, so why bother doing anything about it? IMO for sure we ain't going to stop using fossil fuels till the crude runs out, and then we'll liquefy coal. IMO climate change isn't going to wipe us out , but our pollution, environmental destruction and overpopulation will.
  19. That doesn't mean that Al Jazeera is biased. We should all be concerned that the longer the war continues ( only because countries like the US keep fueling the fire ) the more likely it becomes a nuclear catastrophe. Even NZ would be affected by that.
  20. and the Washington establishment have lost respect for their blatant attempts to stamp out any resistance to their rule. Fake news goes both ways, does it not? Anti Trumpers should ask themselves as to WHY a "moron with a very small brain and an unbelievable hubris" is so popular with a large part of the US population.

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