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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Agree. IMO change is way too fast and people don't have time to adjust to it. It's usually about making more money eg cutting bank services so they don't have to employ so many staff= more profit.
  2. News to me. The only underage girls on the game I am aware of were the ones that were apparently located in the Bkk docks area. Before my time in LOS so no personal knowledge of it. I do know that they had live sex acts in gogos though, as I saw them myself. I missed the couple that did it on a motorbike though.
  3. No, it's a case of hating how my world has changed, IMO for the worse. Crime out of control, impotent police, ratbag children running wild in the streets, greed reigns supreme, inconsiderate/ bad people get away with it because good people too afraid to confront them, etc etc etc. If the world had got better I wouldn't complain.
  4. Thanks for that. After my time, and yes, best way to lose customers. IMO farangs only went there to pick up a girl without paying bar fine, and can do that along Sukhumivit now anyway. Days when they wouldn't go with someone that didn't pay bar fine long gone.
  5. Why are acts that most adults want to do, obscene if done in public?
  6. Agree. I wanted a long term commitment, but I wuz wrong to think that marriage was the answer. IMO marriage is a terrible idea for western men, and only benefits western women that win no matter how good or bad a wife they are.
  7. If animals have souls, and I'm not convinced they do, ants would have a group soul, as they work as a unit, not individuals.
  8. Way too long to answer everything, so a few points Science cannot prove that which is not there. Human science is too primitive to prove or disprove the existence of God. Anyone that thinks science, as it is now, knows anything about faith is IMO deluding themselves. First off, I am not sure which of the 4,200 world religions you believe in as the "right one." He doesn't believe in religion, and neither do I. Religion uses faith, but is a man made construct, so the form is more important than the substance ergo the use of funny hats to designate their status within religion. Christian religions claim to represent a man that was against riches, but are themselves rich. A Perfect Abrahamic God? Religion. if god is perfect, why did he create us and many other living creatures so poorly? God created a planet that is inhabited by creatures known as animals. Animals are subject to the problems you note. Our bodies that carry "us" around are animals. Blame evolution if you think our bodies are imperfect. History is proving that religions are wrong about several things. Religion again. Christian fundamentalists argue that abortion is against god, Religion again You could state that the millions of religious people proves that there is a consensus that god exists. Religion. The Bible was written by god, or by people following god's will Religion. Who created evil? Religion. Seems your problem is with religion, not faith, which you don't even mention. I'm not religious, the poster you quoted isn't religious. Perhaps you can get back to us with something about faith.
  9. If I was paying 1500 a night I'd expect a wai or two. The buffets I used were payed for by person, and not included in the room charge. Had I brought a "friend", I'd have had to pay for two meals.
  10. I remember a lot of domestic birds like ducks being killed in a certain SEA country when bird flu happened. IMO no doubt about it, humans are a very imperfect species and we are doing everything we can to exterminate ourselves. When we are gone, Gaia will be "happy".
  11. What's the difference? They are both creatures of the planet. If it's good enough for an ape to have a soul, why isn't it for an insect, or a bacteria? You need to give a reason if you want your opinion to be taken seriously.
  12. The only time I was on a bus that was checked, was on a day time bus returning from a visa run to Burma.
  13. If one considers a foetus to be a human being, rather than a clump of meat cells, then it's logical to think that killing a foetus is first degree murder. Perhaps women should consider using birth control when having sex rather than having an abortion. IUDs are a more or less effective solution, and don't fail like the pill can.
  14. Watch out! You'll get cancelled for pointing out uncomfortable truths, LOL. I can just imagine that coming up for a vote in the general assembly, where loads of countries ban abortion. Do those organisations even imagine that the UN can do ANYTHING about US domestic politics. What do they think the UN is, the One World Government or something? I support abortion on demand, for any reason, but I also support a country's ( state's ) right to enact their own laws. In a democracy, if people don't like it they get to change the government. If people in the US want easy abortion to be a right, they can get an amendment to the Constitution added. If they can't, stop whining and get on with changing the government of their state.
  15. Regardless, Russia having the means to destroy you and everyone you know and your country is why European countries and America can't just go barging in, unless their existence is at stake, which it isn't. A US president a while back said, "walk softly and carry a big stick" which holds true today. Unless a country can either defend itself, or join an alliance that can, weak countries will likely be taken over, as has happened as long as there have been countries.
  16. I don't disagree, but as they don't intend to "serve" the community like Drs and nurses do, and are just doing it to get a better paying job, then they should pay for the course. Why should the taxpayer support them?
  17. There was no charge to go in the Nana Hotel disco and there was never a disco in the Plaza.
  18. Unless it's for something very expensive no need for a will, IMO. My will only left my money to my wife as the bank wouldn't give it to her otherwise. The son is hardly going to demand that a tv or fridge in Thailand is his and should be sent to the UK, and visa versa. Land of course, never belonged to the farang, and cars etc could be put in wife's name anyway- does the OP trust his GF not to kick him out so she can have his car/ house etc?
  19. Then they should either refund you the cost or replace it with a newer one. IMO they are taking the p...!
  20. Anyone that was there then will know the approximate year. Hint- it was before they built the open air bars in the courtyard where the cars used to park.
  21. Do apes have imagination, determination, ambition, a desire to educate themselves, or are they content to live in trees and eat berries? IMO they have life force, but not as humans do. You could have asked if an ant has a soul- it's is a living organism- so do you believe that ants, cockroaches, flies etc have souls?
  22. The OP didn't say it was a military installation, it said that it was to stop Russians crossing into Finland.
  23. Used to be when royalty was big deal. Those days IMO long gone since about 1996.
  24. Those properties IMO don't belong to the people. IMO they belong to royal establishment. IMO they don't belong to Charles to be able to give them to anyone.

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