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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Last time the uni kids rebelled against the authorities a few ended up dead. They are kids, and IMO they don't get a say in how things are run.
  2. I had 2 Thai nephews, one a year older than other, Older was OK and a decent guy, the younger was a rat bag, and I loathed having him around when he used to invite himself to stay for the weekend.
  3. IMO wrong. Domestic abuse will continue as long as women are willing to live with bad men. Men don't generally change, and the signs will be there at the beginning. Some women, IMO, are so desperate to get married that they will marry anyone that asks no matter how bad he is, then they complain when he behaves in the way he always did. My ex married a bad man that she knew was bad. When I asked her why she married him if she knew he was a violent drunkard, she replied that "she thought she could change him"! She didn't leave him till after he traumatised the two children that they had together. BTW, cops are not social workers.
  4. I can only speak for myself, but I invested too much in the relationship to walk away till it got to the point i had no option but to do so. Also, it was my last chance to live in LOS till I died. I lost both the relationship and the chance to live in LOS when I got divorced, to my eternal regret.
  5. LOL. We know the real reason, don't we! The Christmas fund must need topping up.
  6. There wasn't parking on that side last time I visited, so it's just a return to what used to be. No big deal. IMO cars should be banned on Beach road anyway. Park elsewhere and use a baht bus. Cars are a plague!
  7. LOL. I remember going into a posh Singapore hotel and not checking the price. I had to pay after eating and the price was a "bit" more than what I expected! After that I stuck to a roadside food court.
  8. While I agree with what you say about people not washing their hands, no one gets the food out of the dish with their hands, and as long as the kfc are clean, I don't see the big deal about it. No worse than opening a door with the handle and rubbing your mouth or eyes after. The attraction for me was that after I filled my stomach I didn't need to pay for lunch or even dinner sometimes.
  9. Perhaps because it was unprofitable to provide that at an affordable price.
  10. I was happy with the Lek buffet breakfast and it wasn't anywhere near 500 baht. It's obviously not haute cuisine, but it had a good selection, western and Thai, and I never got sick off it. If popularity is anything to go by it was a winner. Another hotel across the road a bit, I think the A something hotel had a similar buffet breakfast. If I wanted a decent big brekkie I'd walk over to Soi Buakhao and get one in a proper restaurant.
  11. I see we think alike about the human race. Given the universe is quite old, it's likely that the first planets to support life have civilisations far more advanced than ours, and if so we may have come to their attention as a likely threat if ever we manage to escape into space. They may be assembling asteroids as we speak.
  12. If they are gathering, IMO it's getting ready to annihilate us as a potential threat to the peace loving people's of the universe if we ever manage to start traveling in space.
  13. I'm sure that you know that many women say they want a man with a sense of humour, but the best reply to that was the guy that said if they were serious, Ken Dodd should have been very popular with the ladies. ????
  14. Good looking women that marry gangsters would be marrying down. However, I'm not claiming that looking good makes them any more intelligent than a rock.
  15. Going by the American military industrial complex, Europe may come to regret that. Even Eisenhower warned against it.
  16. Make that WW2, The first time was an atrocity against humanity that slaughtered the pride of British youth for no good reason ( I refer to the war itself as being for no good reason ). Millions sacrificed for the Great Game played by old men.
  17. Shouldn't that be "all eyes"? Far as I'm concerned, Thais are not daft enough to get caught up with something that's no concern of theirs. They are leaving it up to farangs to post about it on here.
  18. LOL, LOL. Germany didn't have a constitution and a SCOTUS to prevent Hitler doing that. It's a false equivalence.
  19. Sounds good to me. That's democracy in action. If people don't like it they can get a more amenable government elected next time.
  20. and debating is all they can do. IMO the UN is a sham that does nothing to bring about world peace, which I thought it was supposed to be about. They can pontificate and wring their hands, but IMO a waste of space, and should go the way of the League of Nations.
  21. That sounds like something Jesus would say if he were here now. People have fallen out of belief in God and into the false religions of greed and ever increasing "productivity" ( which IMO is a nonsense ), and follow fads. It's a pity they are so consumed by stupid things like "social media", and "celebrity" that they forget we all have to live on planet Earth and need to look after it, not destroy it.
  22. Interesting post but what has it to do with believing in God?
  23. The only way he doesn't understand faith is if you haven't actually understood anything he has written over the years this thread has been running. I don't agree with everything he writes, but I certainly accept he knows about faith. We are not supposed to use the laugh emoji to convey that we think a post is bonkers, so I'm quoting you to use in the post.
  24. There really isn't any point trying to explain anything related to spirituality to people that apparently think science has all the answers. The use of the words "quantum physics" as though that is something that is a point scorer says it all. The truest words I ever heard from a scientist, was from a scientist involved with a new space probe investigating the origins of the universe that said they didn't know about 95% of what is out there.
  25. Once again, you are talking about religion. The title of the thread doesn't mention religion.

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