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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If I had any children ( I was lucky and didn't get married at an age to have them ) I would be extremely PO if any teacher took it on themselves to provide "guidance" to them, as that would be my job as a parent. I suppose I was unlucky in that neither my parents nor my schools gave me any "guidance", real life experience or even education to suit what I wanted to do when I left school. I could recite Latin, and I knew about English royalty, but the only good thing I acquired was love of reading. They didn't even give sex or relationship teaching, and the only time a teacher touched on the subject of sex was to suggest getting a bed with a footboard. As for depression, that wasn't a word in use, and a child claiming to be depressed would be more likely to get a smack on the head than counseling, and I don't think a "counselor" existed in schools back then anyway. I'm not claiming that it's not a good idea to have counseling, but I'd prefer if it were given by a qualified psychologist than by a teacher with no psycholgical experience or qualifications.
  2. Seems you are offering excuses for failure. Those that want to will get educated, make the effort and succeed. Those that don't have any motivation................................................ Schools don't motivate- that's a family thing.
  3. Going from experience, I very much doubt they all get 1 per day, even in high season- ever been at the exit to Nana Plaza at closing time? That's a lot that went home alone. Even BGs get days off. In low season it's a hard time for a hooker. You are IMO just making a wild guess based on nothing in reality when you say she had 7,330 customers, and if that were true she'd be a millionaire several times over and would have no need to be a hooker for more than a few years- most only do it for a few years anyway. You also have no idea if they were all perverts.
  4. How would you know- did she tell you? You let women drink your booze in your place that you know have a boyfriend ( or do they bring their own )? Visitors use your shower?
  5. If the farang is stupid, not in Pattaya and just sending money, the BG is fair game. Fixed it for you.
  6. They are still marrying a bad man, and they IMO come to regret it. My first partner certainly came to regret marrying her abusive alcoholic husband. It was a pity that she didn't appreciate having a not bad man to live with while she had me. I know a woman that married a good man, then left him to marry a bad man that she just left as well.
  7. Genes hold instructions so a new born can survive ( except for some species where the new born are dependent on their parents. A butterfly has no parental care after it emerges from the cocoon- it's genes tell it what to do. I doubt genes even have the ability to "learn" in individual cases. It is claimed that a foetus can "learn" in the womb- IMO a near term foetus has a working brain so that may be so, but not at conception.
  8. You said I was speaking rubbish, yet you said the same as I did! Did you read it wrong?
  9. LOL. The "clip joints" on Patpong were the upstairs gogos and were notorious for extorting customers which is why only the ignorant went up there. They didn't call the cops- they beat up the customers that refused to pay up themselves.
  10. Israeli treatment of Palestinians results in some Palestinians taking revenge against Israelis and the Israeli collective punishment after results in more Palestinians joining Hamas or other resistance groups or taking revenge as individuals. IMO, either the Israelis break the cycle of violence, or they WILL come to regret it. It's up to them as they are the ones with all the power. I'm sure they are aware that the Palestinians are growing in numbers, and that they have no where else to go. IMO the present situation is madness, and eventually even the US is going to have to face reality. The Israeli government is not doing themselves any favours by ignoring the agreement they just made in Jordan to not escalate tensions. According to Al Jazeera, the settlers were from illegal settlements and they burnt Palestinian houses while the Israeli army did nothing to stop them. According to a report on Al Jazeera, Netanyahu said that they were not going to stop building illegal settlements on Palestinian land. Meanwhile, the US sticks to the charade of the two state solution, while doing nothing to rein in the Israelis excessive use of force against Palestinians.
  11. If it can be proven that them using drugs or drinking alcohol/ smoking damaged the foetus ( obviously after it is born ), IMO they should be charged with reckless danger to another person. If a woman doesn't want to care for her unborn child she shouldn't carry it to term as she probably won't care for it after it is born.
  12. LOL. Everything is racist if one wants it to be, but to claim that the simple sentence "it's OK to be white" is racist is IMO barking. Apparently some think just being born white is a crime.
  13. I get that, but I've asked a few times and got no answer as to how they can expect to stay in LOS long time if not qualifying on retirement. Is there some special long stay visa for Russians escaping the draft?
  14. As we don't have all the facts, we can't really comment as to why the insurance company are reluctant to pay up, but if they did the right thing and got proper insurance, it's an unfortunate situation. I can't see them getting 250,000 quid from strangers so I have no idea as to what can happen now. There is no way he can fly home without an air ambulance and obviously they can't pay to stay. However, there has to be an answer- perhaps the UK government can fly him home on a military flight.
  15. Perhaps tourist numbers will rebound but the nationalities will change. First time I visited White temple it was a delight, second time it was over run with Chinese tour groups and I didn't even bother waiting to rush through in a massive q. I can't see westerners being keen to stand around in long q's or sharing beaches with thousands of tourists, like Maya Bay was before it was closed because of the destruction caused by too many people.
  16. Unless it really has changed, that's BS. The only charge was for lady drinks. Thai gogos are not like vile Soho clip joints.
  17. I'm calling BS on this. I've never been in any gogo that has girls allocated to an area. It is they that "move around" not the customers. Any time I moved a seat for some reason, the little container that held my check bins went with me, so what is the OP on about with that "duplicate bill" nonsense? If times have changed and it's all different now, perhaps someone other than the OP can say so.
  18. Have you visited every planet in the universe to know that?
  19. Perhaps you can quote a poster that claims climate change is imaginary- I've never read posts by any that do. IMO you are making that up.
  20. I always had an image of California as a state where the sun always shone. I guess I was wrong about that. Hopefully it will fill up the reservoirs that were apparently getting rather low.
  21. Everyone say things they regret. It's the human condition. Unless we know why he said it, when he did, it's a bit pointless jumping on one or an other band wagon.
  22. You could blame the people who were slavers. That would include the Africans that sold the people into slavery.
  23. I probably think things you like are dull- good that we are all different! As for his "rant", I think you have live where he does to understand it.

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