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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Once again, you are talking about religion. The title of the thread doesn't mention religion.
  2. Richard Dawkins obviously knows less than he claims to. For a start that claim is nonsense, as in a country like the UK there are several "local" religions. It would only apply in fundamentalist Islamic countries IMO.
  3. Speaking as one that is suffering because the housing market is out of control with regard to increasing prices to buy/ rent, and in a country where people are living in cars or motels ( at taxpayer expense ), a collapse in the property market would be a very good thing, IMO. If so called investors ( IMO gougers ) lose out, I would not lose any sleep over that.
  4. That 50 baht meal was about 25 baht 40 years ago. Seems the Thais have done quite well for themselves in comparison to western countries.
  5. A win for the good guys at last. From the linked article Puffin said the release of The Roald Dahl Classic Collection, featuring original versions of his children's books, was in order to "keep the texts in print". Trying to weasle their way out of admitting they were wrong! Good result, and it shows that we ain't all gone woke yet.
  6. Indeed, the most essential occupations are often the least acknowledged. If sanitation workers went out on strike, even the rich would soon smell the result. We all have our part to play in the game of society.
  7. That would depend on whether one thinks a foetus is an unborn human, or merely a collection of cells of no more significance than a lump of unwanted meat that can be thrown out..
  8. Cancel culture writ large. I always enjoyed Dilbert strips. The author actually knows a lot about the human condition.
  9. I am stunned and shocked that the Russian representative would interject during a minute's silence aimed at "Russian aggression" NOT.
  10. I see still need the charade of a degree ( whatever it's for ) to teach in LOS. Long time ago I was going to do a TEFL or TESOL ( forget which it was exactly ) so I could stay in LOS, but the need for a degree stymied that. Back then I don't remember it as having to be an education degree, so is this a return to what it used to be? I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there that would make great teachers, but don't have a degree. I never went to uni, because I had to earn a living, but I'm sure that compared to some of the teachers ( with degrees ) that I had in school, I'd do just fine as a teacher.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean by "a good outcome". I suppose you mean Russia gives up, retreats back to whence it came, pays for the reconstruction of Ukraine, and we all go back to living like we used to. Realistically, do you actually think that will happen, or are you just wishin' and hopin'? If nothing else, the bills for all the "support" ( taxpayer money ) from the west has to be paid for and that's going to impact us for a very long time. I doubt that Ukraine will get back to "normal" for a very long, long time. IMO there are no real winners from a war, and everyone loses, though mainly those that lost someone they loved.
  12. You understandably don't believe RT, but do you believe everything put out by western government controlled media? Seems to me that any media controlled by a government involved with one side or another is going to be biased, which is why I don't bother with any of them when it comes to things like this conflict. I try to be objective, rather than regurgitate propaganda from any source.
  13. How are you or anyone else going to make Russia pay?
  14. Oh boo hoo. Who said life was fair?
  15. My last paid job I worked a 12 hour day with one extra day to make up the 40 hours. I loved it as only 3 days a week for 3 weeks and 1 week with 4 days a month. Obviously the hospital had shift work to cover open 7 days a week.
  16. For many more to follow Poland and other countries supplying them would have to deplete their own defense infrastructure. It's not like they have hundreds of surplus tanks lying around. Also, don't forget they need spares, transport vehicles, recovery vehicles, and lots and lots of fuel, all of which has to be sent to the front, which is on the far side of Ukraine. Seems like a lot of wishin' and hopin' is going on.
  17. I didn't watch the whole 12 minutes of it, but it's what I've been saying all along- the winners are the weapons manufacturers and their shareholders. Even if Ukraine forces the Russians to stop and leave, Ukraine is the biggest loser with their dead and the destruction of their infrastucture. Short of NATO suddenly going MAD and attacking Russia, Russia hasn't been devastated, and once the dead are buried they'll re arm and move on. Western arms manufacturers will get even richer resupplying depleted ammunition supplies and using the war experience will design even better machines to kill people. However, perhaps the biggest winners will be the contractors that rebuild Ukraine with billions in western "aid" ( taxpayer's money ).
  18. In the real world that's not always an option. Mao and Stalin died in bed, not having been deposed. Bad guys don't always lose.
  19. Seriously? Seems you forget about MAD. No matter which side launches first, we all suffer or die.
  20. Don't hold your breath on 5 6 7 9 Agree about Putin, but does anyone think another will not continue the fight? He's not running the government all by himself.
  21. Looking at the title, it just struck me that if it's true, the guy must be loaded ( or she is and he can use her money ), as who else can afford to send HUNDREDS of quid every month, and fly there frequently?
  22. and when it does, and thousands die, it will be on every news outlet. Till then, other things to get the all important view numbers.
  23. That's right, and is why a thread like this lasts more than one page. We all have a point of view, and because we are on here we wish to share them, anonymously.
  24. My response to that is x 100. Seems like we have a wokester in the room, that thinks putting a stupid label on someone that says something THEY don't like will shut them up ( misogynist, racist, etc ). Here's a thought- how about discussing the OP and not making personal attacks on other posters? The OP isn't about me, or any other poster that you disagree with.
  25. No idea. Divorced her years ago. Perhaps she's sorry because she was horrid to me till I had enough of it.

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