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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I think I saw a different VDO about same thing ages ago. Thing I noticed was how unattractive the females were. I think I'd enjoy one having a go at me, as I know what I'd do back.
  2. I used to google thaibeachlovers to see what came up, and there was someone out there that was impersonating me on different websites with stupid posts. On one forum he said I was looking for a present for my girlfriend under 100 baht! He also did hotel reviews under my username. I know who it was as I got him banned off Thorntree for impersonating a mod to fool me. He was also posting on TVF as his own username, but vanished years ago. I'd probably recognise him under a different username as he had a certain style. He certainly came back on Thorntree under new usernames, but I was able to get him kicked off every time as I knew whom it was.
  3. Stop lying! I never mentioned communism in the post you quoted.
  4. Take it up with internationalism. He was the one that made that claim. I was just commenting on it.
  5. AI has the potential to be either the saviour of mankind, or it's destruction. If used for the benefit of all it'll be good, but I fear the rich will use it to get even richer and suppress the unwanted masses. At least one benefit IMO will be the end of movie stars that think they are important. With AI no need for a real actor. Anime movies only need voice actors, which will be eliminated by AI, and Avatar showed that real actors are not needed. Imagine being able to tell your AI computer to make a movie based on an idea you had- done in a jiffy.
  6. My ex wife was my last hope, which was why I held on for so long, but eventually I realised she would not take care of me if I was incapacitated, so that was the end.
  7. Obese people on a plane try to put the arm rest up. Insist on it being down. I always booked an aisle seat for exactly that reason, and I would not have changed it for a fat person.
  8. I'd like to see anyone classify me politically- socialist on rich people and corporations, conservative on immigration and dole bludgers, supported Trump because he was against her, but preferred Bernie as he wanted to do Wall Street, conflicted on abortion- last resort- not contraception, but too many people on the planet so abortion on demand at any stage is OK, don't believe we can do anything about climate change, but want to stop all pollution, want to get away from petrol cars, but only with hydrogen- want nothing to do with battery cars, don't care about renewable energy with windmills or solar, but want nuclear, oppose the death penalty, but want jail for life without parole for third offence, etc. There is more, but you get the picture.
  9. Do people actually put all that stuff on social media? If so I'm boggled. Even if they hacked this site all they'll get is my e mail address. I'm well aware that everything we put on line is available to be read by people we don't know, and post accordingly. I've often referenced a past wife on here, but never her name. If someone wanted to read my thousands of posts on here, they could put together a profile, but it wouldn't do them much good.
  10. Agree that old age sucks, but not in an enjoyable way, especially when old age makes us incapable of some of that. Nudge nudge, wink wink.
  11. So, are modern science and biology working on ways to afford the lifestyle when we no longer work? Not all of us were financial geniuses that were able to mint it before retiring, some of us were unlucky in love and lost a lot of our saving to a grasping woman, and some of us did a job that didn't pay well, and spent what they did earn on visiting LOS.
  12. The problem with that is if you actually had an amazing life that depended on being fit, being too decrepit to be active has no appeal. Less energetic ways just don't cut it.
  13. Soooo, have you, yourself, tried that with a Thai cop? I was never asked by a cop for mine, ever ( only driving license ), so what are those that are asked doing, to need to be asked?
  14. LOL. The hardest part will be getting on the bus at Jomtien. Airport - easy to get on train to Phya Thai, taxi to MBK door. You should go back via Ekamai just to see how that works. MBK to National Stadium station over walkway. Change at Siam Station. Get off at Ekamai, buy ticket at booth ( not the other bus, which buy ticket at the bus for ), bus to North Pattaya bus station. Baht bus to Jomtien.
  15. These days with the technology available do we really know if the "people" we see talking on tv are real?
  16. Most have no objection to such IMO, though criminals will never have to submit to such to obtain weapons.
  17. It's all about the publicity. A few mass killings get the media attention that individual murders do not. Jumping and bandwagons comes to mind. NZ banned assault style weapons ( for law abiding people ) a while ago and seems the murder with weapons rate has gone up, given the number being on the news now, compared with before. Of course any weapon is available to criminals and gang members.
  18. Time to man up and tell her that she can go, but without you. She thinks that you will enable her dream, so let her find out the hard way that she really is dreaming.
  19. The point is surely that it's up to us if we stick around or not?
  20. I pray every time I think about it that I never see my 80th birthday. Might be different if I had a family that loved me, but I don't. To be honest, the idea of being reduced to living in an understaffed so called "rest home" fills me with horror. I actually know people that work in such places to know what goes on. Being stuck in front of day time tv or eating the muck my father had to eat is not my idea of a decent life.
  21. While your work may require you to be present in a different country, IMO NONE of the current "conferences" need to be attended in person. With modern communications they can be done remotely. However, some of us know why they fly hundreds of participants to exotic locations like Sharm el Sheikh, and it's not for the talking, 555555555.
  22. It's no longer possible to get through life with only cash. Last time I tried to rent a car unable to use cash. For everyday things though, I prefer cash. Last time I went to supermarket held up for 5 minutes by woman messing about with her phone.
  23. Bit of a ramble, but valid point about the push factor. In my case, the push was about half the reason for wanting to live in LOS, compared to just visiting ( which was all pull ).
  24. I agree, but that's not what the thread is about.
  25. George Clooney has done "good"?????????????? Not to my knowledge. Do tell. Sting and Bono may have done so, but as I automatically ignore anything to do with either of them ( dislike their music ), I will not claim any knowledge about them.
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