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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. The new Matrix film. Spent the entire time wishing I wasn't watching it. Didn't even understand it till I got to look on the internet.
  2. I wasn't aware that I was "knocking someone". Far as I'm concerned I was just saying why I disagree that the US is better than Thailand.
  3. I'm pretty sure we got the monks chanting earlier than that, on village speakers of course.
  4. OK, have it your way. I WAS safer in Thailand than in my own country or the UK. The worst I faced was having to run to avoid the katoey pickpocketers waiting outside Pattaya's Walking Street.
  5. I certainly believe that if ICUs are as overwhelmed as is claimed, they sure ain't going to be admitting anyone with a DNR. Anyway, I'd refuse to be admitted to one.
  6. Back at you, and do you have the excuse of not watching the so called "news" on tv?
  7. Agree. While I was busting my hump working, an unmarried mother friend of mine had a nice house, and a better car than me. She also didn't have to work, all at taxpayer's expense. If I ruled the world the first thing I'd stop would be paying women to have children, and certainly nothing to allow women to keep babies at taxpayer expense. Plenty of people out there want to adopt. Only exception for widows.
  8. Apparently the OP has never been to hospital, or checked into a reputable hotel in 8 months! Anyway, what about 90 days reports?
  9. I've said before on this forum that problems with nurse numbers is down to management and government. The problems started long before covid appeared, and relate to pay and such things as endemic bullying by nurse managers. Such things as those, plus taking nurse training out of hospitals and making people pay to train, plus eliminating enrolled nurses, has made for an, IMO, toxic environment, and people just don't want to be nurses in anywhere enough numbers any more. I have zero regrets about leaving nursing, and I'd never recommend it to anyone I knew.
  10. They've had at least 18 months to "get ready". How much time is enough?
  11. Need something more than chic cafes to make people want to go to Pattaya. All Pattaya had was bars, and girls/ boys IMO. Just about anywhere else was better as a beach resort.
  12. Best restaurant was the big one out the back past Lucky Star bars.
  13. When I went there last, there were several over the water restaurants and many customers. All open air- no roof at all. Everything changes.
  14. Perhaps not. It could be like Bugis St in Singapore that transitioned from a lady boy street to a street of restaurants. If Hua Hin can be popular for over the water restaurants, why not Walking St? The bars may go, but the internet is a mongers friend.
  15. Exactly right. I always reckoned that there were 50% too many bars given the dearth of customers in many of them. Doesn't matter what they do to attract customers, if there are 1000 potential customers and 100 bars that's 10 per bar. Unfortunately, the ethos seemed to be to build 500 bars, so there were only 2 customers per bar. Of course some bars attract many customers, so inevitably some would have no customers at all, resulting in many of those bars at the back of complexes being closed. Location was everything, but lots of attractive girls also helped. A lot of dreams died in the face of reality among farang wannabe bar owners, that didn't do any research before parting with the readies.
  16. but he WAS granted the exemption, and acted on that OFFICIAL permission. He should sue the department that gave him the permission to enter Oz. Australians in a certain country are now perhaps feeling nervous.
  17. Given that you are promoting education and encouragement, rather than force and punishment, I agree with you. BTW, IMO people SHOULD have the right to refuse medicine even if it means their death, and if it comes to it, IMO people should have the right to die whenever they choose to do so.
  18. Hundreds of people die on the roads every year, but people don't take your philosophy about them. People die, and yes, it's sad for those affected, but IMO we shouldn't be making knee jerk laws because of it. That's how very bad legislation gets passed, IMO.
  19. Oz government is now a laughing stock, IMO. I can't see how they could have made a bigger mess of the situation, given the inevitable uproar that has followed. If they can't make the regulations clear BEFORE he was granted the exemption, they should have allowed him in and done so before the next high profile would be arrival applies for a visa. I've read some threads on this forum about immigration in Thailand changing the regulations and resulting in refused entry for people that thought they had done everything needed. Those people were certainly exercised about such, and quite rightly so, IMO.
  20. The day "democratic" governments force people to have something injected into their body without consent is the day democracy died, IMO. The US government is apparently giving people the choice of the jab or weekly testing ( for certain occupations ), which is as it should be. The desire of some to force other people to do what THEY want other people to do, alarms me and makes me worry about our future. I can't imagine governments having got away with dictatorial regulations giving up that ability in the future. IMO we are going down a dangerous path, and it's going to end badly.
  21. They are a communist dictatorship, but it alarms me when so called democratically elected "leaders" say the same <deleted> rubbish.
  22. I'd rather be uninformed than watch the woke <deleted> that has taken over NZ freeview tv. Far as I'm concerned it's just propaganda. As for radio, It's easy to mentally tune out the news, and when the government ads get too annoying I have my own music.
  23. We don't get all the propaganda for the flu, so it's no big deal. I'm just so over getting government ads about it whenever I turn on the radio. Often don't even subject myself to them and play my own music- anything to avoid all the fearmongering.
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