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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Ah yes, the kids from university that know sod all about life as it really is, but claim that a piece of paper makes them experts. Yet some on this very forum have claimed that any that have not got a uni education are not as good as those that have. LOL. I'll take any that learned on the job ( with sufficient educational input from technical colleges etc ) over someone that spent 18 or so years in school anytime. Not referring to actual professionals such as doctors though. There are many reasons why Britain is struggling and IMO more to do with management as I experienced it when working there, than Brexit or any such.
  2. Nevertheless, if the UK was as bad as some posters on this forum claim in a different thread, why would any want to risk drowning to get to Britain's shores?
  3. To believe it was a deliberate attack by Russia on Poland one has to ask why Russia would risk war with NATO to blow up a grain silo? Whatever the truth, NATO not getting involved in a war with Russia is a good thing, IMO.
  4. What are you on about? Did I say anything about when Trump was in power? I agree that lobbyists should be banned as should be politicians taking jobs with companies that benefited during their time in Congress.
  5. Just like a previous POTUS. Oh, the irony!
  6. I agree, but look what happened to the last guy that got elected on a platform of draining the swamp- got destroyed, by both sides.
  7. I think you will find the Crown got some sort of guarantee that they could keep the goodies if they gave up total power. Why would they give up the power if they lost the lifestyle as well? As for the church- don't they own the land? Do you expect them to just give it away, or are you advocating state theft? However, I'm with you on the 10 million max, and up to me would be 2 million ( except for farmers ).
  8. Rubbish. Not all poor people are as you claim. I'm poor because I was stupid enough to believe 2 women in my life that claimed to love me. Both times the money ( and in the first case my house and my nice car ) went to them during our time together and after they revealed themselves for what they really were. I also lost a great deal to a "friend" of 30 years that took the money ( a loan ) and ran. It's all just luck IMO. Had either of the women been what they appeared to be I'd be living a great life; same as the guys that marry a decent Thai woman.
  9. When even rich people get scammed by "great investment opportunities" I'll pass. IMO investing is gambling for rich people.
  10. ALL politicians, whatever gender or party they are. That includes local politicians as well, The lot of them. 3 terms sounds good to me. One as a newbie, one as someone that is beginning to know stuff, one as an opportunity to do the job the people pay them to do.
  11. It's not a question of where I live, it's a question of how many people are using the same wi fi and as soon as too many it stops working. I used to go on it after midnight to be sure, till the gamer moved in next door and it's hit and miss now. Don't expect me to understand the technicalities, but a tv expert told me that was the problem. To be certain of getting on the internet I'd have to pay for my own private access, and I don't do enough on line to make that worthwhile. Certainly not going to pay for something I'd only use a couple of hours or so a day. The wifi is good enough for what I do, as long as I can wait. BTW, I'm not in Thailand and internet costs way more than what you are paying.
  12. B & W tv was ok. The Avengers was great till it went colour, then they must have changed the writer or something as I didn't like it any more. Dr Who was better with Patrick Troughton when it was B & W. Many of the greatest British movies were in B & W, IMO.
  13. I'm lucky to even get wifi that works, so VPN, whatever that is, is not going to be on my list of essential things.
  14. I can't get BBC without paying for it and the BBC isn't worth my money. It went woke years ago. I used to be an avid Casualty fan, from the very first episode with a very young Charlie Fairhead driving a clunker Land Rover. I hadn't seen it while in LOS and when I got the chance about 2 years ago I watched one episode, and had to stop half way through. They turned a great concept into some woke pile of steaming manure. Shame as it used be excellent.
  15. While I agree, I think a snowball in hell has a better chance of not melting than a real redistribution of wealth. After all, who makes the rules?
  16. Hmmmmm. Did they not keep records during the depression?
  17. So she's finally gone, hurrah. IMO politicians like her are the reason for imposing limits on time allowed in congress/ parliament/ etc.
  18. Actually what we buy won't be tracked by a human- it will be AI using algorithms, and what could possibly go wrong with that? Just because you live under an OK government at the moment doesn't mean that in 10 years time it's not like a Chinese government, and then you might have something to worry about, even if it was something you posted 10 years ago on TVF.
  19. Lucky you, but I don't want some spotty geek knowing what I buy.
  20. There is absolutely nothing I can do about inflation etc, so why worry about it? I don't have a mortgage so don't have to worry about losing my home. If the pension becomes too low to rent anything I can buy a van and live in a carpark like many do now. If food becomes too expensive I understand that dog food is nutritious. End of the day, I've past my sell bay date anyway, so nothing to regret if worst comes to worst.
  21. That's not something I'm aware of as I won't watch tv any more ( except for Al Jazeera news channel and they don't have ads beyond promoting the airline ). Anything they have that's watchable is plagued with so many ads that I refuse to be a target demographic any more.
  22. Correct. White and black are not colours.
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