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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. They abstained; they didn't vote against the resolution. IMO it won't make any difference and realistically, I doubt any prospective tourists will be cancelling their planned trip to LOS, or there will be an exodus of aggrieved farang expats over this.
  2. I'm sure most know that the "military/ industrial complex" refers to America as president Eisenhower referred to it.
  3. Indeed they should avoid shooting themselves in the foot like the Europeans.
  4. My bet is it will side with China & co . That should not be a surprise to anyone that knows the relationship with China goes back hundreds if not thousands of years. If it came down to it, I expect the Chinese connection will win over the comparatively recent alliance with the US, especially when they take the American habit of fighting in foreign countries and then leaving the erstwhile host country to sort the mess left behind into account.
  5. Indeed, the military industrial complex will be happy and rich, and the dead will have to be content with a memorial to their sacrifice. War is never a good idea, even if it's the "right" sort of war.
  6. and how many deaths and how much destruction has occurred to get to this point? The dead might not agree that it was worth it.
  7. A peaceful democratic nation? Please don't tell me you mean Ukraine. Has it not been fighting a war in Donbas since 2014? Would you rather Thailand had faced thousands of deaths and large scale destruction by not surrendering to a superior military force? Think about what happened in China. Is that what you wish had happened to Thailand? IMO they did the only sane thing in the circumstances.
  8. How many deaths and how much destruction are worth not ceding some territory? Given it was probably not advantageous to Thailand to vote for the resolution, abstention IMO was the best option as China would not be pleased if Thailand voted for it. I guess they had to balance America against China, and China won. After all, IMO America is hardly going to punish it's best ally in SEA for abstaining.
  9. In your opinion, but you can't know that. The Chinese connection is strong regardless of the government. Anyway, I doubt that any type of Thai government cares about the opinions of farangs.
  10. Plenty of countries ( eg Burma ) doing the same sort of thing, but those countries getting exercised over Russia seem rather quiet on them. Has your country condemned Burma in the UN?
  11. Perhaps you are unaware of the strong connections between Thailand and China. As long as China is not going to condemn Russia it's obvious to me that they are unlikely to do so.
  12. Seriously? LOL. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council Following the 1943 Moscow Conference and Tehran Conference, in mid-1944, the delegations from the Allied "Big Four", the Soviet Union, the UK, the US and the Republic of China, met for the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in Washington, D.C. to negotiate the UN's structure,[18] and the composition of the UN Security Council quickly became the dominant issue. France, the Republic of China, the Soviet Union, the UK and US were selected as permanent members of the Security Council;
  13. Whatever is the policy, which is decided by the government in accordance with international treaties.
  14. Unidentified witness describes moving boxes that could have contained documents about anything. Conclusive evidence of a crime, not.
  15. Founding member of the UN, and anyway it's a talk shop for a lot of fairly unpleasant countries. Are you suggesting evicting any country that doesn't measure up to your requirements?
  16. Is not printing money the reason we are in the financial doodoo already? Too much paper/ plastic money in the system.
  17. They will be safe in Rwanda where they can have their hearings to determine if they are genuine refugees, or economic migrants. IMO the UK version of Australia's successful operation to stop the boats from Indonesia.
  18. Err, the Native Americans on the whole did not welcome immigrants, especially after they saw what happened to the East Coast native tribes.
  19. Are you saying the Australian policy of isolating them outside the mainland hasn't worked? Far as I know it's been a success, and the boats stopped. Of course it took political will to make it happen. Something apparently lacking in the UK and the USA.
  20. Perhaps time to build solar powered desalination plants along the Californian coast. Proven technology, so just needs political will and money. Riyadh in Saudi is supplied with it's water by pipes from desalination plants on the coast.
  21. From google quote Does Lake Mead supply California with water? Lake Mead, which gets its water from the Colorado River, is a very important source of water for Southern California.25/07/2022 end quote.
  22. I have no idea but I'm certain there are as many intelligent species as stars in the sky on a dark and moonless night. For all any know they are clouds of electrified gas or silicone like blobs floating in a sulfurous sea.
  23. Perhaps not such a lucky country any more, and I expect NZ to follow down the tubes given the wasted billions by present ( but hopefully not too much longer ) government. Chickens coming home to roost methinks, and we are in for a dismal time. Of course miracles can happen- time will tell.
  24. Looks like Southern California is in for a drought, and perhaps lack of electricity as well.

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