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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Would those attacks not have occurred before Putin threatened the nuclear option? Game has changed, and for all we know, Putin is looking for an excuse to use nukes.
  2. I'm glad you included "If I was to make a guess" in that.
  3. You miss the ( IMO ) weak point in that argument, which is if Ukraine attacks Russia directly, it's likely to receive more than low yield nukes in return.
  4. Seems to me the latter is winning for a few decades. Has there ever been a year without war somewhere on the planet since the 60's?
  5. That's just one area, not the whole city, and because ( as in the OP ) a large number of wheelchair users live and work there.
  6. The soi that I lived next to off Buakhao was lower than Buakhao, so every time it rained there was a flood up to m'bike axles. It was quite entertaining watching the guys on m'bikes that thought they could get through by going really fast into the flood ( they couldn't ). I doubt they fixed that yet.
  7. I don't think stupidity is increasing per capita, but as the population grows there will be more of them.
  8. Tradition is the bedrock of society. Without tradition we are just a collection of individuals going along our own path. IMO the loss of respect for tradition is why modern society is failing. PS I'm not referring to evil traditions such as human sacrifice or slavery.
  9. You didn't mention Fantasea. According to google it's still open. I stayed one night to visit it, but I had no desire to live there. Prefer either busy like Pattaya, or really quiet like Than Sadet. Kamala was neither one nor the other.
  10. I can usually work out if I want to live somewhere within a day of staying staying there. I don't need to live there to know. I didn't even need to get off the baht bus in Pattaya the day I arrived for the first time to know that I was going to like living there.
  11. Actually that's not hard if one is allowed to work. I stayed at a hostel till I found a rental, joined an agency within a week, and started work immediately.
  12. First class cuisine, West End shows, first class tourist attractions, awesome night life. All of which is very expensive. You apparently assume HE can afford that lifestyle for HER. I had to choose between west end shows, first class tourist attractions and holidays in Thailand. LOS won.
  13. I'm not surprised she left if that's how you think. I doubt there is any legal action you can take other than divorce.
  14. Sadly I did give in, but at the time the government was making it just too hard to live without surrendering, but at least I waited till an alternative to the "newtech" pfizer was available, and I didn't take the "booster" soon as they gave in and cancelled the overly authoritarian dictat. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/new-zealand-links-26-year-old-mans-death-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-2021-12-20/ New Zealand authorities on Monday said they had linked a 26-year-old man's death to Pfizer Inc's (PFE.N) COVID-19 vaccine after the person suffered myocarditis, a rare inflammation of the heart muscle, after taking his first dose. The death is New Zealand's second linked to a known but rare side effect from the vaccine after health authorities in August reported a woman had died after taking her doses.
  15. Sadly not everywhere else. Some of us have governments that are loath to give it up, and had to be dragged into reality. I believe China is still trying to "eliminate" it, which IMO is not possible. That horse bolted long ago.
  16. Ah, the lightbulb moment has arrived. Up to me such provisions would never have been instituted anywhere, and we'd likely have been back to "normal" over a year ago.
  17. Russia hasn't, far as I know, been in a major conflict since they pulled out of Afghanistan. Any military degrades if not used as I can say from experience after western involvement in Vietnam war ended. The US on the other hand has been involved in almost continuous conflict since they went into Afghanistan. You reckon they are not maintaining their nuclear capability?
  18. Followed shortly by the elimination of London and Washington. How is what you said going to "solve" anything?
  19. You seem determined to say that the Chinese could easily invade Taiwan. I disagree.
  20. Which probably leads to nuclear war. No body wants that as lose lose for everyone. At the moment it's probably just talk, so hopefully no one decides to see if he's serious or not by attacking Russian territory. Personally I doubt they would, but one remembers Dr Strangelove at a time like this, and unintended consequences.
  21. Yeah, and 20 or so baht at amphur office.
  22. Try going to the office for an uncontested divorce first. Get translations of her documents though. You can always go for the family court if that doesn't work out. 20 or so baht works out better than thousands for a lawyer.
  23. If such farang men exist, I'm pretty sure they don't post on this forum, or hang out anywhere I did. I never saw one that fit that category, ever, in all my decades of being in LOS.
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