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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. LOL. Chiang Mai has the worst night life scene I ever experienced in Thailand. It's normal there for few customers as was the case before covid when I lived next to Loi Kroh Rd, near the boxing ring bar beer complex. It was so rotten I hardly bothered going there. For the real deal it's Bkk or Pattaya, period.
  2. Yes, they have to listen, but they do a long uni course to be able to offer some insight to the person they listened to. I've been to other psychologists that actually did their job, so IMO the NHS one was just lazy. Hopefully more and more people will rebel against the pressure of the official narrative, and stick again to good old values like love, friendship, compassion, honesty etc You dreamer you! The human race has IMO become "lemmings" addicted to the new god of technology/ science, endlessly chasing the next fad, such as man made climate change, multiple gender silliness, PC and wokeness. None of it makes them happy though. Way too many out there looking to be offended at anything and angry at everything.
  3. but you can't KNOW that, can you? People write all sorts of things on here.
  4. Of course it's millions and millions and millions. It's been going on for farangs since the 1970s. I was around the farang bar scene a long time and most girls were as happy as western girls in a boring factory life would have been. Also, what factory girl gets paid to lie on their back and also given free meals and holidays at the beach? I hope you are not saying that western girls on a one night stand with some bloke they met in a pub are more fulfilled by their sexual experience than a Thai girl getting waaaaay more money than she would working in the rice field having a one night stand with a farang?
  5. I very much doubt he is deluding himself, and you have no way of knowing what he really thinks. IMO it's just your opinion based on your bias against sex paid for at the time ( instead of with houses and cars etc in a marriage ).
  6. Brilliant and incredibly sad. Many have sold their souls for technology, and got nothing worthwhile in return. This is surely the age of plastic people. The great irony of course is that I'm communicating this by technology to people I've never met and never will meet, and by tomorrow my words will be consigned to the dustbin of history. I try to balance my use of technology by having an actual life, but the dark side of the force is strong and I'm a weak mortal.
  7. As few times as possible since early 90s.
  8. Indeed. Whatever we love to do, the opportunities often occur infrequently, so seize the moment and make the most of it. I think I have done that in my life as much as possible.No regrets about such times.
  9. I take it that's satire.
  10. Do you buy women drinks and dinner/ flowers/ boxes of chocolates etc in the expectation of sex?
  11. I doubt he was referring to hookers in the UK. More likely girlfriends or one night stands.
  12. IMO it's interesting why guys that are opposed to prostitution are convinced that sex can't be great if it's paid for. Perhaps they are trapped in marriage to a frigid woman and are jealous that anyone else can enjoy sex.
  13. I did some jobs that should have been wonderful, but unfortunately the bully managers ruined them. Seems to me that the sort of people that want to become managers are often bullies. I knew many charge nurses on wards that didn't like actual nursing, so became managers and bullied those that did want to do nursing. Not all by any means, but even one bully is one too many. Try and "positively" think how one can love a job when the managers are making life hell.
  14. Speak for yourself. Millions of happy farangs disagree. Do you reckon that a western guy that loses everything to the ex wife in a divorce didn't "pay" for whatever sex he got during the marriage? You reckon a guy buying a woman lots of drinks/ dinner isn't expecting sex after?
  15. Strictly speaking that's true. The girls work on the "escort" model, where the guy pays for their time, and they choose to do the hokey pokey as a favour to the guy. So no direct payment for sex. The escort scene is often found in western countries.
  16. I refer only to the farang scene in Thailand, The Thai scene and drug addicted hookers in other countries do not concern me in any way. You are indeed wasting your time if trying to convince anyone that actually knows about the farang scene in LOS that it's "bad".
  17. I think my bar was higher than most. Many nights I bar hopped from Walking St to the bar beers beyond Dolphin roundabout on Naklua Rd looking for Miss Rightforthenight without success, and had to settle for less. No wonder when I found Miss Right I'd keep her for the entire holiday. I was lucky in that Miss Right only turned into Miss Bigmistake twice. Helps not to be wearing beergoggles when choosing.
  18. Sometimes the house owners are worse off as rates are rising at ridiculous rates.
  19. IMO a large cause of rising prices has to do with immigration. Most western countries have lots of immigrants, all requiring somewhere to live, and sometimes the country isn't building enough houses, as I can attest to. Far as I know, Thailand doesn't have a large number of people immigrating to live, as they sensibly make it hard to get citizenship.
  20. While I do not live in the US, the situation is the same where I live, so I hope for the bubble to burst so that all us poor people get to rent a decent place to live in.
  21. Having sex with a Thai woman while she was watching tv would probably have been more exciting than sex with my western female partner. I used to wonder why love/ sex in movies was so much more passionate than what I got, till I realised they were being paid to fake it.
  22. Ah, Fair enough, but I wasn't generally happy with what was available. The good looking ones I talked to were only interested in ST. I also liked that if I had a problem with one, I knew where they worked.
  23. How do I ever survive without one 55555555555555555555555 ( I don't have one )
  24. Those are called "manga". OP must be very young not to know what people did before the phone mania began. As for Thai people, they did what anyone else in the world did without the stupid phones smartphones, except they seemed to have far more public phones available than in any other country I was ever in.
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