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Everything posted by keithkarmann

  1. Something long and thick, she wants one of those big salami sausages 1000 baht from Makro.
  2. I would not recommend the driving school my wife used as they told her to accelerate when approaching the traffic lights on green.
  3. I guess road safety is not a concern the rest of the year.
  4. Pleased they accept responsibility for this incident without doing the normal Thai thing and trying to blame someone else. Now I just want them to admitt they are doing the wrong thing and keeping my flight money for four years and two months instead of quoting bankruptcy for the delay in returning my hard earned cash.
  5. Sorry for jumping onto your posting but if converting to the 800000 baht and doing away with the 65000 per month I would still have to bring in more than 65000 baht. So my question is to reduce any possible tax which may be levied, would it be a good idea to split the monthly input in two, sending 50% in my name and 50% in my wife's name? Personally I don't think they will tax income that has already been taxed but there may be a difference between the tax paid in my home country and the tax levied in Thailand.
  6. Never seen them going slow, I thought the bus drivers were a protected species.
  7. I believe something lacking in the brain department.
  8. I guess we can greatly expand your thoughts.
  9. He sold land in Bangkok worth 600 million baht when he gained power, maybe it is under the bed.
  10. Pressured by the money lenders who loaned the money for their flights?
  11. Nothing new there then.
  12. I usually keep my baseball practice kit in my car for road rage incidents. Bit do not normally take it into Macdonalds.
  13. Obviously funding their expansion using my flight money which they have had the use of for the last four years and not refunded yet.
  14. All that sugar is not needed, that's why the sugar tax has been increased. Many cases of diabetes due to too much sugar. I always ask for my iced coffee with minimum sugar.
  15. You seem to have everything covered, just have plenty of money available as the UK is very expensive now.
  16. Thais are never wrong. They are taught that at a very early age.
  17. Is it too much to ask you how much you paid for the hernia op?
  18. Had my inguinal hernia op at Si Samrong government hospital last year and that cost close to 19000 baht including five nights. Am ready for another hernia op and will have no problems going back to a government hospital again. But I will get an estimate from Rajavej hospital as that will be more convenient.
  19. That would be the end of tourism Worldwide.
  20. Then all the pizzas and coffees will be C.O.A. (cold on arrival). Not condoning the delivery system but by limiting their speed it will restrict their income and increase the chances of customers refusing to pay for cold food. Having said that Thais are built for speed and they have no idea how to drive slowly.
  21. This was a police headquarters, why no proper training, do they just hand out hand guns to the officers willy nilly? Just to control traffic offenders.
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