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Posts posted by malt25

  1. On 10/20/2018 at 4:25 PM, Proboscis said:

    In Cambodia they have several places where they put teenagers with big social problems. The programs are run by ex military guys who take no shit from anyone. Sometimes the families become afraid of the teens as they get access to the drug culture and then gangs and guns. We are talking middle-class spoiled kids here.

    So you are suggesting the OP sends the bad boys to Cambodia ?

  2. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    You really need to see a dentist for advice on options for your specific situation. Anything people here, who are not dentists and have not examined yoh, suggest will be at best guess work.

    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Sheryl, you beat me to it. Major dental issue & asking for advice here on TVF. I could understand if the query was about recommending a good dental clinic. Maybe if OP cares to tell us his/her location some recommendations might be forthcoming. 

    Just a thought.

  3. This isn't intended as a flame or put down. I'm genuinely interested in sensible replies.

    Ok, you are a Brit. Your income is say, via a social security payment or pension. You have 2 or possibly 3 other sources of income from investment, share dividends or maybe property rental.

    Do you expect the British embassy either directly or via outsourcing, to do whatever administration that's necessary to verify your income ? Personally I feel you are asking a lot & can understand the embassy's non issue of said document in the forthcoming future.

    Being an Aussie, I only have to get a statutory declaration, that I have filled in the content, witnessed by my embassy, verifying MY signature. When applying for my extension based on retirement, I present said statutory declaration as well as Australian bank statement showing pension payment. I also present Thai bank statement showing transfer from Oz to Thailand. I also have at hand, but have never needed, copy of broker transfer of funds from Oz to Thai bank. Job done !

    Is there any possibility of this income verification method working for yo guys ?

    I understand that the Thai immigration can, & possible will move the goal posts for many of us in the future. But until that time comes, we can only play by the rules as we know them.

    Interesting times ahead.

  4. 1 hour ago, crazykopite said:


    That’s all well and good but immigration clearly states that you have to have a letter from your embassy to confirm your income It doesn’t matter how much you bring in a month they want a letter of confirmation from that persons embassy.

    Not quite correct. The Australian Embassy only certifies that it's actually "you" who have signed the letter or statutory declaration. It's irrelevant what "you" have written. BUT, if you have made a false statement on said declaration, you could be in deep shit with both Aussie & Thai authorities. So inasmuch, the Aussie embassy wouldn't know or care what you have written. Only that it is signed by the actual person making the declaration.

    • Like 1
  5. 30 minutes ago, gaviny said:

    Best you bring cash in with you on the plane..maybe $100grand is a bit too much to carry but take what ever you comfortable with.I usually bring around a fifth of that .

    Sent from my SM-N9200 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    So, he just needs 5 trips to get his 100K here. I think the cost of the trips & associated expenses might offset any gain in exchange rates & fees. Just a thought.


  6. 19 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    One post attempts to define the state of mind when one is depressed as being caused by a "cause and effect" process, which to me clearly indicates this person has no idea about it.


    The gist of it was basically someone has done something and the effect is depression, and in doing so seeks to lay the blame at their feet i.e. they have become depressed at what they have done and its outcome.


    Depression can strike anyone, at any time and it is not necessarily caused by something somebody has done; worry can cause stress over what someone has done, but depression in its real form is something completely different.


    No amount of analogies about this or that, will change that fact, and as yet we have no idea as to the background of this young man so to, in effect, lay the blame at his feet for something that he has done, is premature to say the least.


    Mental illness or depression is not easily explained to those who have never experienced it.


    Very well said.

    A little of my story, for anyone who might be interested. I battled the Black Dog for most of my life. Fortunately, over the past few years the condition is being more understood & somewhat accepted. My condition was caused by a chemical imbalance & unfortunately wasn't diagnosed until I was 50. I had no specific stress issues. I just couldn't handle excessive pressure & as a result fell into a hole. The older I got, the deeper & darker the hole. It cost me several good jobs & relationships. My parents didn't understand but always supported me to the fullest. My condition must have been agony for them. I was convinced I was going mad.

    Just prior to my 50th birthday I was fortunate enough to be observed by a MD in a running club where we both were members. The doctor noticed my mood changes & other indicators "something wasn't quite right". I had tried diet & fitness & mingling with new people as a form of therapy. I hated my life & tried everything I could think of to somehow improve my situation. Nothing worked. After a few long slow runs & in depth discussion with the good doctor he prescribed medication. I've now been taking it daily for 20 years & will continue to do so until I drop off the perch.

    The medication has been a life saver for me. In my early 50's I began to travel, alone. Before the medication there were long periods I couldn't leave the house. I often look back on my life & wonder how different it could have been. But, the past 20 years I'm a different person. I'm outgoing, positive & have traveled solo to places I only dreamt about in my previous life. Oh, & I've relocated to LOS.

    I won't go into the "cause & effect" argument, other than to say... it sounds like something from a 60's or 70's medical journal trying to diagnose or justify male depression. Possibly an academic attempting to justify his or her government financial grant.

    I'm happy for anyone to contact me if I can answer any questions re this subject.

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  7. 16 hours ago, Tchooptip said:
    9 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:


      9 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

    You're probably going to make fun of me, I do not really like to kill anything, so when I have to kill ants I tell them I'm sorry, like when I cut tree limbs I say to the tree I'm sorry but I have to! :smile:

    I'm afraid it's people who kill without worrying about anything that needs therapy. All life is respectable, the less evolved men have never understood it.

    But as I'm not here to judge others they do what they want I take care of my life not that of others. So I practice like that and you, kill everything you want.????

    You must have a hard time mowing your lawn. Thousands of deaths every step you take.

  8. 12 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    I don't believe in god but if one believes in karma or rebirth one wonders if you glue trap users will come back as mice?  I believe the Thais have a word for it. 

    I don't believe in reincarnation, & I didn't when I was a frog !

  9. 1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

    the whole country is awash with the cheapest poorest quality Chinese garbage and no one here has a clue about how horrible it all is. 


    I stopped looking for anything of quality in this country years ago. Home Pro, Global House, Thai Watsadu. All the same shit. You can't even buy a garden hose here that is not crap.


    OK, I feel better now. :clap2: 

    Na, ya don't really ! Me thinks ya need a few beers & then you may feel a bit better.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

    You're probably going to make fun of me, I do not really like to kill anything, so when I have to kill ants I tell them I'm sorry, like when I cut tree limbs I say to the tree I'm sorry but I have to! :smile:

    Have you ever considered therapy ?

    • Haha 2
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