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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 3 hours ago, Shot said:


    Glad I could help.


    When you decide on an insecticide, you should carefully read the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) to be sure your product choice won’t have an adverse reaction with a painted surface, as some of it over time may find its way down to your car.





    Thanks for that. Thought of most of the people safety stuff but never gave the affected paint a thought. Might be worse than the insect & gecko crap in the tong term.

  2. To me, & I'd suggest many, "dinged" means, get hit, guilty, cop a fine. Dinged, as in dented, damaged.

    An educated opinion, really.

    Here's a bit of education for you.

    "Urban Dictionary: dinged

    Top Definition. dinged. To get rejected, usually from a graduate school. "Man, I got dinged yesterday. The decision letter came in a small and thin envelope.".
  3. 18 hours ago, Shot said:

    ^^^If you keep a light on in the carport at night, shut it off and the problem will be solved.


    Would you be good enough to contact all the bugs & geckos that infiltrate my "dark" carport each night & let them know your words of wisdom. I tried telling them in English, no luck. Maybe they only understand Thai ?

  4. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Death is too easy an out for them. They should be put in jail till they die. How could the judge allow her to be let out, ever?

    I do not agree they should be put in the general population, as that would make society as bad as them. Solitary for the rest of their lives to think on what they did.

    "Solitary for the rest of their lives to think on what they did."


    Me thinks you & I must come from a different planet. These creatures carried out this depraved torture for 15, yes, that's fifteen years, and you think they'll somehow become remorseful while living in a comfy Aussie prison ????

  5. 13 minutes ago, Daffy D said:

    Many various surface sprays available as shown in your picture.


    As far as I'm aware all the cans with those extended nozzle sprays are for surface spraying only and not for air spraying.


    If any of the aerosols don't work try this stuff. It's not an aerosol, you have to dilute with water and can then use one of those pump up spray bottles to spray it around where you need.


    It's pretty strong stuff so best ware a face mask and rubber gloves. 

    Ant Killer.jpg


    Thanks for that. I want to try on the beams, rafters, in my carport. Get lots of bugs & very small geckos crapping all over my car. Thought some type of surface spray might deter the little buggers.

  6. Hello all.

    I'm looking to buy aerosol cans of insect surface spray.  There's plenty of the normal aerosols, to spray on flying, crawling bugs. So far haven't been able to locate any surface spray. If you might be able to provide a pic of a relevant product would help.

    Thanks in advance.....     Cheers.....     Mal.

    Kill & Protect High Performance Crawling Insect Killer

  7. On 10/14/2016 at 5:50 PM, how241 said:

    Thanks for your suggestions but I always have had bad luck growing or caring for potted plants ... My balcony is very, very small and doesn't really get much sunlight ... I really don't mind buying them if I can find them ... When in the USA, I see nice arraignments in most flowers shops but not here in Pattaya so far ... Also I would like to buy a mixed arraignment that contains several different types of dried flowers...

    Why not buy a bunch, or several bunches of fresh flowers. Once you've enjoyed the fresh flowers, let them dry out & you'll have dried flowers.

    That's what I'd do.

  8. 4 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    And you believe that should not be pointed out?  We often make decisions we regret due to lack of information - a forum is the place to help people avoid by providing such cautions to be sure they are aware of all factors.

    56,000 posts in about 13 years, an average of about 10 posts a day !

    Ever thought of getting a hobby ? Oops, you have a hobby. Posting.

  9. 8 hours ago, JLCrab said:

    Why should Trump accept the election results? From the UNLV debate transcript:


    "I’ll tell you on other thing. She shouldn't be allowed to run. It's -- she's guilty of a very very serious crime. She should not be allowed to run. And just in that respect I say it's rigged because she should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with e-mails and so many other things."


    See -- the whole thing isn't legit because she should really be in jail and if she were in jail then she couldn't be running or maybe even allowed to vote! (Except she isn't in jail)



    Hillary mightn't be a legitimate contender, maybe she's a criminal. But, on the other hand, Daffy Donald is obviously insane & should be committed to the appropriate institution. 

    Like some recently said, you guys get 50 candidates for Miss America & just two candidates for the most powerful position on the planet. The best you can come up with is Hillarious & Daffy.

    GOD save the world.

  10. 10 hours ago, Mekong Thunder said:

    More like trying their hardest to detach you from your money?The whole thing stinks I honestly wouldn't touch it with a barge pole if I were you!

    You sound like a bitter & twisted bloke. We've all been burnt in someway by a female. Get over it, move on. Not every Thai girl is a gold digger.

  11. Mornin all. Some assistance please.

    For a start, I'm of the older generation & not all that IT savvy. But, I can usually make my way through stuff. Please keep any technical replies in easy to understand language.  :-)

    I've recently read  something about internet TV, I know nothing about this. I'm wondering if my current subscriptions for internet, TV & phone service might be upgraded/improved. Currently have Truevision TV, dish. Great reception. 3BB landline internet, wifi box thingy, again no problems. Also AIS phone with internet. Happy with this.

    Re the TV. I follow the Australian NRL, V8supercars. Also enjoy several other movie & docco channels. Not at all interested in soccer, American football, basketball or baseball.

    Re the phone internet. Mainly use this for Aussie radio when I'm driving. Bluetooth to car stereo.

    So, given the above, can I improve, change what I have, to improve services & maybe reduce cost ?

    Happy to elaborate further if needed.

    All advice, suggestions very much appreciated.

    Cheers.....     Mal.

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