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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. Can't you cut them into smaller pieces and cook them separately?
  2. Yes, exactly. In my previous message on this topic, I neglected to mention that this same trip that cost 201 baht with Grab and 126 baht with Bolt cost me only 100 baht with a normal metered taxi when I took one home from Mega when I had a lot of stuff to carry. Now though, I mostly take the bus, which is very comfortable - and runs from just in front of my condo right to Mega for just 20 baht.
  3. I just checked the price to go the six kilometers from my home to Mega Bang Na right now with Grab, and it is 201 baht, while Bolt is 126 baht. Maybe that's why Bolt is not on the approved list.
  4. That reminds me of a comment made by one of my past Thai girlfriends when I caught her lying about something. She said, and I quote, "What's wrong with lying? It's so easy." So if that's the general mentality here, we shouldn't be surprised when they lie.
  5. He slowed down at first because he thought he had hit a dog, but when he realized that it was "just" a farang, he concluded that it wasn't necessary to stop.
  6. I don't know. Did she? And if you are suggesting that others in the party were also involved, please provide evidence of that. Even then, I think it is highly unlikely that the entire Tory party was involved. Or are you saying that they were?
  7. At your (condescending) suggestion, I referred to the top of the thread to find an indication of the topic, and what I found was a mention of one specific person who engaged in corruption, which you expanded to include her whole political party - which, strictly speaking, is beyond the topic of this discussion. You did this because she is from the party that you do not like. I then expanded the topic somewhat to suggest that there are corrupt politicians in every political party. Do you - or do you not - agree with that point? I don't expect you to answer my question because you would never admit that your fellow socialists are anything but pure and honest. So I suppose that this is the point at which you will try to get this thread closed - and possibly even get me suspended - for engaging in the crime of "bickering". That's what you usually do when you can't win an argument.
  8. How COVID Became the Path to Global Financial Surveillance https://dailysceptic.org/2022/11/18/cbdc-how-covid-became-the-path-to-global-financial-surveillance/
  9. Were you not implying that your preferred party is somehow superior? In any case, you do not get to decide what is discussed here. But your attempt at censorshipary is noted.
  10. Right, only one party is honest - and it just happens to be the one that you support. Ha.
  11. I just hope that you - and others who think like you - are fully vaccinated.
  12. Mine was just approved today, four days after I applied, and I applied 10 days before the due date - for what it's worth.
  13. Yes, of course. That was the point I was trying to make. I'm glad that at least one person was able to see that.
  14. When something is both dangerous AND provides ZERO benefits, it should at the very least not be mandatory - if not banned altogether.
  15. Or not soon enough? My understanding is that if you file online, you have to do it between 7 and 15 days before the due date. This was told to me by the lady at the Immigration Bureau - in Thai - so I could have misunderstood her. But to be safe, I just filed mine yesterday, 10 days before the deadline. I am still awaiting notification of approval (or not).
  16. Whenever my wife is on a diet, she cheats. She hides chocolate around the house, then she shags other men.
  17. Yes. That's him. Thanks very much. I didn't know who he was.
  18. If the market would be able support higher hotel prices, the prices would already be higher. And when the market is able to support higher prices, the prices will rise. For being a billionaire, this guy is not very bright.
  19. I watched a brilliant interview about this on Instagram last night. A guy said something to the effect of, "You don't get your own pronouns, just like you don't get your own prepositions or adjectives. If you get to choose your pronouns, I get to choose my adjectives. I identify as handsome and brilliant - and that's how I demand to be addressed." The bearded young woman who was being interviewed with him was left speechless.
  20. And what about you? You weren't able to keep your trap shut. I just hope you're fully vaccinated.
  21. I am about to renew the lease on my condo. Today I asked the building manager what would happen if I signed a three year lease and left after one year. She said I would lose my deposit. I asked if I would have to pay for the other two years of the lease. She just laughed and said of course not. I suspect that this is the norm in Thailand - and in the rest of the world. As I said, that's what security deposits are for.
  22. As an example, I was able to use the Vivino app directly on this picture, which I hadn't thought of before. The app gives it a rating of 4.3, one of the highest ratings I've ever seen, especially for a wine that is not that expensive. This result is from 75 ratings, which is something else that needs to be considered, just like with hotels. (The more ratings the better.) And people who are usually experts in wine also give detailed comments about each wine.
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