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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. Masks are not useless for everything. But they are useless for preventing the transmission of viruses: https://cnsnews.com/commentary/dr-jim-meehan/surgeon-destroys-myth-if-masks-dont-work-why-do-surgeons-wear-them
  2. You are aware that these "vaccines" don't prevent the transmission of COVID, right? So given that, why should you, or anyone else, care if other people are vaccinated?
  3. The Chinese want to come to Thailand, not because Thailand is cheaper, but because they want to flee China. They know tyranny when they see it.
  4. So, you are willing to listen to logic - on every subject EXCEPT the so-called "holocaust"? I could debunk that sham of a story in just a few paragraphs. But what would be the point, because you have already firmly made up your mind on that - and only that - issue. (Not to mention that I would not be allowed to post my thoughts about that on this forum.) Don't worry though - you're not alone. As it happens, the "holocaust" is the only (alleged) event in human history that is illegal to question - in many countries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_Holocaust_denial But let me ask you: Making it illegal to question something - does that sound like something someone would do if they were confident of their story? To me, it sounds like what people would do if they were afraid of having their lies exposed. And as for your comment about shooting all homosexuals: It's very courageous of you to oppose such a thing, but do you know of anyone who has proposed to do that? If not, then you're just virtue signaling.
  5. Do you really think that this is about combatting environmental degradation? It's about forcing us all into small spaces in a few cities - to make it easier for them to control us. I hope there are not many people in the world who, like you, think this is a good idea.
  6. There are no "collective" rights - only individual human rights. Governments don't grant us these rights. They are ours by nature. If the (one-world) government decided that there were too many people in the world and that to protect the environment - or the "collective" - it needed to eliminate some/most of us by killing us off with a "vaccine", would you consider that to be acceptable? I mean, sometimes we have to sacrifice the rights of some for the collective, right? I would normally say that the government does not have the right to remove you from the planet for the benefit of the rest of us, but since you think it's OK, I would be willing to make an exception to this principle in your case.
  7. Climate deniers? Who denies that there is a climate? I agree that there is a climate, and that it's very likely changing - as it has since the beginning of time. I maintain, however, that there is no "climate emergency", and whatever happens to the climate will be easily manageable by our very adaptive species. I won't wish that climate alarmists like yourself be sent to the moon because, if you are really vaccinated, as you claim to be, then nature will deal with you accordingly - to the benefit of mankind. I also notice that you assume that a world government is coming. I am not the least surprised by that, given that your opinion on just about every topic is anti-freedom/anti-human rights. But I ask you: Is there some reason why you think you will fare better under this one world government than the rest of us? Are you perhaps hoping to get a job in that new world government as their chief propagandist?
  8. But the whole point of the vaccines is that they were supposed to prevent serious illness and death - not to mention the original claim that they would stop the transmission of COVID. So if you can still die from COVID after being vaccinated, and you can die from and be injured by the vaccines, then who in their right mind would get vaccinated voluntarily?
  9. 5,000 baht fine? That's more than he would have paid the woman. In fact, for that money, he could have had a hotel room and at least two women. Let that be a lesson to us all.
  10. Of course the officer asked for the "facilitating payment" AFTER you completed the survey saying that you were not asked for a bribe. Then if you complain later, they can say, "But you said you were not asked for a bribe!" Something similar happened to me on a boat tour in Vietnam once. The boat rowers were known to really pester tourists for a "tip" at the end of the tour, which put a lot of tourists off. So just before the end of the tour, the rowers handed out a questionnaire that was essentially the same as the one you mentioned, asking if the rower had asked you for a tip. After saying no, the rower hinted, "Since I didn't ASK you for a tip, would you consider giving one voluntarily?" So I think the whole purpose of those questionnaires is to get a tip anyway - while making it seem like it was your choice to give the tip.
  11. According to Thai thinking, having a Thai wife would enable a man to live for less - because his wife can help him avoid being cheated/paying farang prices for things. A single farang doesn't have this advantage, so he needs more money.
  12. If he had gone downstairs to pick p the food, how did this "woman" leave the building without passing him on the way out? Or did she go out the window?
  13. This is exactly the opposite of what we have seen in reality. Prosperity has in fact increased with the increase in population, as paradoxical as that may seem. And with increasing prosperity comes the ability to take better care of one's environment. Sri Lanka is a good example of this. Now that it's economy has been destroyed, its environment is going to be destroyed. Starving people think about survival, which means they will kill every animal on the island to eat to survive, and burn every tree for fuel with which to cook.
  14. You don't happen to work for the Chinese Communist Party, or Anthony Fauci, do you?
  15. If that's how you feel about your fellow human beings, you could always kill yourself. That would be one small step in the right direction.
  16. Not in the US. Even if you entered the country illegally, you can vote (for the Democrats) and get lots of free stuff - paid for by the US taxpayers. So I would suggest that he get himself over to the US - pronto - and all his problems will be solved. (As long as he's not White.)
  17. I don't think there is an English version of that site. I just use it to see the prices, which you can see by just scrolling down a bit. The current buying and selling prices are 29,450 and 29,550 baht, respectively. Just memorize where those prices are on the screen and you will know which prices to look at whenever you want to check the prices. They also have an app that you can use to check prices on your phone.
  18. Right. If I were a burglar, I would go right for the safe too. That being said, I did buy a good, expensive Chubb safe - and had it bolted to the floor. So hopefully that will help. I would sure feel like an idiot if I had this good safe and I kept my cash and gold hidden somewhere else in my condo - and they found it there. Ha. I have heard that the best place to hide valuables here would be in a book, as Thais would never look inside of a book. Anyway, I'll keep thinking about my options and hopefully be able to outsmart the burglars.
  19. Here's where I buy my gold: https://www.huasengheng.com They have a branch in the Seacon Square shopping mall on Srinakarin Road - and probably elsewhere as well, but this is the branch that I use. They are very reputable - and are always full of customers buying and selling both gold jewelry as well as gold bars. I only buy the 5 baht gold bars, which have their own logo, purity and weight stamped on them, so it's very easy to sell the bars back to them. They have a miniscule spread between the buying and selling price for these gold bars - a 50 baht difference between the buying and selling price on a ca. 30,000 baht price during the week, and a 100 baht difference on the weekends. So a five baht bar would cost 147,750 baht right at this moment, and if you were to sell that same bar right now you would get 147,250 baht (due to it being a weekend now.) The price changes by the minute according to the world gold price. I buy gold not to make money, but to try to preserve the purchasing power of my money during these tumultuous times.
  20. I also had a problem trying to get a safety deposit box at my bank to keep my gold in. The bank where I have had my savings account for the past ten years told me that I would either need to keep a deposit of five million baht, or buy insurance for a couple of million baht - to qualify for a safety deposit box with them. So it would cost more for me to open a safety deposit box than the value of the gold I would put in it. I looked at the website at the above link, and at first glance it looked promising. However, there is one thing about this place that I find unsettling: They also offer (fairly expensive) insurance to insure the things that I would keep in the box. Anyway, I will visit them - and ask them if any customer of theirs has ever taken out this insurance - and had to make a claim on it. If their boxes are broken into often enough for their customers to need insurance, then maybe I am better off just keeping my gold in my own safe at home.
  21. Maybe this is the solution, because I never pay in advance and I've never had a problem with Kerry deliveries of Lazada purchases. So no delivery, no money, and no problem for me. Well, no problem except that I don't get the item I ordered. But at least I'm not out any money.
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