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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. I got it. It was fairly basic sarcasm.
  2. I guess that makes me a friend of yours!
  3. Ha. At first you said that there was no evidence that Fauci takes vitamin D, and after I provided the evidence, you are now saying that you hope he cuts down his use of it?
  4. I once tried to explain to a Thai girlfriend what a UFO was after the subject came up on the TV news. Starting from the O at the back, I told her (in Thai) that "O" means "object", or "thing". Then I told her (again in Thai) that "F" means flying - "bin". So far so good - it's a thing that flies. But the most important part is the "U", which means "unidentified", which means that "we don't know what it is". So putting it all together, a UFO is a "flying thing that we don't know what it is". Her response: "But we DO know what it is. We know EXACTLY what it is: It's a UFO." Ha.
  5. Vitamin D is free - from the sun. And you don't think vaccines are big business? Ha.
  6. Actually we will see exactly the opposite: They will invade Taiwan to deflect attention from their collapsing economy.
  7. I have never seen a woman whose appearance was improved by tattoos.
  8. From the perspective of a taxi driver, there is no downside to trying to renegotiate a fare en route to the destination. In his mind, the worst that can happen is that he'll get the originally agreed fare. So as a passenger, it's up to you to shift some of the risk back to him. I did that once with a taxi driver in Cairo, Egypt, on my way from my hotel to the bazaar. We had agreed a fare of 10 Egyptian pounds. Halfway to the bazaar, he turned around and said to me "15 pounds!". After a brief moment of panic, I responded "five pounds". He just laughed - and said "OK, 10 pounds." They need to learn that renegotiation can go both ways.
  9. That's 100,000 baht a month. That's about how much I spend when I'm NOT in a coma.
  10. It looks both delicious and healthy. Can you provide a detailed recipe - particularly regarding how you get it to be so smooth and thick? (I am also a low-carb eater.) Thanks.
  11. This is the main reason why I eat 95% of my meals at home. Restaurants are in business to make money (which I understand and accept). So that, combined perhaps with their ignorance about the dangers of the cooking oils they use, results in them using the cheapest/unhealthiest oils possible. I care more about my health than I do about the convenience of eating food cooked by a restaurant. So I usually eat at home.
  12. Why would that make him feel better? He's trying to convince people NOT to get vaccinated - so they can AVOID such side effects - and much worse ones.
  13. At least none that you know of. And there won't be - since the "vaccines" are known to be safe and effective, right? So any injury will be attributed to something else.
  14. Right. Exactly. If it was as rare as they say it is, then it would be very unlikely for any of us to know anybody who has been injured by the "vaccines". And yet you (and I) both know people who have been injured.
  15. Yes, really. And your response shows that not only do you have no clue about economics, you also have trouble with simple arithmetic. Either that, or you are just being deliberately deceptive. (Please let us know which one it is.) Here are the numbers that you presented: 1.9 trillion covid relief bill 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill 53 billion dollar chips bill 700 billion dollar inflation reduction bill These add up to USD 3.853 trillion. You said that the chips bill was only recently signed into law and that the inflation "reduction" (ha) bill has yet to be ratified. So of this total of USD 3.853 trillion, 3.1 trillion, or roughly 80% of it, has already been created out of this air and distributed. But then you suggest that because the remaining 20% has not been distributed yet that government creation of money out of thin air could not possibly have anything to do with the inflation that the world is experiencing now. The fact is that 3.1 trillion dollars is a HUGE amount of money. And when that amount of money is suddenly injected into the economy, with no corresponding increase (and an actual - and deliberate DECREASE) in the amount of goods existing in the world, then serious inflation is inevitable. I await with great interest your attempt to weasel your way out of this.
  16. I'm guessing that you never studied economics. These are precisely the things that are CAUSING the inflation that the world is experiencing now.
  17. You wouldn't happen to be the president of the Chiang Mai Transport Mafia Union, would you? And if you're not, why would you so strongly support an obviously inadequate transport system?
  18. I am happy to use it on rare occasions late at night when the regular bus system is not operating. But I don't want to have to rely on it as my main means of transport. Is this an acceptable explanation to you?
  19. I live in Bangkok, which I think has a great public transport system. I can get to just about everywhere I need to on very comfortable, frequent buses, as well as the BTS when I'm in the city center. And when I'm out late at night when the buses aren't running anymore, then I can used one of the many fairly priced normal metered taxis, or Bolt. So the problem is not with me - or with Thailand. The problem is with Chiang Mai.
  20. Since a man's gotta eat, he should think of ways to earn money that don't offend the people who provide his income.
  21. So you think it's reasonable to have to rely on friends and neighbors and taxis to get around a city? What about a public bus system, as is the norm in cities of that size?
  22. I would love to live in Chiang Mai, but the main reason I refuse to is its complete lack of a modern/fair/reasonable transport system. So they allow the transport mafia to win, while everybody else loses out.
  23. That's what happens when the left-wing, mainstream, corporate media has lost all credibility - with its bought and paid-for fact-checking sites.
  24. Whenever I hear that something has been "debunked", that's a sure sign to me that it's true.
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