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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 21 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    You do not live in the UK and visit maybe for a few days a year so have no Idea what its like anymore and just read headlines and not read the full story.


    I on the other hand do spend up to 10 months a year there only fleeing to avoid the cold.


    I do not see any of these problems and I am out travelling every day to most cities.


    1 event is not a daily occurrence. I can visit where I want and never get trouble, someone said on here the other week that there are parts of the UK you cannot visit after 8pm because they are Muslim what a load of rubbish.


    So many state things and have not even visited the old country in years, so have no idea, many do not even have a vote in the old country. Which you have to renew every year.


    Stop reading the headlines that are designed to get you to buy the paper or stay on the website, read the story they are often very different.

    Im afraid baerboxer is correct concerning London..it is on some sort of danger warning Red to bright pink panic level, because of muslim terrorist attacks. I moved out of London many years ago because it was getting a little unpleasant.   Mind you, I believe Her Majesty's Government .. is just as dangerous to the UK citizens.

  2. 12 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    A room at the Nirun can be as low as 4,000 a month but my older friend owns his own large studio , has balcony etc and very airy with fans so doesn't use Air con 


    I plan on buying a studio either in the Nirun or flybird next year but I'm going more for Flybird as it's walking distance to most things .


    dont need cable TV as I prefer to watch things on my iPad and buy a monthly prepaid and don't watch much TV 


    one of my friends buys those cheap noodles 8baht and cooks up some broccoli or carrots with it in his condo using the portable stove he just boils or steams  his veggies and adds the noodles 


    he has never been healthier since moving to Thailand and eating much better , he lives on approx 35,000 baht a month but owns his own studio condo over at the flybird

    You have done your research well, silly me did'nt, but somehow I survived..many don't.

  3. 2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    Good Taste is something acquired. And good taste can be expensive if one appreciates a better product particularly when it comes to processed or manufactured foods. Some inferior products pass the good enough test. Dairy Queen is not one of them. But hey! Fill yer boots!

    I fill my boots with natural grub, anything processed or manufactured is not good.

    Which proves none of you 'aint got no tashte'.

  4. 1 hour ago, Cranky said:

    Stereotyping Thai birds is harsh, but fair.  It's a bit like calling all British Leyland cars crap, whilst it is mostly true, good ones could occasionally be found.  You just had to watch out for bullshit mileage, knackered boxes on the Maxi, the Allegro's saggy suspension, Austin Princesses that looked good but fell to bits from day one, the pig-ugly but reasonable workhorse Montego and the scary as hell Dolomite Sprint (A decent brand till Leyland got hold of it).  


    Everybody starts with a Mini, they have many experiences to report, mostly fantastic fond memories as they've had nothing else to compare it with being full of the joys of their first motoring experience. Totally unfazed by constant boiling over, awful reliability, rotten to the core under the shiny surface, leaks everywhere and terribly difficult to get rid of, basically nothing but trouble. They would often find out that the "one careful owner" as advertised was total BS and it had been thrashed to bits. Most owners smile on reflection but never, ever get a second Mini.


    Now and again you would find a real bargain though, I had a great Morris Marina, true it had been touched-up many times and had a fair bit of body-filler with a lot of miles on the clock but it was cheap to run as it didn't drink much and nobody would dream of nicking it.  Sadly, I didn't like being seen with it so I traded it in for a brand new sporty job that bought nothing but grief.  It went like a rocket but cost a fortune to run as it gobbled fuel, needed new tyres every five minutes and everybody wanted a ride in it.  Ended up giving it away rather than fill it up again.


    In the market for something different now, think I'll rent a pick-up.

    Try a Citreon 2CV.

  5. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    I understand where you're coming from, but I have absolutely no desire to shop at markets and I wouldn't, even if everything was priced and everyone was honest. I buy too many other things when I'm on a shopping spree once or twice a week, including a lot of imported meat and other imported products. Local fruit and vegetables at a market would only account for a fraction of my bill. I get a lot of discounts at Big C Extra. This week I spent 3000 baht and got 650 baht in discount coupons. How can you beat that? I also enjoy eating at clean mall restaurants, or having a coffee or ice cream, shopping for hardware etc. It's an occasion in air-conditioned comfort. I like to make mundane tasks like shopping moderately pleasant, if at all possible.

    Well, I give up,  My Thai wife does the same as you..even down to the ice cream, [ground floor Big C].

  6. On 21/10/2017 at 7:25 AM, tropo said:

    Thais" that try their damnedest to rip me off because I'm not Thai and can't speak their language. If my wife was Thai, that would be different, but I wouldn't be going with her.


    I like shopping at Big C Extra, Friendship, Foodland and Central. There are plenty of hard working Thais employed in those supermarkets, that I support by shopping there

    Living in a Thailand, unable to speak some Thai, I can understand you may get ripped off sometimes, but Thais are generally honest, even generous folk.  I speak rubbish Thai,  sometimes it makes them smile or giggle..with that result, you are unlikely to be swindled.

    Thais working in foreign supermarkets will be on basic wage, and the profits will go abroad..I believe in helping Thais, out of respect, for allowing us into their country.

  7. 7 hours ago, Mark mark said:

    Yearrr, Thanks Mate !!! ... And GOOO for it !!! ...  But well, do not tea Leaf any thing from the bars or Duty free at SavanaBumi right ? ... Like they have security Cameras out there, that apparently must work !!! ??? (Ps, I am 5' 7" and 97 kg so well, trying Really hard, not to be seen as a Potato sack my self, ... Very few Full length mirrors in my House Right !!!)  ...

    Good thinking mate...'Potato Sack' is now in my repertoire


  8. 2 hours ago, tlock said:


    I see alot of this sentiment on TV.  It's not very common in the US to look down on poor people like that, I think maybe it's a European thing?

    It is a very English thing dating back to their invention of the Class System, Snobbery, the Oxford accent, and the public school. This obsession with class has subverted reason to produce a nation of eccentric nuts.

  9. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:

    is this the cheap Charlie forum ...  ?      geeeze ......  how do you guys ever get a Visa.

    It is shameful not to be rich, one can only sneer at them, and remain aloof.

    I can't imagine why you are on this low class topic!

  10. 2 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    I never pay more than 20 baht for market veg. It's a 20 baht shop everything like tomatoes, cucumbers and the like is 20 baht. But fruit is a bit tricky sometimes.

    Yes, quite right, If one shops where the less well off Thais shop..everyone is happy.  If one is a regular, the Thais get to know one, so be prepared for a little banter,  which does not occur in Tesco.

  11. 2 hours ago, tropo said:

    Yeah, and shop in air-conditioned comfort in a clean environment, along with a far greater choice... and where the electronic scales work, rather than rounding up to the nearest 1/4 kilo or so, and then rounded up some more to the nearest 10 baht.

    GreedyTesco has too much expensive GM and imported radiated food.  Why not support your local hard working Thais?

  12. On 22/09/2017 at 6:07 PM, AloisAmrein said:

    Minimum salary in Thailand is 300 Baht per day, so if working 27 days per month they get 8100 Baht. And even not all get the minimum pay, specialle cheap workers from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. So many Thais and foreign workers live with about half of the "cheap way".  Would like to see him living this really cheap way.

    My wife earns 300B /day...she is not keeping me in the style I'm accustomed to.

    There is no doubt living in Pattaya is not cheap, but it is most enjoyable to go round the Thai markets and select some amazing vegetables/fruit and make a cheap nutritous meal yourself 'keenio style'.

  13. 16 hours ago, Mark mark said:

    Thanks for the Discussion, I think that BKK is not that dangerous, as most people here say, and well, the cops are just the Cops. ...


    Things are not getting much better with them anywhere, the Population pressure stepping up, as we slowly fill up the whole world, so that there is not spare room left ... and Human beings being Human beings, ... they all try to carve their Little Piece of the world out. ...


    Yes the Rose coloured Glasses of the 80's ???  …  Well, I think that it is a LOT better here now !!! ... Like my stories of how safe I feel here, are from NOW, not the 80's ...


    My 80's stories, go something like, so drunk that I nearly fell on the Policeman’s table in the Restaurant, and knocked their drinks over, …. And when they said "Hey Folang, do you know who we are" … I just said,  “Yes !!! Sure I do”, .... And staggered out of the open fronted place, and just managed to get on my Motorbike, and rode Home .. …  But well yes, No rose Glasses, I am 64 now, and have stopped drinking, even though I do live in Thailand !!! ... And well that REALLY has made it a MUCH better Place for me, … and well, I probably will live a bit longer now also …..


    So Please excuse my Just trying to tell you about it, Enjoying Life, and not worrying about the cops or the other Dramas … that are just …. Human actions results of the environment, …. And just to be factored in ??? Within reason, …. If you actually want to Know about, and enjoy Life  

    Hi Mark, I'm a 'potato sack'. and still giggling.

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