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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 1 hour ago, amvet said:

    That's like saying a doctor is a person who can pass medical tests which is of course true but doctor's are also people who know how to heal and save lives or in other words like a person with a Masters an expert in a particular area.  A person with no education and jealous of others with education usually belittles others who have invested many hours and dollars to better themselves and make the world a better place through knowledge. 

    Like Dr. Jeckyl.

  2. 1 hour ago, hyku1147 said:

    1. Magna Carta 1215 – setting out why every man should be free under the law, innocent until proven guilty, and why the King should have to take advice from others.
    2. 1533 Statute in restraint of Appeals. England peacefully shakes off foreign legal controls and jurisdiction by Act of Parliament, asserting independence
    3. 1588 Defeat of Spanish Armada England stands up to the European bully power of the age and wins despite large imbalance in populations and wealth
    4.1623 Publication of Shakespeare’s First Folio – colossal literary and cultural achievement
    5. 1688/9  Glorious Revolution and Bill of Rights – Parliament establishes proper controls over executive government and the King
    6. 1805 The UK defeats France and Spain at Trafalgar, starting to lift the threat of domination of the continent by force of arms by the allied powers.
    7. 1837 The UK abolishes slavery and offers the example to the rest of the world. (Act of Parliament 1833)
    8. 1851 The Great Exhibition demonstrates the brilliance of the UK industrial revolution
    9. 1928 Equal votes for all women and men
    10. 1940 A lonely UK wins the battle of Britain which starts the liberation of Europe from Nazi domination.




    Now, I hope that your advanced mind can  absorb the meanings of these truths.

    I will only concede on one, Magna Carta, but even that is slowly being distorted and whittled away.

    The other 9 are irrelevant..[in my most humbled opinion].

  3. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    YOU said

    You're the bloke who was banging on about having your girlfriend trim your toenails. Can't imagine where I got the slavery idea from.

    which implies that she did it because she was a "slave", not because she wanted to. My ex did it without me even having to ask. She used to take off my shoes too. What does that make her? A devoted wife or a misused servant?

    Your relationship is symbiotic.  ie. Healthy

  4. 3 hours ago, EcigAmateur said:


    Of course some people are smart here, but a lot less than in civilized world, and also, most of the time the smart ones do not seem to hangout with foreigners...

    And before you talk about what you do not know, my girlfriend has a PHD and I only date women who have at least a master degree. Still waiting for one that I could call smart.




    So you regard the west as 'civilized' ...you need to think about that.

    Nietzshe regarded highly qualified, intelligent, Plus Ultra people as 'scholarly oxen',

  5. 3 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

    Guess again - Asians finish on top of the IQ scale....I'd upload info but th TVF uploader isn't working right now.....


    There are many bright, smart, & successful women here....Most of us are elsewhere when it comes to meeting & getting to know them - or even about them.....


    Not to be confused with "educated"..... Thailand isn't churning out useless degrees in numbers like the western education industry....


    Right now black women seem to be topping out on the "most educated" lists....

    The perfect reply Sir. It does'nt take long for for any 'uneducated' Thai lady to outwit any farang that thinks he is smarter than a Thai.  The only decent thing England has given to the world is Footy, and swear words.

  6. On 15/10/2017 at 9:38 AM, owl sees all said:

    I picked up a girl in Essex one day. After a few drinks she said "Owl dear, I want you to take me back to yours and make mad passionate love to me."


    I said OK "but I've got a pet at home that always sleeps on the bed."


    "Oh I don't mind that" said she.


    We got home; ripped each others clothes off and leaped onto the bed.


    "Watch out for sniffy the snake! He follows me everwhere."


    "A <deleted> snake!! I'm not laying next to a snake." She was adamant.


    But I nuzzled up to her and soon she was moaning in ecstasy.


    "Oh Owl, you are so big and strong."


    "I'm not even ready yet love."


    "Well, I've changed my mind about your pet."

    Buy a bag of chips for an Essex girl, and she is yours.

  7. On 15/10/2017 at 9:17 AM, dick dasterdly said:

    To be fair Bazza's comment about Thais being "cleaner" may be partially correct as they're less likely to tolerate pets on the bed?


    One of those odd things that whilst I'm close to OCD when it comes to washing hands etc. - I've no problem at all with pets on the bed!

    I assume they are two legged pets...can I watch?

  8. 4 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Bringing it back into orbit of original post .. what I could never get a bird in Britland to do was sit on the floor to eat .. they always insisted on sitting at the table .. And never did I witness a Western girl do that part standing part balancing act on top of the toilet whilst using the ringpiece revolver mentioned in a few other contributions herein .. Westy girls just sit on the khazi and if there's a bidet available some will try and wash their hands in it afterwards .. 


    Right mate, My first meal with my wife..I sat on the floor..she was amazed.

  9. 6 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    The mayonaise issue calls for a compromise.

    In the positive Brexit negociations spirit.


    How about fries should be eaten with mayonaise - but the British can add sugar to it, while Europeans (...) will eat fries with proper mayo?


    And the Frogs can call it FRENCH fries. But I would expect a counter concession for that of course. Maybe handover French Polynesia to Belgium, after all Jacques Brel is burried there.


    As for your problem with soixante neuf.

    Try a virus scan on google, it may have been infested with a religious virus.


    Looking forward to do the tamuree on Belgian soil,





    I heard a Chinaman say that he 'like eat flies too'.

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