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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. There will be one cash machine and an enormouse boring que, just to complete the the assault course of entering an unstable military cockup. I prefer a holiday in Grimsby this year.
  2. Got the Thai Linguaphone tape stuff many years and got bored. 10 years later got the CD Linguaphone set, got bored same. Crossing a road with the missus, I spoke some Thai and she sat down in the middle of the road paralized with laughter. Thai language is like learning Cockney Chinese.
  3. Yes, I had a positive test last year, and nothing happened. Had a negative test last week, and I had a runny nose for a whole day. I must be antisympanmatic or something, how queer.
  4. Fear not, there will be another convarient until everyone is jabbered, or sees the light.
  5. I spoke Thai to a lady, she replied 'You speak very good Thai, but we do not understand you', in perfect english. Hotdamn! Have you ever felt stupid?
  6. 1. Understanding the missus. 2. Understanding quantum mechanics. Similar things really.
  7. The high-ups all round the globe know what they're doing. Most of us get our 'rules' from the 'trusted' old covid-telly, also known as the idiots lantern.
  8. Thai Skint Theory: The rate of brown envelopes is maximized close to the edge of chaos to continue spending at all costs.
  9. I'e already done that, when I got nicked, 1000B thankyou.
  10. Why doesn't the government shut their shop, Covid doesn't seem to bother them.
  11. British ladies on the other hand, do have a certain subtle charm.
  12. My one has a hole it, I can see right through it, I hate it.
  13. Genderwise, I indentify as a fully vaccinated frying pan. Is anyone slightly interested?
  14. Yes, it produces a concave view of underneath a bottle, I think.
  15. A bunch of Thais, friends or family, hopitable, noisy, and hilarious, they're all nutters, love 'em.
  16. Agreed, but the climate has been changing for 4 billion+ years and will continue changing until it incinerates into the sun, and theres bu&&er we can do about it, but as you say, use our home as wisely as we can for the time being.
  17. Mans brain is too big, too clever, too stupid, it will be his downfall. Life prebronze age is the only way mankind can survive with nature. Or become extinct and let animals rule the world without waste and ridiculous consumption.
  18. I feel it would have been fair that all the brave souls who took part in the vaccine trial should have been paid £4000 as normal.
  19. Where are the 'fewer wars'? Ha ha. Where are we on the Dooms Day Clock? Those of the majority of the world suffering from hunger and poverty will have a slightly different opinion of astrophysics $billions.
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