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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 50 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    And how would not being in the EU have mitigated that problem?

    I have to say, that is a good question.

    Our only advantage out of the EU is that we wont

    have to bale out the ECB and other EU banks when

    the Ponzi bubble pops.

    An ideal UK, is where we could regulate our own

    banks and financial industry, Zero % interest is the

    cause of poverty vs rich getting richer.

    But we have a Tory government where 1 in 4 come

    from the financial sector.  

    Another reason is that out of the EU we stand a

    good chance of not getting dragged into any

    conflict they may have.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, bomber said:

    thing is it wont take much for the UK to fail and fall into recession 2 days of snow and it registers a blip,the seeds are all set,barely any growth,battered currency,companies queing up to leave (yes some are bluffing but many are not) JC and Labour ready to stroll into power,massive govt and household debt,basically its about donald ducked,more chance of quasimodo pulling a stunner than Britain getting better with brexit

    Now you have given me the donald trump.

    You are right considering the fragile state of

    the UK economy, it has been in decline for ages,

    in or out of the EU the decline will continue,

    be aware that Greece is the EMF economic

    model for the EU future.

    Out of the EU we could consider adopting

    the Chinese economic system.

    Stick the finger to the EU and US.

    Meanwhile eradicating the deep state community

    and their puppet UK gov.

    Replacing it with an honest democratic government

    of people for the people.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, tebee said:

    The European Commission will at noon today publish its preparation plans for no-deal Brexit. Here are some highlights based on early info:


    1) UK nationals residing in other EU countries will from 29 March no longer have the right to live/work there - in their words, Brits will not be given any special right to stay on the continent. But the Commission will ask member states to prepare national laws to allow them to stay for now, so they’re not immediately expelled.

    It’s up to national capitals whether they want to do this

    2) The Commission will put in place some sector-specific emergency arrangements, but these will be very limited in time and scope. 

    They include emergency arrangements to stop planes from being grounded, and measures for financial services to protect money flows.


    3) The key thing that will be stressed for all transition arrangements is that they are temporary (will last only until the end of next year) and can be cancelled unilaterally by the EU.


    4) This proposal will need to be approved by member states and the European Parliament before MEPs leave for election campaigning in March.

    That leaves just 2 months for this legislation to be considered and approved - which would be record timing.



    The lack of EU-level guarantee for UK citizens to remain in EU will raise eyebrows.

    Commission is asking EU countries to replicate what May is offering at national level for EU citizens in the UK. 

    But as far as EU is concerned they will be considered “third country nationals”



    No problem eat your passport and claim asylum.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, HalfLight said:

    Of course you are. And so (apparently) is your reputation for good English skills


    Another example of Uneducate people.


    Translation from Thainglish: Please keep coming and giving us your money, 'safe' does not include cheating and scamming, naturally, we'll still do lots of that.


    That's a good point, so can you recommend a safe

    place in this world?

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