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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 41 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

    More of Joe Bish on Pat Condell (plus Hard Brexiteers to a T)

    " White cropped hair, a marked, red and white face, an English flag of a man, fluttering gently in the breeze of his own BS....he is the physical sum total of every old, opinionated right-winger who likes to pretend they care about anything other than their dreadful musings......There are thousands of Pat Condells up and down the country..." 

    The old Dalek has developed a nasty squeak,

    sounds like the wheel's coming orf.

    • Like 2
  2. 31 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    I am sure you don't mean to spread fake news, nor are you an idiot


    These are a group of 38 academics out of over 200,000.


    It is thought that over 90% of academics are pro Remain. I posted a link previously.These people are outliers and Trotskies to boot


    Clearly you are NOT an academic....

    From the Guardian...to give you an insight into the

    irrational behavior of these 'learned' remainers.

    We can assume you are an academic then?


    For starters, mental health issues for PhD students are so common, they could almost be considered part and parcel of the qualification. Recent research has found that over 30% of PhD students develop a psychiatric condition. This is a higher rate than for people working in defence and emergency services, which is about 22%.

    If mental illness occurred at the same frequency in any other sector, the authorities would be demanding immediate reform, under the threat of litigation and permanent closure.

  3. 2 hours ago, Grouse said:

    "ordinary people!" Opines a 69 year old Cambridge professor! Haha!


    38 out of over 200,000 UK academics make up this little Brexiter group. That's less than 0.02% of academics! You all know what that means don't you? They are statistical outliers! Just the same as climate change sceptics and flat earthers 

    Academics are usually disconnected from reality.

    Being educated doesn't mean that one has wisdom.

    Here's to a hard Xmas for Grouse...






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  4. 13 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    BUT remaining will be massively better for our economy and will be good for the EU for many reasons

    I believe you are right in that we would be good for

    the EU, as we have been for some time.

    I can not imagine how another tier of autocratic

    expensive government would benefit the UK.

    The EU has already caused too much chaos to countries

    within the community, that should be warning bell.

    The UK needs to unfettered from foreign influences

    and someone needs to enter parliament with a sword

    like Cromwell, and clear the b'stards out.


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  5. 2 hours ago, My Thai Life said:
    3 hours ago, sandyf said:

    For a truly global Britain, we need the Government to enhance specific support for small exporters to reach new customers and to negotiate ambitious UK-specific trade deals with large and emerging markets.

    Yeah UK banks are not fit for purpose, only 3.5 percent

    of business lending by UK banks went into our

    manufacturing whilst 60 percent went to financial

    intermediaries like private equity funds.

    Wheres the government when you need it?

  6. 48 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    By any rational analysis, remaining in the EU is the best option


    We should change the EU from within; I think we have many allies now.

    The UK economy is knackered. The EU economy is knackered,

    so we remain, is your 'rational analysis', why? 

    The best way out of this is to be independent from the EU, 

    our government must cease being subservient to the banks,

    I cant see the EU allowing that if we remain.

    UK Banks must be brought to heel and regulated.


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  7. 44 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    if you should manage to Brexit,

    white Christmas and a sound lifestyle is waiting,


    here a snippet from wintertime life outside of EU





    A snippet from inside EU.

    Nearly 600 homeless people died on the streets or in temporary accommodation in England and Wales in 2017, up 24% in five years, according to the first government figures on the issue



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