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Everything posted by 2008bangkok

  1. You cannot always blame the parents, I know first hand as my 16yr old is an absolute nightmare, basically does what he wants despite my attempts to stop him. Me and the wife are divorced now and he is meant to live with me but I try any type of disapline he just runs of to her house and doesn't come back for days or even weeks. For me it's Thai society and lack of punishment from police and also schools not doing there job aswell, for example the school where my son goes is stacked with motorbikes, cannot tell me they all have a license, but schools don't care. Cannot be that hard to implement something like register the bike with the school, show them a valid license, give them a sticker from the school and no bike without that sticker can ride the into school premises
  2. Man this is up there with weird reading articles
  3. Everything is worthless, but relies on what the person who buys wants to pay.
  4. Some.going that is to reattach a persons hand,.well done to surgeons, doctors and nurses👏👏👏
  5. might aswell just say don't give to beggars as our own people will scam the beggars
  6. The real Gs are those who haven't missed a day in 26 years and counting.
  7. Staying with a mother and baby until 1 year old is admirable, it's not father is it, they won't even remember the interaction. And like the article says, he then left, now you cannot do that as a real Dad can you
  8. Yeah, all seems a bit creepyish. Maybe the mother remarried since and somebody else brought her up. Some bloke turning up who the mother was with for no longer than 2 years 40 odd years ago, for me is creepy. End of the day a women you fall in love with or marry who has a kid already they are a package, as soon as you split with the mother you finish with the kid. Brutal and unfair but that's the way it is in my book.
  9. Yeah totally misleading, seems was just a bloke who fell in love with a women who was already pregnant then left after 1 year, so wasn't the father and didn't raise her either, then left. So what's the point in it all.
  10. Crock of <deleted> as a father myself
  11. Crock of <deleted>, you cannot enter the border and get a 1 year permission to stay for a starters
  12. Generally speaking most Banking apps will only let you use it with the registered mobile number which is checked everytime you start the app, there is an option to use wifi but if you turn that option off then you can only use mobile data which check the phone number using the app.
  13. Why not? Most of not all are 2fa so why you have no confidence?
  14. They should fire the headmaster for sure, bully the poor hey. They are already paying him less than minimum wage which I believe is about 350 baht a day, so that's over 12k a month
  15. The article makes it sound like the workers are slaves, so weird.
  16. If his sentence was reduced to 20 years, the maximum under Thai Law how was his original sentence 50 years. Confusing!!
  17. Probably Thai, don't wear a seat belt Incase the car sets on fire, ow man
  18. Well technically speaking the kids are meant to go to school withing a small proximity of the house, so as another poster said walk of you cannot afford it or sell the bike and get a bicycle They all seem to be able to afford those. If the kid doing it without knowledge then chain the wheels.
  19. Yeah bit far for walking but yes , we all had to do that back in the day like ungrateful kids nowadays who are lazy Keep telling my kids I did a paper round all week, 2 on a Sunday and a milk round mate on a Saturday before.
  20. Depends where they live in relation to the school, my son gets a Bolt bike and it's 50 baht each way
  21. I know this stretch of road and they could do with more lights. Saying that how can you not see a person, I disagree with prosecuting the parents unless they willingly let the girls drive the bike. My daughter does the same despite my best efforts to stop her I will get reports of her being spotted on the back of her mates bike which is very worrying. One thing they could also do is to stop anybody who doesn't have a license from driving into school and as a fair few use a bike to get to school. My son at 15 has just started at a college and there loads of bikes in the car park, no way they all got a license so strict enforcement from schools may ensure that kids get a license aswell as parents keep driving to drum it into them how dangerous it is. I will not allow my son to get a bike ATM even though he is constantly pestering me I make him get a Bolt taxi to school
  22. Just the mere word of "Corruption" in the article presents a red flag
  23. Looks like it's for under 6s so what's that got to do with combat drugs
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