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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. I do believe the original post is total nonsense ! People are making much more than they were years ago, easily witnessed by the fact that just about everyone is well dressed with designer jeans (why someone would pay extra for a pair of jeans covered with holes completely evades me), has an extremely flashy smartphone, and the country is as stable as it has ever been. When I first came here waitresses in Bangkok were making 35 Baht a day ! Canberra obviously hasn,t got a clue what it is talking about sad.png

    Seems to me that the yuppie population ( designer jeans with rips) have more money than ever. Note the number of new cars on the road especially high end, BMW, Merc's, 4WD suped up speed demons, Harley D's. How do they do it if not on higher incomes than a few (short) years ago.?


    Drugs? Mafia? HiSo's. Not a single simple Thai labourer can afford this, not even the middle class me thinks.

  2. Indonesia went through same financial crisis in 97 as Thailand did, yet they are cited as having democracy now. Hmm I wonder how they did it?

    "The people of Thailand dont currently enjoy the high incomes or political freedoms to which they aspire...." Aspiring is one thing, work is altogether a different matter.

    There is no REAL democracy in no country these days. Fool (not you) to think that free elections are democracy.

    The EU board is not elected by the crowd, no, they are appointed. Look at America; would one call that a democracy 2day?

  3. I do believe the original post is total nonsense ! People are making much more than they were years ago, easily witnessed by the fact that just about everyone is well dressed with designer jeans (why someone would pay extra for a pair of jeans covered with holes completely evades me), has an extremely flashy smartphone, and the country is as stable as it has ever been. When I first came here waitresses in Bangkok were making 35 Baht a day ! Canberra obviously hasn,t got a clue what it is talking about sad.png

    You'd better take of your pink glasses

  4. The problem with Thailand is internal, the last two coups have wrecked the place, too much interference by unknowledgeable people meddling in things that they simply do not understand, such as politics, the economy and ordinary people.

    As for the Baht, the Bank of Thailand is artificially keeping it high. The government believe that a weaker Baht would suggest weakness instead of thinking that a depreciation of the Baht would help boost exports etc.

    Sorry to burst your balloon, but it is not the Thai government that has anything to do with this. It is the world banking agenda that's been fooling us for years.

    Get your cash from the banks while you still can. Money is just not backed and once the shit hits the fan, the banks have no money to pay their 'clients', read victims.

  5. Its obvious the writer of this piece need a re-education visit to the nearest camp

    Baht is only holding because of high season and the flow of all the FX buying baht ....its wont be long now giggle.gif

    What high season do you mean? Not the current tourist season right? and not the bad economic situation right?

    It's all a game. Are sure the writer needs re-education or..

  6. La nina expected coming in March which causing massive flood.

    Always helps to add a link.


    World globalists are now making an attempt to control El Nino and his sister. These two do just as they like and that's not appropriate according to them (the globalists)

    They feel they loose face after they control almost all of this world, don't they.

    The weather is the ultimate free one. Euh...controlled by the universe probably

  7. Let's see now: They just recently added a 'security fee' to airline tickets. They increased entry to tourist attractions/parks to 10x what Thais pay. They want to increase Visa exempt entry from 1000 to 2000 Baht. Now this, what's the word I'm thinking of - oh yeah, greed. What's next, charge for air? smile.png

    "What's next, charge for air?" That would go down really well for folks living in Chiang Mai who get poisoned for 2 months every year..coffee1.gif

    Make that 6 months or more. Has already started this month. 6 months people in the suburbs cannot or hardly see the Doi Suthep.

  8. Blood test can't be trusted 100%. My husband had full blood/urine test every 3 months to monitor his prostate/bladder cancer. Results came out were always ok. No particular symptoms or warning signs as well. One day he just couldn't stand up to walk, thought it was maybe due to sciatic nerve pain and brought him to hospital. Was told he had stage 4 brain and lung cancer.

    That's the trouble with cancer, cells can get thrown into the blood stream and they can end up anywhere.

    I'm lucky in that my family tree is relatively (excuse the pun) cancer free, but my FOB tested positive at 53, and I was straight in there for the colonoscopy.

    Turned out to be a benign polyp thank goodness. They even gave me a DVD of the procedure but it's not really my idea of an evening's entertainment.


    In an ideal world everyone would get free comprehensive health checks including MRI's and CAT scans.


    You can always share on TV. Gather we cannot see your face???

    It reminded me of a film called "The Core".


    But here's an example:



  9. Blood test can't be trusted 100%. My husband had full blood/urine test every 3 months to monitor his prostate/bladder cancer. Results came out were always ok. No particular symptoms or warning signs as well. One day he just couldn't stand up to walk, thought it was maybe due to sciatic nerve pain and brought him to hospital. Was told he had stage 4 brain and lung cancer.

    That's the trouble with cancer, cells can get thrown into the blood stream and they can end up anywhere.

    I'm lucky in that my family tree is relatively (excuse the pun) cancer free, but my FOB tested positive at 53, and I was straight in there for the colonoscopy.

    Turned out to be a benign polyp thank goodness. They even gave me a DVD of the procedure but it's not really my idea of an evening's entertainment.


    In an ideal world everyone would get free comprehensive health checks including MRI's and CAT scans.


    You can always share on TV. Gather we cannot see your face???

  10. Blood test can't be trusted 100%. My husband had full blood/urine test every 3 months to monitor his prostate/bladder cancer. Results came out were always ok. No particular symptoms or warning signs as well. One day he just couldn't stand up to walk, thought it was maybe due to sciatic nerve pain and brought him to hospital. Was told he had stage 4 brain and lung cancer.

    Sorry to read this. Makes one to think further, right?. So cancer cells in the blood test are not what they seem?

  11. Symptomatic? When is the time you are symptomatic? If you test at that particular time you are symptomatic? That doesn't work for the majority. You cannot go and check every other month to see if you are symptomatic. Because cancer doesn't hurt in the beginning, you don't even know you might have it untill it is to late.

    Example of symptomatic: Your balls hurt and you find a large lump.

    Your stomach hurts chronically and you put it down to indigestion.

    You find a large lump on your breast.

    All of these can be precluded with simple health checks.

    No-one said you had to have checks every other month, where did you get that idea?

    How often do you check your testicles for abnormalities?

    Sorry, but I am Dutch and the word symptom in Dutch has a different meaning than in Englsh. You might google that up.

    Thus, let's not argue about words and leave the subject as it is.

    And for your curiousity, I have my balls checked every day.

  12. Waste of money.

    If you feel OK why worry.

    Tell that to Lemmy. Diagnosed with cancer, died 2 days later..... sad.png

    You mostly get diagnosed from cancer if you already have it. Then there is hardly a chance.

    So, why you wanna check on cancer anyways. When you check positive....see above.

    You mostly get diagnosed with cancer if you are symptomatic.

    By which time the damage may already have been done (see above).

    Symptomatic? When is the time you are symptomatic? If you test at that particular time you are symptomatic? That doesn't work for the majority. You cannot go and check every other month to see if you are symptomatic. Because cancer doesn't hurt in the beginning, you don't even know you might have it untill it is to late.

  13. Would you trust your health to 7 quids worth of chinese rubbish? and don't believe anything you read in the Guardian it is only good for wrapping chips in.

    I now get my blood pressure checked for free by a good doctor at our clinic every month.

    What a truly brilliant mind are you to set away 6000 years of Chinese medical science as rubbish?

    Poor guy your world must be so small...

    His world is small I guess. 7 quids...but kee niao gets his blood pressure test for free. Since when do docters work for free?

  14. Siriphat Hospital also does a full medical package, cost approx. 7500B

    Are you for real, 7500 B?? Check the post above yours.

    Loi Kroh docter has his own little hospital when it comes to check ups.

    Even Teppanya has to pass some blood tests to Ram 1, but Loi Kroh can do themselves.

    Why should you do the whole range check. Start with blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar. Can do an HIV on the waytongue.png Not offending anyone, just joking.

    Overall I would give Ratchaveij a 9 out of 10.

  15. My pharmacist told me he had to pay for 3 years up front. Prices sky rocketing? Hope not, my life depends on him 555.

    So for a watering hole with actually low profit margins, on beer at least, the rents up there are to high and what fun would it be to sit there in the evening.

  16. >>I sure hope someone opens a cool watering hole somewhere there. Some smooth music and a place where people could hang out. You have to go a long way from that intersection (Maejo Road and the Ring Road) to find a pub.<<

    Don't expect a watering hole in a shopping centre.

    If you are a bit known in the Sansai Noi area/Laguna moo baans, not that far from Mee Chock crossing, you will find alot of watering holes.

    1) Bamboo Bar, owner Jules, accross the 7/11. English

    2) Mum's place near Wat Sang Kayom. All languages

    3) Secret Garden on road from Talaad Sansai towards road 121. Australian

    4) Just after the traffic lights at the 121 and forementioned road there is Tony's Bar. Australian

    5) Sabai Bar close to Bamboo Bar. Mia farang, all languages

    6)....Thai many

    7)....Thai farang not that many

    Edit: I might have forgotten some places for sure, forgive me.

  17. Meechok Plaza is a jewel of a shopping centre. I can park there and get all my shopping done. It has a Thai outdoor market, Rimping, McDonalds's, Subway along with many other affordable Thai, Asian and farang restaurants...all within walking distance. It's now being expanded. There's also a Lotus on the other side of the street.

    I saw a farang there today dressed in suit & tie being shown around the premises by Asian businesspeople.

    Wasn't me, I didn't do it.

  18. He was born rich but I'll give him full credit for being a ruthless businessman. Doesn't mean he should be prez.

    Presidents are ruthless arent they'? Obama, Bush Clinton, Bush, Nixon. Being an artist you must keep up the show.

    Furthermore alot of deniers on this topic and I don't mean about the bible or such.

    Let me guess?

    The Illuminati? rolleyes.gif

    Think whatever you like. Bonusses at the end of the line. Thank .... for internet so people now get informed about the mischieves in the world. You think the Illuminati is a joke? Ok, go to bed, sleep well and don't get bothered by whatever may come over you.

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