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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. One of my problems with Trump is, he relishes rubbing people the wrong way. It's the opposite of diplomacy. In contrast, Obama is adept at being gracious and making visitors feel comfortable and thereby able to speak their minds. Trump is the opposite, he puts people ill-at-ease, so they're less likely to speak what's on their minds. Trump often shouts people down. That also is anti-diplomatic. Shall I go on? Trump is the poster boy for blaming others instead of taking responsibility for things that go wrong. The sign of a really mature person, is to not always have to find fault with someone, when something goes wrong. Trump is the opposite of that, for example, when he blames GW Bush for 9-11.

    There's a story of Mr. Westinghouse, the man who built up one of the largest corporations in America. Westinghouse was strolling in one of his giant shops, where hundreds of men were working on crafting metal. One worker, who didn't know Westinghouse was standing nearby, got very frustrated with his job, threw down the metal piece he was working on, and cursed out loud. Everyone in the building hushed, as they thought for sure the boss would fire the angry worker on the spot. (Trump would fire a person for a lot less than that). Instead, Westinghouse came to the worker's workplace, and gently showed him how to craft the piece he was having trouble crafting. Not in a hundred years could Trump do something decent like that with one of his underlings.

    Look what diplomacy brought us so far. Bad compromises and alot of back door deals all for the benifit of the elite.

    And furthermore, how do you know about Trump. Were you ever an employee of his?

    Diplomacy is a mixed bag. At least Obama and his crew are open and intelligent enough to discuss difficult issues. They got a somewhat workable understanding with Iran. Obama hasn't dragged the US into a new war, but instead spends most of his calories trying to get the US military out of places Bush put them. He's friends with many world leaders. In contrast, both Bushes got us going to wars, and didn't make any headway with Iran. Bush Sr. was bosom buddies with Saudi billionaires - and 19 out of 20 World Trade bombers were Saudis who got most of their funding from Saudis. Compromise is often as good as it gets with diplomacy. If a Republican gets the top job, expect wars, pre-conditions for any negotiations (which result in no negotiations), shouting, anger, temper tantrums and faulty intelligence - which are all Republican hallmarks. And expect rash action, like Cruz indicating he would nuke the Middle East. As quick-to-anger Trump and Cruz are, it's actually Rubio who worries me the most. He's even more rash than the other two, if that's possible, and that's partly because he's so quick to speak and act. Didn't his mom ever tell him, "Think before you act, dear."

    Understand the retorics and keep cool.

  2. Health care. Forget it if it is not a state responsability. Like in Holland all was well when rich people had to have a private insurance and the working class payed a percentage and was covered by the state as the resposible. All went well till the jerks decided that all people should be covered the same by insurance companies. Call it Obamacare if you like.

    You can count on one finger what the result of that was to become. You know, the jerks are bought by the elite, so the pharma and themselves can make more money. There is not so much money involved in bribing the jerks. Many alternarives to feed the greedy jerks. You can come up with ideas yourself so I'd better not put it down here.

    Prices went up, now people have a franchise to pay and the CEO's of the insurance companies bathe in their bonusses. And it goes up and up. Waiting lists as well.

  3. This cannot be possible.

    As you know Mr Hare, me we were informed just recently that there is only one restaurant that serves real mash potato in the entire city of Ubon Rathchathani.

    As a result said restaurant was awarded with the amazing accolade of being called 'The number 1 restaurant in Ubon'.

    How dare you go and try and sully their obviously good name. Next thing you will be telling me us they don't actually have the best Thai food in the entire country and that they never did actually win 'multiple awards'.

    Scandalous. Simply scandalous.

    I love mocking birds

  4. One of my problems with Trump is, he relishes rubbing people the wrong way. It's the opposite of diplomacy. In contrast, Obama is adept at being gracious and making visitors feel comfortable and thereby able to speak their minds. Trump is the opposite, he puts people ill-at-ease, so they're less likely to speak what's on their minds. Trump often shouts people down. That also is anti-diplomatic. Shall I go on? Trump is the poster boy for blaming others instead of taking responsibility for things that go wrong. The sign of a really mature person, is to not always have to find fault with someone, when something goes wrong. Trump is the opposite of that, for example, when he blames GW Bush for 9-11.

    There's a story of Mr. Westinghouse, the man who built up one of the largest corporations in America. Westinghouse was strolling in one of his giant shops, where hundreds of men were working on crafting metal. One worker, who didn't know Westinghouse was standing nearby, got very frustrated with his job, threw down the metal piece he was working on, and cursed out loud. Everyone in the building hushed, as they thought for sure the boss would fire the angry worker on the spot. (Trump would fire a person for a lot less than that). Instead, Westinghouse came to the worker's workplace, and gently showed him how to craft the piece he was having trouble crafting. Not in a hundred years could Trump do something decent like that with one of his underlings.

    Look what diplomacy brought us so far. Bad compromises and alot of back door deals all for the benifit of the elite.

    And furthermore, how do you know about Trump. Were you ever an employee of his?

  5. Yes, expensive. How many servings you think a Chef can make out of that 115 Baht pack and considering a kilo of potatoes in Thailand cost only 30 Baht.

    With standard gross margin calculations your cheap pack will do about 100 Baht per person on the menu, depending on class of restaurant. That is way to expensive.

    Imagine two people eat 115 baht potatoes, that's almost the price of one kilo of pork. Bit out of balance wouldn't you say so?

    Besides, quality is not even close to home made mashed potatoes.

    That 115 Baht pack will make me about 4 - 5kg of firm mashed potato.

    A serving in a restaurant is about 200 gram, that means 20 -25 servings, or about 5 Baht per serving, instead of 100 Baht.

    5 baht is only cost price, so still have to do a mark up. But let's say 15 baht compared to 100 baht is enormous.

    I was going from 500 gram ready MP per serving. 200 is a bit low and I am to high possibly and I was of the opinions that the powder would only double in weight when ready.

    Ok, I get me that Casino stuff.

  6. Yes, expensive. How many servings you think a Chef can make out of that 115 Baht pack and considering a kilo of potatoes in Thailand cost only 30 Baht.

    With standard gross margin calculations your cheap pack will do about 100 Baht per person on the menu, depending on class of restaurant. That is way to expensive.

    Imagine two people eat 115 baht potatoes, that's almost the price of one kilo of pork. Bit out of balance wouldn't you say so?

    Besides, quality is not even close to home made mashed potatoes.

    That 115 Baht pack will make me about 4 - 5kg of firm mashed potato.

    A serving in a restaurant is about 200 gram, that means 20 -25 servings, or about 5 Baht per serving, instead of 100 Baht.

    500 g of potato powder gives that much yield? Sorry, I stand corrected. Hurry to Big C now I guess. Thanks.

  7. Yes, expensive. How many servings you think a Chef can make out of that 115 Baht pack and considering a kilo of potatoes in Thailand cost only 30 Baht.

    With standard gross margin calculations your cheap pack will do about 100 Baht per person on the menu, depending on class of restaurant. That is way to expensive.

    Imagine two people eat 115 baht potatoes, that's almost the price of one kilo of pork. Bit out of balance wouldn't you say so?

    Besides, quality is not even close to home made mashed potatoes.

  8. That is not so hard to believe. Mash potato powder is hell expensive and what do potatoes cost in Thailand.

    Good ones for making mashed potatoes as well and it is in fact the hands and mind of the Chef that do the wonder.

    Some butter, some milk or cream, pepper salt and nutmeg and there you are.

    I like it if the potatoes are not mashed like a pudding. Some bits here and there and you also know that it's made of real potatoes.

    Never use the hand blender.

  9. Norvid... you have my vote. Well said.

    There are many people still not aware of alot of things. They live their lives as they always did and think it is going to be alright by itself.

    Rise to the elite and their proxies. If Donald was only to be half a proxy then still he is the better choice than the other candidates. Half of them or more are/were proxies and the others besides Trump stand no chance against the elite. Sorry, I refuse to talk about that female.

  10. Another useless "survey".

    Thailand already DOES have rather strict gun control laws. The problem is firstly that these laws are not properly enforced (no surprise here), and secondly that the vast, vast majority of guns are not registered and have been acquired illegally (often by greasing a corrupt police or army officer's palms).

    It really is a very dangerous situation, especially when we consider that the owners often have very short fuses, lose face at the slightest perceived or real provocation, and generally have the intellectual maturity of 12-year-olds.

    ++ Spot on. Impossible to bring gun violence down by just outlaw guns.

    Amendment 2 of American constitution is now under scruteny by Obama. That won't help a bit.

    Guns are always available throughout this planet and would you give up your gun? Yes to a cute girl of course.

    The anti gun lobby only suits the governments as they don't like civilians to have guns once they ought to be FEMA'ed.

    We all read about the passport raids in Thailand. Better watch out, there is more control to come.

  11. Midnight is the legal closing time isnt it ?

    Not quite. It's not that bad in Pattaya yet tongue.png

    Depending on license 2am or the whole night (e.g. "restaurant license", disco?).

    But indeed many places will not care to open at all.

    Sometimes quite erratic.

    I must admit my personal closing time is midnight anyway, getting old.

    So either hotel fridge stocked up or use their "minibar" service and enjoy a last drink on the balcony.

    And all alone??...I feel for you.whistling.gif

  12. Except Trump is also appealing to Democrats who are fed up with business as usual, lost jobs, and politicians being bought by special interest groups and even foreign entities. If Trump wins big in SC, he'll "run the table" as he says. After that it will be child's play to defeat either a jailbird or a bum.

    SC is not that important. The longer Trump campaigns, the more the voters with a modicum of common sense will turn off to him. In the past 2 days he has suffered 2 set-backs, both of his own doing. 2 days ago it was talk of suing Cruz because Cruz had an attack ad which showed some video footage of Trump supporting women's right to choose what's right for their own bodies. It made Trump angry because during the primaries, the Reps are trying to appeal to right-wingers. In contrast, when the Reps pick a candidate, that person will try to appeal to the general public, so he will have to be kinder, more reasonable, less of a dick-head.

    The 2nd set-back for Trump in the past 2 days is his clash with the Pope. Any reasonable observer will see that as further proof that Trump is not qualified to interact with world leaders. He's a hate-you or love-you guy who is very defensive (borderline paranoic), very quick to anger and name-calling. Is that what Americans want in the top seat? Well, maybe some rednecks (5% of the populace), but few others.

    Well exactly and that's why the tide needs to change. No bum licking to the Pope. Remember in WWII the pope and Hitler were good 'friends' and try to find yourself some info and pics of the Illuminati Bush clan on audience and getting browny points. Sick pigs.

  13. Big difference being A conservative and A liberal.A conservative would never elect someone being investigated by the FBI.

    A liberal don't care.And sanders saying change,raise taxes even more on wealthy people.When he takes all their money what does he do next?he states free college. No program is free.The money will come from the average tax payer.19 trillion the US national

    Debt and counting.

    I watched the State of the Union speech by Obama. I believe he didn't even mention the state debt of meanwhile 21 trillion. Funny, only small talk and look at ME.

    Yep, long live the Federal Reserve, NOT.

  14. Here's why Trump will probably be the next POTUS:

    "Trump is the first presidential candidate in 50 years who might conceivably: (1) deport illegal aliens, (2) build a wall, (3) block Muslim immigration, (4) flout political correctness, (5) bring manufacturing home, and (6) end the GOP's neurotic compulsion to start wars in some godforsaken part of the world....Trump is like a greatest-hits album." - Ann Coulter

    And before I read another comment about Trump being a war hawk, he was 100% opposed to the war in Iraq and other ME involvement.


    The interview, reported by Buzzfeed, was from 2002 when the real estate mogul sat down with radio shock jock Howard Stern and was directly asked whether he advocated invading Saddam Hussein’s country.

    Trump replied: “Yeah I guess so. I wish the first time it was done correctly.”

    I beg your pardon? That was 13 to 14 years ago. Maybe then you were 13 to 14 years younger as well and probably had a completely different view on things as well.

    If Trump didn't mature, you probably missed your chance also?

    Those days we all got fooled by the shadow government and the statements Powell made on their behalf. See, we have footage, Iraq has chemical weapons. Evidence and false flags all over. Trump as well could do nothing more than believe the facts as he 'believed' the elite. And those days he wasn't into politics.

    So if you want to drag already drowned calves out of the ditch, you are so much old age.

    Note: You see what media and government indoctrination can do with people. We sheeple are no better than the Islamic crowds that believe everything their Imams say on behalf of the great Allah. I asume we might have a bit more brains, but look at people cheering for Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton. Shiffers down my spine.

  15. Browny points in Iran, browny points in Cuba. Obama likes countries with even less democracy than Americe.

    And what a farce, American government was worried about democracy in Thailand after the latest coup. Hahaha.

    No democracy anymore for the world. Shut up, do as we say, pay your interest and tax and be a good slave.

  16. American people better watch out. There isn't any good going for Clinton or Saunders. She is a hawk, he is a prey (for the shadow government).

    Trump is your best bet when it comes to a fist against the elite who are destroying not only America, but same same Europe. Check for the parallels.

    Reagan was a clown too people said. How can a actor (B class) be a good president? Well, he didn't do all that bad after all.

    For any president in America it is very hard not to be directed by the elite and if you wanna try your own thing, you can say hi to the presidents poker club in heaven.

    Trump is your best choice (says this European), but I wonder if he will live the day of the final elections. Be it dead or you name it.

  17. Too many to list each specifically right now (it's late,) but there was a full Blood panel, Urinalysis, EKG, chest X-Ray, Colon, Liver, and Prostate Cancer Panel, etc.

    26 different tests, three of which were specific for women and so not taken.

    Understand that there are other tests which can be asked for, and some of the package tests removed. It's all up to you.

    I have a strong medical background and decided that the tests given in the 'Male over 40 Premium' package was all that I wanted. There is a 'Premium Plus' that includes an Abdominal Ultrasound that I didn't want.

    Happy enough with this! Thanks.

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