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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. Trump also admires Putin.

    If American's want an American Putin ... go for it, dudes. bah.gif

    So maybe you opt for the New World Order.

    Trumps tells it like it is.

    this one is spot on

    Read some more. America is doomed if another president than Trump is elected as 'all' the rest of candidates are proxies of the NWO. 'Politicians' are intimidated, bought and bribed or even eagerly and voluntarily willing to be part of the biggest scam in history. Wait till the next false flag. They think they are smart but as many crimainals they use the same MO; it's almost predictable.

    You got to get it folks. Europe has lost it already; same will happen to America.

    Why are the so called bandit countries called as is? Because they deny to be part of the world banking system and are put aside as bad countries. Funny these are states like N Korea, Iran, Syria, don't you think?

  2. I was speaking about his health.

    Sure, he SEEMS high energy when he attacks his opponents as being low energy.

    But who knows what SHOTS the doctor behind the scenes is injecting into his Trump butt?

    People are raising the health of HRC as legit so this is legit too.

    What exactly is making him ORANGE?!?!

    Yeah, I know the doctorS you mean. Same who are resposible for Lennon, Jackson and so many others who spoke the truth.

  3. This article is nothing more than liberals taking a Trump sound bite, and running with it. Trump has insulted anyone and everyone since announcing his run for the presidency, and his popularity has continued to grow by leaps and bounds. There are a lot of normal people (that leaves liberals out) that are sick and tired of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the liberal imbeciles that support these people. Like it or not, Trump will be the next president.

    If he survives!

    Only his "hair" dresser and doctor knows for sure. whistling.gif


  4. This article is nothing more than liberals taking a Trump sound bite, and running with it. Trump has insulted anyone and everyone since announcing his run for the presidency, and his popularity has continued to grow by leaps and bounds. There are a lot of normal people (that leaves liberals out) that are sick and tired of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the liberal imbeciles that support these people. Like it or not, Trump will be the next president.

    If he survives!

  5. Had some the other day,they were rubbery and tasted terrible,

    I suspect that photo is a handful of British strawberries.

    regards Worgeordie

    Please replace Brittish by Dutch. You know why.

    You are allowed to taste befor you buy, so sum num na.

    I bought many good strawberries already this year. Just know what and where.

    Not cheaper year by year; think Thais found the pot of gold.

    If they would only pick the fruit more gently. Many bruses from picking I experience.

    Those are the bruses you will only see the next day after you already bought them.

  6. I say bull. No symptons but the day after and what about instant behaviour. Hah, alcohol is good for you; to a certain extent of course.

    Kills the germs, kills your bad mood and then kills you too. Hahaha, this is bull too.

    If it wouldn't give me gout. That hurts and then again that's a disease right?

    Leaves me to proclaim that alcoholism is a voluntary disease. Might not be covered by Obama.

  7. Seen plastic containers of beef lard on sale in Yorkies Jomtien only a few days ago (can't remember the price).

    Lard is produced from pork fat - not beef.

    Beef dripping has a very distinctive taste and not really suitable for pastry (IMHO). Great for frying chips though.

    Wasn't going to use beef dripping for pastry, but let's get back to the real lard from OP

  8. Cool the fat a couple of hours. Cut into small dices 5 x 5 mm.

    Pour just a little cooking oil in the pot as a starter. Then add the diced fat and let it sweat on low heat so the fat doesn't get baked/burned. Finally fat will get golden brown and that's the time to stop. Pour out the liquid fat and if you like you can now bake the fat till dry greaves. Remaining fat of this can still be used if not too black.

  9. Indeed easy DIY. Kilo price of pork fat about 80 Baht. Skin of.

    Wish there was cow fat same as lard. Anyone knows? Dunno a name for that.

    Probably unthinkable too as do thai cows deliver fat in quantity? Nope, so expensive.

  10. >>@ hugocnx.

    Some farmers try and fatten the Friesian bulls ,but feed is the problem, most fed rice straw ,as a roughage ,low protein ,and a low energy concentrate ,and maybe cassava waste 1.9% protein , cattle do not grow ,also cash flow ,or lack of ,most farmers cannot afford to buy a calf and fatten it up to 30 months , to long an investment, one guy I know buys and sells brewers grains and maize silage ,he does it and has a good few Brahman bulls too ,he has the cheep feed ,and the investment ,one other guy is a dairy farmer ,regular monthly milk cheque, and has the cash flow ( or his bank is still letting him) , I looked in to it a few years ago ,and on paper it did not work out ,and with the practical problems you would get ,I thought not a good idea. <<

    Thanks for explanation Kickstart.

  11. Statins are probably only good for the pharmaceutic companies? For years statin like medicines are prescribed and for half of it they heal you and for the other they kill you.

    I am not sure (didn't check it out yet) if Thai people have cholesterol, but due to their eating habits with loads of (old) fat from deep frying and loads of sugar in everything, I guess they have high bad cholesterol and what more. Maybe good blood pressure anyways because of the herbs and garlic and prik. The death toll of road accidents might even be neglectable to the death toll on heart failure. Stop the road blocks and start a campaign on healthy food.

  12. To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

    To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

    Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!

    Are you really willing to believe that we must/should believe the worlds best scientists? For their blue eyes, their knowledge or for their biased opinion of which they are eagerly willing to convince us?. There is big biss involved with the so called global warming and in this world many don't care if only for the money.

    As long as scientists are rolling on the floor over what is what and who is more right, why are the worlds politicians blind and follow the pied piper; Al Gore and the world elite? Because they have to as they are all indoctrinated, bought, bribed, blackmailed (child porn for example?) or simply have no clue.

    If people would read more and I assume you do, then people could all see what is going on.

    "Are you really willing to believe that we must/should believe the worlds best scientists?" - Yes!

    The rest of your post is subjective nonsense and babble as far as I can see - child porn!!!

    That shows you know so little about it.

  13. I find this biased information. The south pole has more ice than ever, so it is just a climate change all according to mother nature's gallactic mood.

    Think the people concerned should give the poor animals a detour south polesmile.png . Money for migrants is quite normal these days in Europe.

    This article just is corn on the mill for the climate freaks.

    Not only do you believe in the ficticious carachter of "mother Nature", you also believe she has moods??

    So, tell me, in your book, is climate change just a result of her "time of the month"??gigglem.gif

    It is past time to forget the childish fairy tales and get real!

    At least I laugh at myself and at youlaugh.png

    So, tell me, in your book, is climate change just a result of her "time of the month"??gigglem.gif"

    Well, if you like to put it that way, yes, she really has her periods

  14. To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

    To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

    Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!

    Are you really willing to believe that we must/should believe the worlds best scientists? For their blue eyes, their knowledge or for their biased opinion of which they are eagerly willing to convince us?. There is big biss involved with the so called global warming and in this world many don't care if only for the money.

    As long as scientists are rolling on the floor over what is what and who is more right, why are the worlds politicians blind and follow the pied piper; Al Gore and the world elite? Because they have to as they are all indoctrinated, bought, bribed, blackmailed (child porn for example?) or simply have no clue.

    If people would read more and I assume you do, then people could all see what is going on.

  15. It's interesting how people say global warming is fake for someone's personal gain.

    What is the cause of this? Pollution is produced from cars, factories, agriculture, etc.

    It doesn't really matter if global warming is man made or not. What does matter is that we continue to improve our carbon foot print on earth to ensure the survival of life. We cannot continue on this current path of overfishing the oceans, deforestation, etc. Harvesting every resource without giving back. We are a just parasite sucking on the life of earth, draining her dry,

    It's also interesting what we as humans value. 7 billion people on earth all trying to live like the 1%. What will be of value when something threatens life on earth?

    Yes, of course the 7 billion like to be as the 1%. I reckon you mean the 'elite' by this 1%.

    Of course they want to be otherwise the 1% will crush them and make them New World Slaves.

    If we all raise our voice (thru the web e.g.), we might make a fist against the New World Imperialists that have only one gain: to have it all!

  16. It's interesting how people say global warming is fake for someone's personal gain.

    What is the cause of this? Pollution is produced from cars, factories, agriculture, etc.

    It doesn't really matter if global warming is man made or not. What does matter is that we continue to improve our carbon foot print on earth to ensure the survival of life. We cannot continue on this current path of overfishing the oceans, deforestation, etc. Harvesting every resource without giving back. We are a just parasite sucking on the life of earth, draining her dry,

    It's also interesting what we as humans value. 7 billion people on earth all trying to live like the 1%. What will be of value when something threatens life on earth?

    Humans are pigs. Humans are polluting in such a way that they clearly forfeit the right as a species to coexist with such a delicate natural world- at least from a moral perspective. Humans destroy each other, and everything else. A predator species which clearly attained supremacy rather than earned it with any great stewardship. Our pollution of the world is tragic. Yet this does not reflect Climate Change, this reflects a morally inferior creature, a spiritually absent landlord. It is the height of arrogance to look out upon the world and say "When I was younger the weather was... therefore..." Humans are a flea on the asss of time, and no more.

    12,500 years ago the long ending ice age was thrust violently back into a cold spell that was horrific and lasted a thousand years (yes, humans populated the world then also). It abruptly ended- this 1,000 year period ended more violently and abruptly then the prior cosmic event 1,000 years earlier. So two... two cataclysmic disruptions in the blink of an eye. They too created morality tales in the near thousands basing their suffering on unrighteousness and not listening to "the gods." In fact, our collective memory is now populated with these various stories not only from Sumer and Noah but from many, many hundreds of narratives around the world. "We brought this upon ourselves," the legends insist. Vast, terrible amounts of water raced across the world and destroyed the advanced civilizations. Ice sheets violently melted within weeks, entire continents were buried under water. 500 years ago we had another mini ice age, and so on.

    Humans may be poor stewards and unlikely heirs but they are not remotely changing the dynamics of solar cycles, procession of equinoxes, axis tilting, or such. Those who race to shout with urgency "Ah duh, yea, its colder..." are likely to be the first fools destroyed by the politics of Climate Change not the temperature. Climate Change is nearly as foolish as believing a man in the clouds intercedes on behalf of [your] prayers and [your] earnest intention may actually alter the entire universe for an end specially crafted for [you]. The only difference is a Man in the clouds is more believable than Climate Change- there is no real evidence for or against a man in the clouds, there is for Climate Change.

    Well, as humans are no good in your optic why would you wanna be amoungst them?

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