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Hog Head

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Posts posted by Hog Head

  1. thanks but would rather have the book.

    Tried to buy the PDF and print it in book form, but LP does not like my mailing address as it "exceeds 35 characters" What that has to do with a PayPal online purchase I have no diea, but seemingly impossible for me to buy it.

    Anyone seen the book as I do not really want to wait for it to arrive int he post from Australia

  2. In spite of being told a month ago that the new version of Lonely Planey Myanmar would be here now, all I get in Chiangmai is the 2 favourite words in Thai retailing, followed by the stunned look when asked when they will have it.

    has anyone seen it anywhere in Thailand?

  3. Thanks to all that turned out and made the day. I did not count but perhaps 25 bikes?

    The 1 km of dirt was a bit challenging for some but only one tip over and no damage to the bike or rider as he was virtually stopped at the time. About 10 of us went on a short ride after and a good time was had by all.

    I must say that I am a bit disappointed in the Contractor we hired to renovate the dorms. We were told Dec 25 that all was finished, however when we arrived it was nowhere near finished and still looks like a concentration camp. Needless to say we did not pay the contractor and want the job finished before we do so.

    Hopefully this will happen very soon and the kids can have a decent dorm.

    I still wonder why they installed new windows then proceeded to block them off by constructing a big closet right in front. I guess that logic is not taught is this school.

    In any case once it is finished these orphan kids will have a bit of a better life.

    Thank you to our Sponsors and riders for making all this happen.

    Hope to see you at the main ride Feb 19

  4. Does anyone know or have a contact at Kawasaki Engineering that can tell me the fork spring rate on a domestic market 2011 Versys?

    I see various rates on the net ranging from .78Kg/mm to a 80-90Kg/mm progressive rate and would like to know what the actual rate is so that I can fine tune my spring rate to match my weight and riding style.

  5. Where can I get my Versys fork re-valved. I know the shim stack I want, but does anyone know a quality shop,with the proper tools, shims, and knowledge to do it right the first time without me watching like a hawk. With the guys racing at Bira surely there must be some suspension guru around. CNX would be nice but I will ship it if necessary

    I am not above buying the shims and tools to do it myself, but surely there must be someone in Thailand that specializes in this work

  6. The quality of the chrome shops in Chiangmai is dismal to say the least. I have taken parts back several times only to give up in the end.

    They either don't know or more likely don't care as the locals will accept their crappy work and are unwilling to pay to have it done right. To my knowledge no one in CM does triple plating.

    I have discussed this with Richco and the response from the chromers is that it is the unwilling to pay factor and Richco sends his work to BKK for quality triple chrome

    I now tend to powder coat what I can

  7. The Chiangmai ToyRide is having another give away event on Boxing Day (Dec 26)

    The ride will depart the X-Centre in Mae Rim at 10:00 AM and is about 64 km one way. We will turn off of Hwy 107 before Chiang Dao where the construction begins, and follow a paved concrete road which winds through rain forest and a mountain valley approx 14km to the school. There is a 1.1 km of unpaved rutted dirt, but I rode it on my Kawasaki Versys on road tyres and no problem. I could have done it on my Harley with a little care so do not let this put you off.

    This is the Mae Meh orphan school proposed here on TV several months ago as a suitable project for someone who was looking for somewhere to donate at bit of extra cash he had. While each child will receive a toy, The Chiangmai ToyRide is not just about toys, and at Mae Meh we are doing renovations on the childrens dorms, as well as buying needed supplies for both the school and the kids themselves.

    For pics and more info on this event, and what the Chiangmai ToyRide is all about, please see our website at My link

    All types of bikes and Riders are welcome and hope to see you there

  8. There is a bit more going on as well such as the Management selling access to a condo development using the "common property" road. This will exasperate the already dismal security, and create additional, unwanted traffic on "our" road.

    Many many more issues such as the Bank assuming in a debt for equity trade, and then selling off for development, what I understand is common property.

    Good on your Landlord for paying the monthly fee, however I would be surprised if he is also willing to pay for the 75% of those who do not pay the fee.

    The answer as to what constitutes common property is key to sorting out the mess, hence my interest in marketing materials or better yet the original prospectus.

  9. Raising the monthly fee is their main issue as over 75% of the landowners do not pay any fee and they want those who do pay to make up the shortfall. Not surprising that the office did not want to enlighten you on the big picture.

    Good luck in their raising the fee, as I for one have no intention of paying more when others are not paying at all, paying a fee to a body that I have no say in, nor paying to maintain common property when the management claims that there is no common property at all. This all begs the question that if there is no common property, then what is the fee for?

    One issue that interests me is what constitutes common property - ie property owned by the landowners as a group. Typically this would include the roads, clubhouse and related sports area, and property unmarked for development in the prospectus. It appears that the management has been selling off common property or trading property for bank debt and the residents now would like to know what was denoted as common property in the original sales literature and prospectus. As noted above, the Management in last weeks meeting said that there is no common property and that they own all the infrastructure.

    There are several other issues, but this is the main one, and one that oddly the Management does not seem inclined to discuss.

    If your landlord is an original owner, then we as Owners would be very interested in seeing the original sales literature and prospectus.

  10. As a newbie, I don't have anything that would help you, but as a resident of Green Valley, I'd be very interested to know what's going on. My landlord, living in another part of Thailand now, would like to know as well, I'm sure. Anything more you could tell me would be appreciated!

    I take it that you did not go the meeting last week called by the Management. Everyone got a letter announcing such a meeting.

  11. Does anyone have the marketing materials for house lot sales at Green Valley Golf Course in Mae Rim?

    It looks like we residents are shaping up for an arguement over what is common property in the development and original marketing brochures etc would help our position

  12. Chiang Mai ToyRide Event- Pah Lin Village School - December 8, 2011

    This school is possibly one of the most needy we have ever assisted. It is located 5 km from the main road (hwy 1095) up a steep and sometimes impassable dirt road. It is a small Karen village school and this will be a unique event.

    It would not be feasible to attempt to bring your road motorcycles up the 5 km dirt road to the event. Therefore, we will park the bikes at the bottom of the road (security provided) and shuttle the riders to the school by 4x4 vehicles. Dirt bikers are welcome to ride up if you like. It is not that difficult. Sound fun?

    4x4's Invited.

    We are also inviting anyone with a 4x4 to come along for the ride and help us deliver our items to the school, and possibly assist in taking some participants 'up the hill'. The road is rutted and bumpy, but it should in no way jeopardize your safety or damage your truck. Here is a great chance to shift that thing into 4wd and actually use it for a good purpose. I have driven the road with my Toyota 4x4 and my dirt bike recently. (We are being told that the road has been cleared somewhat and that it is now passable with a 2wd pick up truck, but I will check that myself before the event.)

    These kids have it rough in a normal year. With the extended and disastrous rainy season Northern Thailand has experienced, they especially need help now. Join us.

    The ride will assemble at the Chiang Mai X-Centre, DEPARTING at 10:00AM.

    It is approximately a 45km (one way) ride. We are going to park the bikes at a road that turns west off of 1095 just past the Coffee on the Hill shop. That is 3 km past Ban Pa Pae or 33 km from the 107 Hwy.

    If you have a GPS it should be N19 08.157 E98 42.052 We will regroup there and head up to the village. Hope you can make it.

    More photos info http://chiangmaitoyride.com/?cat=5

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