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Hog Head

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Posts posted by Hog Head

  1. Yeah but as several of us had a discussion here some time ago, in a corner, the benefit of ABS diminishes the greater the lean into the corner. It's not the same as on a car. I.E. if your coefficient of friction due to lateral forces is approaching 0, ABS is of no use. It's great to have in a straight or nearly straight panic stop, as I have discovered on numerous occasions. :unsure:

    Older riders will remember when bikes used to stand up when braking in a corner and consequently learned to do all the heavy braking before the corner, and if necessary drag the brake back brake a bit on the way through. I still use this technique on modern bikes and tyres. New tech is great and I love my ABS, but at the same time the lessons learned on old tech taught me to be a better and smoother rider

  2. I just paid the excise on my Royal Enfield, imported as parts.

    To avoid any unfair assessment of value, I documented initial purchase price when new, current used value, new retail price in the last year sold, and retail on the current replacement model.

    In the end they decided on the high side but still mioce nuts. My buddy who choose not to submit documentation got screwed as they simply looked up the US market current new price

    There was a fine for breaking the law and assembling a bike from parts - about 8500

    The excise tax was about 4500

    My buddy paid twice this

    Use an excise tax agent to do the work as it is much easier. To my knowledge there are only 2 or maybe 3 in CM and I used Richco Motorsports.

  3. It is the irresponsibility and total lack of accountability that gets me over this. The kid that hit him from the rear is 19, no drivers license, naturally no insurance, and his relatives lent him the money to buy the truck. Par for the course he fled the scene only to turn up later.

    This sort of thing happens all the time, to my knowledge there have been no consequences for his actions, and no one is held accountable. <deleted> does the police not even charge him?

    Stephanos wife does not want to push the issue in a civil case so the murderer gets off scott free.

  4. There is one set up every Friday at the local market here in Mae Rim and I thought it might be a good thing for the Chiangmai ToyRide. The 20,000 rental fee for a day shot that idea down but I think that they may have been taking the piss as there is no way that this little local market clears that sort of profit at 10B per round.

  5. But the police made it impossible to keep up has after the big bikes went through the lights they were reset and most of the little bikes got caught at the traffic lights.

    Thailands finest are supposed to control every traffic light and let all the bikes through together. In spite of the great deal of practice they get holding up the average Somchai every time some self important politician needs to drive to the airport; this seemingly simple task appears much too difficult to perform for us lowly Bikers. Hopefully they will perform a bit better this year, and if not, ignore them and drive straight through.

    I was unaware that this happened last year, however we will see about getting some experienced riders to block the intersections just in case Mr Plod cannot do his job.

    BTW, I see that the footie is not until 4 pm so lots of time to come out and help the Kids and still make the game on the way back

  6. The Chiangmai ToyRide is fortunate to have Mr. Noel Hunt donate his time to put on his golf show at this years main event


    All motorcycles large and small are welcome, so join our ride, and bring a toy to help disadvantaged children in Chiangmai. Please see our website for more information about the Chiangmai ToyRide and this years event


    Those of you that do not ride a motrocycle, Noel will be performing his show at 2:00. This is a charity event to help children in need, and your donation would go a long way to improving the lives of these children.

  7. I thought that I had addressed your comment about "all the big bikes shooting off" but here it is again.

    I lead the ride every year and will do so again this year. There was no "shooting off" by the big bikes and in fact there was a little Dream type bike and a Phantom right behind me at the departure.

    Once again I will give a 5 minute warning that we are preparing to leave and to get your helmet on and be ready to go - perhaps you missed this part last year. Volunteers will Marshall the bikes so that departure is orderly, however each rider needs to pay attention and to be ready to leave on time.

    There will be a police escort in front and in the rear to try and keep some semblance of order and keep the group together.

    We are trying to get more small bikes to participate in the ride as they are the majority of bikes in Thailand. Given that our goal is to get as many riders as possible, in order to help as many kids as possible; it follows that the ride would cater to smaller bikes and not "shoot off" leaving them behind. In any case, it is pretty difficult to shoot off with the cops in the front. This year I am leading the ride on my Royal Enfield Bullet, so at an alledged 22 Hp there most assurdly will be no shooting off. Ride speed will be such that a Honda Dream type bike can keep up.

    If you have some constructive comments on how to better organise the event we would love to hear them, and perhaps you could volunteer to help marshall the start so that no one is left behind.

  8. The event is this Sunday, and we could use 2 more volunteers to help at the Kids face painting booth.

    This is a really popular event with the Kids and while we have 2 TV Volunteers currently, two more painters would be great. Come out, have a fun day, and help disadvantaged children.

    PM me if you can help



  9. I have a 1.3 Terrabyte music collection and 8000 of those songs are in .mwa format. I want to convert to mp3, however the converter I have only does one at a time which soon will become tedious

    Is there a converter that will search the drive, convert, and replace the wma automatically?

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