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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. I know it's increasingly difficult for people these days to understand, but not everything has be done on a phone. There are these old-fashioned things called computers which people can use too.
  2. Probably. I used to use them and then had the service down from late Friday until Monday. Gave them up for 3BB, who as a thank you for the switch gave me a 50% discount for the first six months. When they installed it there was a problem connecting it up and they worked until just before midnight on a Sunday to get it up and running. Any problems since, solved within the hour.
  3. From what you've written here, just tell her that if she isn't happy with what she has then she is free to leave. Simple as that. If she wants expensive stuff then she, not you, has to work for it. At the moment, it's take take take, but here's your dinner. As for her son, he is her responsibility, not yours.
  4. As we know, every branch and every employee make up their own rules. When the time comes and if I get a 'no' again I'll ask for the manager.
  5. Can anyone explain to me the point of having a curfew when no-one enforces it. We seem to read every day of people, usually drunk, crashing their car long after 'lights out'.
  6. The poles are there for motorists to drive into. Some companies then decided they'd be useful to hang their wires on rather than fill in the 100 forms necessary to ask for permission to dig trenches to bury them.
  7. I had a drink with dinner last night, Middle Pattaya. I'll correct myself - I can legally have a drink with my meal without looking out for a police raid. Like in most of the rest of the world.
  8. I know. I can have a drink with my meal in most of the Middle East.
  9. As you know, Thailand is famous throughout the world for its sex business. It is deeply imbedded into the culture and no law, no prosecution of one case in 10,000 that is highlighted, will change anything. Money trumps everything in Thailand. Always has, always will. Something else that will never change in Thailand is the idiocy of promoting illegal activities on social media and then being surprised when Plod shows up.
  10. While very furtively supping a beer from a coffee cup for fear of arrest!! Thailand is such an exciting place. Danger (of arrest) everywhere.
  11. Another day of 'English' weather today. Cool and wet in my part of Kalasin Province. Fine with me, as long as I don't have to venture out anywhere. High of 25 today, 24 on Sunday. Quite welcome, considering the wet season up until recently had been quite dry. My underground water supply will no doubt be maintained.
  12. It said Limited Edition on the bottle, and now sadly missed. The closest I've found to an English-style beer (maybe not too far removed from Greene King? ???? ). Black Dragon tastes like a watered-down version but is a half-decent substitute. But my favourites are Tapper, Cheers Extra and Leo 8, not in any particular order. They're all in the fridge and I decide on the day which to have.
  13. Depends if was on private or state land, which is why they are investigating that.
  14. I've lived in Thailand for 26 years and have been married to a Thai for over 30 years. My comment comes from my observations over that period of time. I'm guessing you are Thai, which would explain why you appear to be in denial. Perfectly normal, and explained in my post above.
  15. Always funny to see Americans struggle with geography. But, when their own vast country has everything they could possibly need as far as scenery and attractions goes, it is understandable that they wouldn't pay much attention to where other countries are on the map. Many Thais are ignorant about the outside world simply because they are uneducated and ignorant. Different circumstances. That too though is understandable, when they are taught from birth that Thailand is the best place on Earth so why have any interest in what is beyond the borders - unless it's ko-pop of course.
  16. The Thais probably think that Canada is part of the USA. A niece of mine, a school teacher, told me that New York is on the west coast. Another Thai told me that London is in the USA. They get confused. As for Australia missing, they might be confusing it with Austria. Who knows? Who really knows what is on their mind? And tomorrow it will change anyway.
  17. Why don't they just list the 38 countries! Jeez. Why do they always have to complicate things in this country! Just list them in alphabetical order. Or, as the opening sentence says, according to economic value as that is obviously the most important factor to them.
  18. Most tourists would be staying in hotels anyway and most hotels clean the rooms every day. How much extra cleaning do they need? Do you know?
  19. And that is exactly why that scene has been losing customers since well before the pandemic. The draconian restrictions placed on the entertainment business since are merely the nails in the coffin. I suppose it's possible that, deprived of customers now, those in the entertainment business might have re-thought their attitude (although, being Thailand, I doubt that) when things re-opened, but the government's determined policy of closing down the industry has probably killed off even that glimmer of hope.
  20. I don't think he's dumb. He just knows that he can't say that the only way to re-ignite the visitor numbers is to allow the nightlife to flourish, along with the 'side' employment that comes with it, when his employer, the government, is hell-bent on preventing it.
  21. Bangkok Barry

    3BB Phuket

    I assume you've contacted 3BB and asked them? I had a few problems in my area in Kalasin Province and they simply provided a new modem (free) and all was fine after that.
  22. Am I misunderstanding something? This graphic is to explain to foreign potential visitors what is required, and it is mostly in the Thai language. But then, the PM did once say that one day all the world would speak Thai so there is no need for Thais to learn English.
  23. So, no glass of wine with dinner, no pubs, no bars, no nightclubs, and off of the streets by 11 or face arrest. That'll draw the millions back. But then, TAT doesn't expect life to ever return to the way it was, according to the opening paragraph of another story today: TAT boss rules out going back to the old Thai tourism formula of crowded bars and nightlife.
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