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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. You forgot 'accept their lower standards'.
  2. On your first two points, time is just numbers to Thais and nothing else. As an example, last week I showed up at the hospital at 11.30 as directed to in a letter given to me a week before, to check my eye after cataract surgery. I arrived at 11.15 and the doctor had already left. On the other hand, yesterday someone said he would come at 4 to replace a glass door, and he arrived on the dot.
  3. Ahhh yes ! I'm sure we all experienced this ! A responsible crew member would ask the passenger in front to bring their seat up. Emirates do that, in my experience.
  4. Obviously when there's "not much difference" in price, you'd always choose business. What's your point? The point is that he didn't mention price. You did, not him. What you failed to understand was that he was talking about what is on offer when comparing the two.
  5. Well, they do say that Thais can fall asleep anywhere. Not a great idea to do it when you're driving though. Yet many do.
  6. If it was made in the Wesat, yes. If it was made in China or Thailand, no.
  7. In other words, two-thirds prefer to use cash over apps/cards/contactless/transfers. The tone of the article, instead of saying that cashless is catching on, should in fact be that a considerable majority refuse to embrace it. Nothing like twisting the FACTS, is there.
  8. A Thai sister-in-law went to live in Hungary with her Dutch husband, Five year permission to stay, no fuss, no home visit, no 90-day report. And she contributed to the economy and local people by selling garden produce. All non-existent here in La-La Land.
  9. Just more trash that Thailand is so skilled at attracting. We read of them day after day after day.
  10. Well, the Samui thing is different. People have a choice to fly or not, and clearly they do otherwise prices would be lower to attract custom. If people are willing to pay what they charge, they charge it. It's called good business practise. Price what the market allows.
  11. They don't actually need a photocopy of every page of your passport. I've never needed to do that over many years. They just make it up. In the real world you inform when something has changed. In Thailand they do things backwards and you have to inform that nothing has changed. If I ask my wife why these pointless things exist, not only at immigration, the reply is always 'It's the rule." Questioning the rule doesn't occur. What's the point anyway. If they want to waste their time and ours, we can't do anything about it. They say jump, we jump. Pathetic.
  12. On the basis that in Thailand most drivers would be Thai? Pretty safe bet, that.
  13. I guess that the police can take the cars and sell them and share the cash. Seems that neither driver wants them as they just abandoned them by the road.
  14. 6pm does appear to be the time they choose to limit the service you are paying them for. When mobile internet was in its early days, in the UK they put it down to people returning from work and going on-line. But now everyone is on-line all the time that excuse can no longer apply.
  15. Just imagine this man being Prime Minister. Thaksin was bad enough, as he toured the new airport demanding why there were so many signs in English. This man is in another league.
  16. I already went through that nearly a year ago - but that was after officers were removed for being 'overly helpful' to Chinese and were among 115 officers dismissed. The new boss wanted to do everything by the book and beyond, and despite being married over 30 years I (or rather my wife) was interviewed, and we had a house visit despite having had many marriage extensions before. Later this month might be more of the same. And that's in Kalasin, far far away from Phuket. We can all look forward to being tarred with the same brush.
  17. My local hospital is first class. Pot luck I guess.
  18. It seems to me that Thailand might be shooting itself in the foot. I for one am considering not making my usual transfers to Thailand but using my UK ATM and visa cards to make purchases. Contactless makes that so easy now. I'll use the money I already have saved here to make minor purchases where a card isn't possible, but even many market stalls have QR codes now.
  19. If we pay Thai tax like Thais can we also benefit from the 30 baht health scheme? No, I thought not. It only works one-way.
  20. So is giving registration numbers of vehicles involved in accidents. Especially when they pixilate it out in a related photo. You just have to shake your head at the mentality.
  21. You are applying logic. I'll say no more.
  22. My pet hate in hotels. The change in air pressure when the shower is on pulls the curtain in towards you. I have a large walk-in area in my bathroom, no door, no curtain, just an area probably large enough to fit a double bed in.
  23. Or didn't get his PIN numbers. Moron Of the Week Award, shared with those who think that making a joke about someone's tragic accident is a great idea.
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