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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. On 1/23/2021 at 8:47 AM, Leaver said:

    Would you rather the proceeds of gambling go to criminals and corrupt police, or to the the Thai tax payer, in the form of better schools, medical, roads etc? 

    I've lived in Thailand for 25+ years, am married to a Thai and have lots of Thai friends both poor and some well off. In all those years I haven't seen much of those better schools, roads, etc come to the to the Thai taxpayer. The rich and political elite always end up better off when something such as gambling comes along. The trickle down effect doesn't happen in Thailand. 

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  2. When I first visited Sihanoukvile years ago it was a quaint little fishing village, now it's gone the direction of the attached photo.

    I guess it depends on your point of view whether this is a good thing or not. Average Cambodian, probably not as a good portion of the money goes to the chinese owners, if you're the owner/developer of one of these monstrosities, probably great from your point of view. People need to realize the chinese are doing things for the chinese under the guise of improving the local economy.  There's over 100 casinos in Sihanoukville, as of Dec 2019.


    A quote from an unamed news source: Once a sleepy, entrancing seaside resort in southwest Cambodia, Sihanoukville is sleepy again, bereft of Chinese nationals and tourists who have left following the closure of dozens of casinos in the city. This was a result of a government ban on all online and arcade gambling operations in the kingdom, which came into effect in January. 


    Be careful who you get into bed with.

    Cambodian casinos.JPG

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  3. 5 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

    Sounds very much like you're stating a fact, not your personal opinion. In any case, it was a cheap stab at organized religion, I'm sure we can agree on that. Of course religion has its shortcoming, and of course, if you want to focus only on those, that's your prerogative. But have you ever wondered what they all have in common? What is the common denominator of every spiritual discipline? Why are so many people attracted to them, regardless if they are backed by science or not? 
    Do you think they are all intellectual deficient and hopelessly gullible? All hundreds of millions of them? 

    You have your opinion, I have mine, how about we agree to disagree as most conversations between people discussing religion with differing views never get solved. It just goes on and on and on, like this thread. You can have the last word, I'm out.

  4. 7 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

    Why are you trying to pass off your opinion as a fact?

    I re-read my post again and I don't see anywhere that I said it was fact. You're right; it's my opinion and for the record, I'm not a dishonest person. Maybe I'm confused, but I thought forums were for questions, answers, facts, and opinions. 

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  5. Another thing to think about; several of the big name shipping companies won't ship credit cards. I've had to hide them in lots of paper and tell them it's documents before they would ship it. One of them actually felt the item through the envelope and asked if it was a credit card, answered yes, and they refused--this before I figured out to disguise them.

  6. Best to get a reputable western electrician if you can find one, even if you have to pay more for it. In my experience the Thai electricians just don't have the skills involved for this type work. I know there are some qualified Thais out there but very hard to find. There are too many "Pee Somchais" that will tell you they know what to do......but don't. With some construction jobs this wouldn't matter but with electricity it could cost you your life.

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  7. Had this same issue, pursued it a little, but realized I had no leverage so dropped it and wrote it off as a learning experience.....have never rented since. It seems to be standard operating procedure in Thailand. Oh and by the way; I repaired many things that broke in the house--not caused by us, and returned it in better condition than we we first rented it, didn't help any. 


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  8. 11 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


    They don't want foreigners here at the moment and I wholeheartedly agree with them.

    I assume since you've mentioned in the past how you've got permanent residency in Thailand that you're a foreigner.....so I take it from your comment you've got your bags packed and a plane ticket out of Thailand booked? Of course this assuming you're actually IN Thailand. Or is this a case of, "I'm special and should be allowed to be here, but no one else can?" IMO, that's what it sounds like to me, correct me if I'm wrong.

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