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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. I've been here for around 25 years and have been in one fight with Thais a long time ago. It started out one on one but quickly evolved into multiple Thais against me. One Thai guy started it and I was trying to be reasonable but that went by the wayside when one of his friends hit me from behind and the rest of the pack joined in. I learned my lesson from that incident and haven't had an issue since. I avoid drunk Thai men whenever I can, it will just end up in some kind of competition, fight or both eventually.

    • Like 2
  2. Definition of work:

    mental or physical activity as a means of earning income; employment.


    "Earning income"--which you are not, is the key phrase here. Although saying that, this is Thailand, if a Thai neighbor doesn't like you they could report you and immigration could make your life miserable. I knew a restaurant owner that ran into this type issue even though he had a valid work permit. He was always getting "random" visits from immigration that wasted his time and subsequently loss of income because they made him come down to the immigration office to prove he had a valid visa. Personally I wouldn't worry about it since you're not being paid, but that's just my opinion.

    • Sad 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Darcula said:

    A brief history lesson:


    28 Jun 2014 - Prayuth pledges elections by Oct 2015

    09 Feb 2015 - Prayuth pledges elections by Feb 2016

    09 Aug 2016 - Prayuth pledges elections by Nov 2017

    10 Oct 2017 - Prayuth pledges elections by Nov 2018

    27 Feb 2018 - Prayuth pledges elections by Feb 2019


    Expect another announcement around August.

    Exactly! People forget that power is a drug and hard to kick the habit.

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  4. A little bit off topic; but has anyone running these fuels with alcohol had any long term issues with rubber parts drying out prematurely? I know when they first came out with ethanol in fuels this was an issue. Maybe rubber technology has changed? I still avoid the ethanol when I can for this reason even though my vehicle is rated for E20.

  5. Our estate has approx 90 houses and as far as if we don't pay the maintenance fees; some Thai owners found out the hard way, the estate cuts off your water supply--takes the water meter that WE had to buy out of the system. I guess if an estate uses city water that's not possible but ours have their own wells. I'm not sure the legality of taking the water meter that you bought away but anyone who's been in Thailand for any amount of time; farangs don't have many rights here.

  6. I'm not a legal expert but have lived in Thailand many years; I don't think there is any legal requirements concerning anything within a private estate. The reason I say this is our estate recently doubled our water rates overnight and there is nothing we can do about it because it's a private estate. Maybe things can be done about electricity since it's supplied by the state but most other things are privately owned/run so not much recourse.

    I would say concerning land prices; since it's a private estate the person/persons that own it can charge whatever they want per talang wah, similar to if you own a house, you can charge whatever price you think the market will bear. I paid approx 18,000 per talang wah for my land and now the estate is charging approx 28,000 per talang wah.

  7. 2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    Let's hope that this thread will escape from the trolls' clutches so that we can get some useful answers...

    I feel your pain; I've had a few of my legitimate questions get sidetracked. I'm almost though asking things on this forum, too many people with too much time on their hands to just sit on the computer all day and post what they think are witty responses.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, kokopelli said:

    They are replacing the drains and pavement.  The same was done on other adjacent sois and was done promptly and efficiently .

    Must be a different group that was working on Soi Siam Country Club.............promptly and efficiently didn't come into play.

  9. 7 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    In that case, you would get a re-entry permit on your 90-days Non-O, which should be long enough for you to go out and back while it is still running.  The re-entry permit will allow you to keep the "permitted stay date" from the Non-O alive when you return.  Then you can apply for your 1-year extension when you get back.

    OK, thanks for the info, hopefully it'll work out smoothly.

  10. 3 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    The last 30 days of the 90-day Non-O is when you could apply for the year extension-of-stay - 45 days before is the maximum at some offices. 


    But, if you will be back within the 90-days of your Non-O, then you could get a "re-entry permit" to preserve your 90-day permitted-stay, come back using that for entry, then apply for the 1-year extension. 


    But if only staying 40 days, and if you cannot return before your Non-O 90-days is over, I'd recommend arriving with a Tourist Visa or Visa Exempt + 30-day extension of it to cover that time period.  Then, begin this process on your next entry, when you plan to be here awhile.

    Thanks JackThompson, I work offshore so will always only be here 40-42 days, then out for 42 days. How do I get an extension on a 30 day visa exempt?

  11. My one year extension of stay will expire while I'm out of the country so I'll be entering on a 30 day exempt next time I come in. I can't obtain a visa while I'm away so just wondering what my options are for getting my one year extension of stay again. Do I need to leave the country and get a 90 day visa and convert that to an extension of stay when it's close to expiring? I'm in Pattaya if that makes a difference with the immigration office. I haven't done this in a while so not sure what the latest procedure is. Thanks in advance for any intelligent answers.

  12. 2 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

    Personally, I think Facebook has a very negative effect on too many people as it is overused by most...horrible invention

    I agree with you totally! The negatives of it outweigh the positives and it's taken it's toll on the human race/society.  And the Facebook live feature is even worse than the regular Facebook.

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