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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. Paint isn't too bad; one time outside a Thai restaurant in Pattaya I saw a group of farangs park in what they thought was neutral parking, ended up being the restaurants. After they left, the security guard calmly walked over to their car with a meat cleaver. He laid the cleaver down flat horizontally and went over every panel scraping off a 50 mm wide by 1metre long line of paint. This was approx 20 years ago and it still sticks in my memory. Any time I went back to that restaurant I made sure that the security guard saw me enter the restaurant. I'm also VERY careful around the front of shophouses that are businesses; it's not their street, it's the city's, but some shop owners treat the street as theirs; better to be safe than sorry. 

  2. 8 hours ago, tropo said:

    Or you could just do your liver a favour and drink less. Moving countries to save on alcohol is rather extreme.

    It's not just alcohol price increases that would make me move, the increases are just "the straw that broke the camel's back".

  3. I've found a shop that has a good variety of brands available--including 3M Crystalline, on Suhkumvit, left side heading south before the turn to Naklua, Pop auto glass. They do a good efficient job but watch out for the sales girl, pretty aggressive....must be on commission. 

    The reason I chose Crystalline was for the heat rejection, it was expensive but I wasn't disappointed, it's not for someone that cares about aesthetics as it's not that good looking compared to other films but for heat rejection I haven't found another film that compares.

  4. Facts are I bought a case of Heineken today (Sept 16th) for 935 baht at Supamitr, the lady told me tomorrow 1700 baht. Maybe time to move to Vietnam or Cambodia, just a thought. Thailand's going to price themselves right out of the market--and not just alcohol, been going this way for quite a few years now.

  5. 20 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Some of us have been around long enough to know how things really go on in Pattaya.

    2 weeks isn't long enough for any problems to become evident.

    Agree totally, I'm not a total pessimist but after 24 years here you kind of have an idea how things work based on history, and it's usually not "ahead of schedule and under budget".

    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, balo said:


    Yesterday one Indian guy tried to cross the road looking only one way , I almost hit him . 



    I've had the same thing, and usually they're looking the wrong way on a one way street, not sure what's up with that. I'm not an expert but personally if I was a pedestrian I'd be looking at the direction cars are coming FROM not going too.....but that's just me.

  7. On 9/1/2017 at 9:19 AM, lespaulTV said:

    Anyone think there are too many baht bus?

    Last count I heard there were 700-900, so YES, way too many baht buses! If all were filled to capacity maybe I wouldn't think this way, but when you see lots of them clogging the streets without anyone in them, maybe 20%-30% could do the same job.

  8. On 8/25/2017 at 5:49 AM, Sheryl said:

    I very, very much doubt there was no doctor on call anywhere in the hospital. More likely doctor didn't arrive in time (there are only a few minutes in which you can make a difference in a situation like that), or doctor arrived, tried to intubate and couldn't because of severe edema  and didn't know how to do a tracheotomy and there was no one immediately available who did.  Rather different than no doctor in the whole hospital at night.


    I once saw a patient die in a fully staffed western ICU, in the day time, under these circumstances.  Intubation failed and by the time someone arrived to do a trach (maybe 5-10 minutes), too late.



    Need to be careful about taking relatives versions at face value, they are unlikely to fully understand the medical details. That they believe the hospital was at fault does not mean this is the case.

    Point taken on all that; the facts--not the relatives versions, were, he went in for a bladder cancer operation, survived that, a day later couldn't breathe, then died. Not sure who was at fault, doesn't matter now. The original question was, "Any experience with Phyathai SriRacha or Sirikit Naval Sattahip?" I was just answering the OP's question since my dead friend couldn't. 

  9. Just now, bizboi said:

    But still less of a joke than previous elected Governments that bought votes and practiced corruption every day

    Agreed on the vote buying by previous govt; this govt doesn't have to buy votes as they took over in a military coup, and also they just change the constitution to give themselves more power. As far as more or less of a joke; in my opinion seems about the same, just different.

  10. On 8/28/2017 at 2:12 AM, gmac said:

    I consciously avoid using marked crossings as they merely give you a false sense of security.

    As a driver in Pattaya I do look for pedestrians all the time but am more aware of them at the crossings. Just be advised at crossings you have a better chance of cars stopping--most times, anywhere else there's less chance of a driver seeing you which results in a higher probability of getting hit. 

  11. As a driver--and sometimes pedestrian, I understand both sides. The main problem I see is the lights are inconsistently on--and the majority of time off. If the city kept them on at all times drivers would be used to them--and possibly, even stop at them. Many a time I've stopped on a red light at a pedestrian crossing and almost got rear ended by someone who didn't care about, or want to stop. I had to go through the light or else have an accident, wouldn't have been my fault of course but there would have been many hassles/questions/ and loss of time. Like a lot of posters have said, be careful when walking in Pattaya, the rules are different here--I'm not saying right, just different. I ALWAYS check my rear view mirror here when coming up to a yellow/red light as Thais' tend to run the lights, sometimes three or four seconds after it's changed.

  12. 1 hour ago, bubba said:

    Considering that Suvarnabhumi opened in 2006.....

    Guess in your haste to criticize you didn't have time to read the post directly before yours. I've added it in this post for your benefit.


    8 hours ago, ross163103 said:

    Sorry, got overly excited, meant to say, been in Thailand 20+ years and been going through that airport since it opened, my mistake.


  13. No personal experience but had an 82 year old friend go in to Queen Sirikit Naval for bladder cancer and came out in a body bag because they couldn't perform a tracheotomy in time. The original operation went well, then after they started giving him morphine for the pain he got where he couldn't breathe. It was night time and there was no regular doctor on call. Not sure if they gave him too much morphine and that caused the breathing problem or what........long story short, he didn't make it out of the hospital alive. Admittedly he wasn't young but I knew him for many years and he was pretty fit for his age; got check-ups yearly and didn't drink or smoke. Queen Sirikit Naval is cheap, relatively speaking, than most other hospitals, but obviously if you pay with your life..........it's not.

    On a side note; BHP originally diagnosed him with prostrate cancer and told him it's so slow growing not to worry about it at his age, few years later he learned that it was a misdiagnosis and it was actually bladder cancer and had spread, so I guess you could say it was a screw up from both hospitals.

  14. 6 hours ago, sandyf said:

    When I went back to do my second marriage extension immigration said the rules had changed and that I would need witnesses again and they would need to do a home visit. I changed the application and walked out an hour later with a retirement extension.

    Same thing was going on with me except it was my first time applying based on marriage. Threw in the towel and went back to retirement extension of stay, much easier IMHO. 

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