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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. 3 hours ago, Maestro said:


    Searching for the above is searching for all posts that have those four words anywhere in the post, not necessarily in that sequence and not necessarily next to each other. Obviously, no such post exists.

    Using the link ubonjoe provided worked fine when searching for the exact same words as I used before: 42 results came up.

  2. This might sound like a stupid question, but can a 30 day visa on arrival be converted to a one year non immi O at Jomtien? The reason I ask is I've heard of this being done in the past. I know the normal procedure is you get the one year non o outside Thailand and then get an extension of stay once that runs out; just trying to avoid the trip to an embassy overseas. And if not; is Singapore issuing one year visas again or not? I won't be in Thailand when my current extension of stay runs out. Thanks in advance for any non-sarcastic, informative answers.

  3. 8 hours ago, Maestro said:


    Did you use quotation marks in your entry in the search field?

    No, I just put those in my original post to highlight what I searched for. The link ubonjoe provided worked a lot better, I'll use that in the future. Thanks for the help.

  4. Is it possible to create a better search function, or modify the current one, in this forum. I've tried to use it many times and most times the results are not very informative. Last time I tried to use  it I typed in "non O immi visa" and the results came back as 0. Obviously there are numerous questions/comments on this issue.

  5. On 12/19/2017 at 2:23 PM, Dazinoz said:

    Like I mentioned in a previous post I was told by the shop owner I parked in front of that he paid for, and owned the sidewalk and the parking space in front of his restaurant. And he was French not Thai.

    The shop owner that talked to you is wrong; he might have been told by the Thai owners that he owns those two areas--which is a good selling point and no doubt probably paid extra for them also, but he only owns/rents his shophouse.

  6. It's pretty basic; shopowners own up to a certain area--which DOES NOT include the sidewalk or the street. Saying this I don't want my car damaged so do not park in front if certain shophouses. Obviously if you're a farang and your car is damaged the police will probably not help you.....possibly, but probably not. It has nothing to do with Thai customs.

  7. 12 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

    St. Jude Childrens Hospital

    Child Fund Int'l

    City of Hope


    "Some of the responses on here just reinforce the fact of why I like dogs more than a lot of humans. "

    You need far more than you think.

    Enough of the back and forth banter on this subject from me. By the way Hawker9000 I've sent my donation to St Judes--see attached receipt. If you'd like to help the street dog issue instead of just commenting on it, you can donate to the man listed below, and no, I'm not his friend, I don't know him or who he is, just letting people know that he gets dogs off the streets, not just feeds them. So to all the posters that don't want people feeding strays, if you donate to this man it would help get them off the streets. Easy to sit behind a computer and mouth off, put your money where your mouth is.




  8. 11 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

    So much for the sick and starving children of the world...    With attitudes like that I guess you need all the "reinforcement" you can get.

    I didn't need any but thanks.

    By the way what organization have you started, or contribute too, to save sick and starving children(?), I'll send them a donation. Just for your info I've contributed many times over many years to lots of different orphanages in Pattaya, especially the smaller ones that need more help getting started.

  9. Sad to say but it's going to take more killings before something will be done. As one poster said; if twenty children at SandyHook being murdered didn't change anything it's probably not going to happen any time soon. Like with drunk driving, it took MADD founder Candy Lightner's daughter being killed before things got done. When Americans have had enough they'll do something, obviously right now they're not that concerned about it. I can imagine the outcry/outcome if it would've been twenty US congressmen's children murdered at SandyHook..........

  10. "Reap what you sow" comes to mind. It's a very strong gun culture in the US and the they have mass shootings, not hard to figure it out. And to all the pro gun people that say, "guns don't kill people, people kill people", maybe in depth mental evaluations are needed before purchasing a firearm is allowed......since in your view people are the problem. 

    Before anybody says anything; I'm an American that is neither pro or con guns; just against any kind of assault rifles that are only used for killing humans in masse.

  11. On 10/11/2017 at 9:17 AM, impulse said:


    Drilling down through some statistics, the odds of a Thai gun being used to murder someone is 15 times higher than the odds of a gun in the USA being used to kill someone.  Don't believe me?  Look up how many guns there are in Thailand and the firearm murder rate, then do the same for the USA.


    There's lots of good reasons to live in Thailand instead of the USA.  Personal safety isn't one of them.  Unless you're moving from East L.A. or the south side of Chicago to Thailand.  But it's easier to move to an even safer place without ever crossing a border.  And in the USA, they actually publish those numbers so you can see where the safer places are.


    Point taken on the Thailand vs USA handgun/personal safety issue. But saying that, how many mass shootings has Thailand had compared to the US(?). maybe because assault rifles aren't really available here?

  12. 19 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    Forgive me, but Americans HAVE simply accepted mass shooting after mass shooting and Congress doing absolutely nothing about it. I don't see anything that has changed.


    The evidence is crystal clear. 


    Exactly! I'm an American--not a liberal, but I wonder when Americans will say "enough is enough". Sad to say but obviously most of the population HASN'T had enough yet, or things would change. If 20 young children mudered at Sandy Hook didn't make a difference, cant see it happening now.

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