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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. Just an update; I just went through on the 21st at 2230 hrs to make a 0240 flight and the terminal had more people than I've ever seen before--been through this airport approx. ten times a year for the past 20+ years. Anyway, I was expecting the worst at immigration but the security/immigration areas around checkin "T" weren't that bad, no queue at security and around 10-15 people in the queue ahead of me at immigration. I must have just beat all the people in the terminal to immigration. Early is better if your airline check-in counter opens early enough.

  2. 1 hour ago, CMKiwi said:

    With the comparison between marriage or 'retirement' I am led to believe that the 'retirement' visa is a lot less hassle paperwork wise.

    I've done the retirement extension many years then for various reasons decided on trying based on marriage. As people have mentioned the retirement is a lot easier, less hassle. I actually stopped half way through the marriage process and switched back to retirement the next day. 

  3. I would say if they would have apologized to the American filming at the time it wouldn't have gotten all blown out of proportion. They didn't realize the power of social media--or they didn't care. Maybe not necessarily apologize--since he doesn't own or work for the park, but just admit to him they were wrong and say it won't happen again. Most Americans I know will accept the fact that people make mistakes and if they admit to them everyone can move on.

  4. 43 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    BTW, Avenues could easily have changed things by glassing in the floors and installing AC. Excellent location- unimaginative owners.

    I thought this same thing. I told my wife, as hot as it is here not many people want to walk around a mall that's 30-33 degrees, especially people that have already walked to get to the mall. I think the only thing keeping The Avenue going is Mc D's, Starbucks and Villa, if not for them it would have shut down long ago. Au Bon Pain went out a few weeks ago; wonder how long before the rest of them abandon the place.

  5. On 8/13/2017 at 8:04 AM, thailand49 said:

    Did they just wake up one morning and say to themselves we got to lay the wires underground.  They had 3 years to do it while they were digging the tunnel and traffic up and down Klang was reduced.

    Yes, yes, yes it's unbelievable! I live on the east side off Siam CC so have been dealing with this crap for a few years; first Siam CC, then the tunnel project, now Pattaya Klhang. I guess the next obstacle will be the Pattaya Nua roundabout....let the fun continue!

  6. 1 hour ago, emilymat said:

    I simply could not grasp why they have decided to rip up Klang now we are near the opening of the tunnel.  Why, oh why, could it have not been done earlier when Klang traffic was light due to the construction of the tunnel???  

    Exactly!!! The lack of planning/foresight in this city is unbelievable! I guess no planning/foresight means more projects, so more people can make more money.

  7. I see two issues here; lack of foresight (immigration must have an inkling of an idea the numbers are going to increase as the TAT promotes Thailand), and lack of concern for the tourists, (basically immigration doesn't care about moving tourists through faster, they're government workers on a salary).

    Maybe a commission system for the immigration officers would be an idea; the more bodies they move through the more salary they get.

  8. 3 hours ago, HerbalEd said:

    Are you taking what you heard from one manager at one Kasikorn bank and extrapolating that on to all Kasikorn banks? 

    I assume--maybe wrongly, that the policy applies to all branches since it's usually corporate that decides these type issues not individual branches. I'll ask the manager I know if it's branch specific and get back to the forum. I can't imagine why one branch would have that policy and not all. 

  9. Just a thought; maybe the city should think about COMPLETING a project before starting another one. The Suhkumvit tunnel, Siam Country club Rd, and the beach sand reclamation projects come to mind. Plus if they start on the roundabout BEFORE Pattaya Klang is opened back up that means two major roads into the city will be less than full capacity. Finish one thing before you start something else when it affects traffic. 

  10. Not sure what nationality you are, but a Kasikorn bank manager told me that their bank will no longer open accounts for US citizens unless they have a Thai work visa. It's related to US laws, Kasikorn doesn't want to deal with the US bueracracy....can't blame them as I hate dealing with that s**t also. Also if any US citizens currently have a Kasikorn account, it's better to keep it open otherwise if you close it they won't open another one for you. Obviously this only applies if you want to stay with Kasikorn, if you move banks this wouldn't concern you.

  11. 25 minutes ago, hansnl said:

    There should be a way to store all that, or a big part, of all that water.

    I've thought this same thing for many years. Seems like every year it's the same thing, first drought then flooding; I know they have many large reservoirs but surely they could develop more. And on a side note; if they did massive projects like that, just think of all the money that would change hands, you'd think politicians/govt would be all over that!

  12. I searched for this on TV but can't find anything on it, even though I'm sure there is. Anyway, does anybody know a reputable window tint shop in Pattaya--preferably one you've dealt with personally, that installs 3M products--I'm particularly interested in 3M crystalline film. I've seen lots of shops around but not sure of the quality they turn out. 

    Thanks in advance for any info.

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