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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. On 8/19/2018 at 8:06 AM, elgenon said:

    Royal is fully rented. Stores upscaling. Have you actually gone there? New supermarket with restaurant. Food court pricier too. Great view though

    As a matter of fact, I have gone there for many years--23+, so have some idea of what it was like when it first opened compared to now. Maybe it is fully rented but it has gone downhill ever since Central opened--in my opinion. I still go there when I want to avoid the crowds. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


    Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs but annoying other people at 5am is out of order, no matter what religion/nationality/color/animal

    Singapore got it right on this issue years ago. You can practice whatever religion you want but it can't infringe on other peoples rights. I don't like nanny states, but I do when I'm trying to get some sleep. Nothing against Islam but I do have an issue with the minarets and they're wailing.

  3. On 7/28/2018 at 2:40 PM, Gregster said:

    What about the village PA announcements every morning at 5.30... they’re louder than all dogs and chickens combined in this village.

    And mosques at certain hours when people are sleeping..........but we won't go there.

  4. 9 hours ago, lockyv7 said:

    wonder how all the other workers who work there felt about the new guy getting a new car on his first day. 

    I wonder if the other workers there were willing to walk 32 km to work on their first day. Personally if I was one of them I'd feel respect for the guy, because I admit, I probably wouldn't do it.

  5. I've noticed a few condo advertisements guaranteeing a return of x% in x number of years, (I put the x's because some are offering different rates/years than others). Any one checked into this(?), what's the catch? I notice they all have an asterisk after the statement so must be some fine print. Do they rent it out for you, and buy it back in a certain number of years? I don't see how they can guarantee this much return. Maybe it's the ol', "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn't".

    • Haha 1
  6. On 7/1/2018 at 9:20 PM, impulse said:

    I have no problem with pranks that leave no $$$ damage in their wake.  But that doesn't include pranks that require expensive bodywork to fix.

    My thoughts exactly! I wonder how these teens would feel if someone else damaged their precious phone, I pad, or other device they can't live without.

  7. 11 hours ago, upu2 said:

    Maybe it isnt a well known fact but laws are to protect the majority of people, it isnt to favour criminals.

    YES, now days in certain countries it seems the legal system forgets about the victim and their families and just focuses on the perpetrator and how sad it is that they turned out the way they did, and how it's all societies fault, blah, blah, blah. 


    And to Ginner: I agree it's proven that the death penalty is not a deterrent.....but it stops THAT murderer from killing any more innocent victims in society, or his fellow inmates in prison--just in case death penalty opponents wanted to tell me that life in prison accomplishes the same thing.

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  8. On 6/24/2018 at 11:38 AM, happylarry said:

    I did the same for the first house that I had built.

    The thing that annoyed me so much was that each year I had to pay out between twenty and thirty thousand baht for the lawyers to draw up false tax returns and pay the false tax etc. Also be aware that it costs more to close the company than it does to start it, so consider that as well. And of course with it being illegal you never know exactly when the government are going to live up to their word and investigate all of these dormant companies.

    I was just so pleased to get shot of my company and do without the headaches.


    Agree with this totally! I did the same for around 20+ years and over time got tired of the fee for the fake company, plus the threat of the Thai government cracking down on this. I also didn't realize the cost incurred in closing  the company.

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