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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. 14 minutes ago, Hayduke said:

    We are not that important.

    Exactly(!); I'm important to my Thai extended family but not to the Thai govt. They want tourists who come here, spend their money, then leave. 

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Hayduke said:

    We are not that important.

    Exactly(!); I'm important to my Thai extended family but not to the Thai govt. They want tourists who come here, spend their money, then leave. 

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  3. 20 hours ago, themerg said:

    You are worried about a bird that is not worried about you.

    Uhhhhhhhh, don't really care if the bird is worried about me or not, I just want to be able to sleep. And to all those that say I'm fixated on the bird.....if I could sleep I wouldn't be fixated on it, would I? Seems common sense to me, but maybe not to others.

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  4. 3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    Except for the poor bird

    If you were getting woken up every night at 0130, 0330, and 0530 you might feel differently. I love nature and all types of animals but it's not an endangered species so I have no qualms taking it out. If I could catch it I'd be glad to send it to you so you could enjoy it's melodic call every night.....all night, and adjust to sleeping in the daytime. I can't really put into words just how obnoxious this bird is; you've got to experience it up close to get the full impact. 

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  5. I feel your pain, sometimes the one around my house sounds off at 0130, 0330, 0500, don't mind the daytime but at night it's pretty annoying. It's not like it's a pleasant call either.......and the decibel level is up there also. I tried a green laser a couple of times, shining it into it's eyes, hit or miss whether it was working. I do have a drone I send up sometimes to scare it away but it takes a few minutes to get it up in the air, plus at 0130 I don't really feel like getting up to get the drone up and out. If I could find/buy an air rifle here I would take it out. I'm sure the wife could turn it into some kind of soup/curry, win win all around!

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  6. I've known two different friends who lost motorcycles, cars and eventually the houses they owned because their wife gambled, not the same type your wife is into, but gambling all the same. Anybody who's lived here full time and more than a couple of years could probably tell you other examples of this, it's pretty common. Thai women love to gamble. Only advice I can give has already been mentioned; protect what you have and limit what she gets in the future; protect yourself and your child.

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  7. My wife went upcountry to get her license, took her written test, didn't pass, paid another 200 baht and got a test given to her with the answers, then a half hour later had a license. I asked her about the actual driving test and was met with a shoulder shrug and a "mai roo".

    Annnnnd, its a "good for life" license, never expires! I don't think they do these anymore.....and for good reason. She was taught at a driving school but they never had any class on the laws/rules of the road, only practical driving. It's no wonder Thailand is # 1 in road fatalities!

  8. The Thai's don't know about blind spots because they're only looking ahead and not in their mirrors........there's no blind spots in front of you! A couple of my Thai friends always ask me why I look in the back over my shoulder when changing lanes, their question is "Why you look backwards(?), the car the car is moving forward not backwards." 

  9. 40 minutes ago, guest879 said:

    you might as well walk away from it. I never met a western man who has won from a situation like this. I know a few who tried throwing away money on lawyers.

    Sad to say, but I agree, it's a lost cause trying to fight the Thais. The odds are against you from the start, during, and after the battle. If you've got copious amounts of money to pay the right people you might have some success.....but if you have that much money you probably wouldn't be worried about one house.

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