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Everything posted by ross163103

  1. I clean the dust filters monthly and have a contractor do a deep clean-complete disassembly, every 3-4 months. Pretty amazing the amount of dirt/sludge that gets on the evaporator and fan, especially the fan. The one time I tried to stretch the interval out to 6 months the drain got clogged from all the debris, started leaking on the floor. The unit runs approx 12 hrs a day. The thing to think about is not so much the dry dust but the mold that's forming on the evaporator and fan.
  2. It's Asia, brown envelopes all around makes people go blind.
  3. As others have said, I also had a friend that contracted shingles, I asked him if the vaccine was worth it, his reply, "Worth every penny, get it." He described the pain as having your nerves on fire, not really something I'd like to experience.
  4. How about Thailand goes after corruption in its own house to gain revenue instead of always looking at tourists/farangs?! I'm sure there's trillions of baht being squandered away every year. Oh, that's right, we can't ask those types of questions, people will get upset and lose face. Easier to go after the farangs, easy targets.
  5. I wouldn't exactly call "holding hands and hugging" abusing, but that's just me. Grooming, maybe, but hopefully we'll never know as maybe he learned his lesson--no pun intended.
  6. Larger pipes obviously help but they've got to get the water OUT of the pipes, if you don't, they just act like a reservoir, fill up, then back up which is what's happening now in most parts of the city. I don't know how many times they've installed larger pipes on beach road and it's still the same. I guess the constant construction does provide a steady stream of revenue for all those involved........
  7. Go team Spain, stop the invasion!
  8. I bet if this was any other nationality besides Chinese they would be arrested, imprisoned, then deported. Bow to your emperors!
  9. Sounds like he was practicing sharia law; wife raped then she's the one that gets killed, and the perpetrator walks.
  10. Blackvue and Thinkware both have excellent cameras, not cheap but great video quality and lots of features, one being able to dowload files to your phone instead of having to take out the card. Depending on the location of the card and where camera is mounted, could be a pain.
  11. Couldn't see this coming, could we?!
  12. WOW! A Thai that actually stayed at the scene of the accident AND admitted he was drinking while driving.......what a breath of fresh air in the land of run away and never admit guilt.
  13. The movie Idiocracy explains this trend. It was a grade B comedy but has slowly turned into a documentary on how the US--and the rest of the world, is going!
  14. 555555....that's funny! Been here 30+ years and it's the same story over and over and over! TIT!
  15. Imprisonment and castration for these offenses. If he does his time and makes it out and commits the same crime again, death penalty........he won't reoffend after that.
  16. I wouldn't ask family or friends for money because I know how I feel when people ask me. IF I fell on hard times I might explain my situation--IF family or friends ask, then if they offer to help, great. But I don't want to create any hard feelings by asking. Many years ago I had one friend ask for a substantial amount and after many hours of talking about it I said no, his response, "But you're my last hope, if you don't give me the money I don't know what I'll do." He didn't get the money and we are no longer friends because of it. Better to not ask as it just creates problems, unless everything turns out perfect.
  17. Yes, and family also! In the past I've had Thai friends and family ask for a "loan", very few paid it back and the ones I refused didn't talk to me again--which was fine because they wouldn't ask for more money. If you "loan" money to an Asian consider it a gift and you'll feel better when they don't pay it back, and it will be a bonus if they do. This was MANY years ago and I don't loan money to anyone any more, life is a lot easier that way.
  18. Was there ever any doubt as to this taking place.....I don't think so!
  19. Guilty of ethical misconduct?! That's laughable! Show me a politician anywhere in the world--and especially Thailand, that not guilty of that!
  20. Exactly what I'll be doing! She's such a good wife she deserves a LOT of gifts! LOL/TIT!
  21. It's no wonder they need to tax farang's income with this type of thing going on! And this is probably the tip of the iceberg!
  22. OK, thanks for that, I couldn't find that thread mentioned because I didn't think about it being under "jobs", anyway moderator can close this out.
  23. I know there's not much info on the details of the new income tax law on foreigners but has anyone heard any info on how they plan to enforce this? Will it be at immigration, or at your bank possibly, or a letter from the revenue dept sent to your residence? Maybe someone on this forum knows a lawyer that could answer this question. I couldn't find a finance forum for this to go in so put it in this forum.
  24. Living at the same address for 25 years; last time I went to report at Jomtien the girl said; "You can do if you want but don't have too, better if you do." Talk about vague!
  25. Because a lot of them think, "That happens to other people not me." Or, they just don't think at all.
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