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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. 2 hours ago, Clarkey611 said:

    Now he has set a bad example, I worry that soon everyone will be doing it!

    Exactly, instead of the airline punishing him for his forgetfulness--by not going back, everybody has to be inconvenienced. They've made hundreds--depending on the number of passengers, irratated and possibly won't be flying with them again, but they've made two people happy. The math doesn't add up. And for sure since he got away with it this time he'll feel empowered to do this type of thing again in the future.


    When I was working I flew 8-10 times a year--all long haul, and if I forgot something I wouldn't even think of asking the airline to turn the plane around. I might have asked them to try and mail my belongings to me--at my cost, instead of inconveniencing many many other passengers.......but that's just me--old school. Grow up and stop being irreponsible; too many me, me, me entitled people in the world now days.

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  2. Does anyone know of any second hand book shops in Pattaya? I used to see some bars and shops that had a leave one/take one type policy but haven't seen any lately. I'm not interested in taking just want to get rid of some books I have at home. Hate to throw them away as most of them are new.

    Thanks in advance

  3. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    My estimated monthly budget when I came here in 2015 doubled + 20% in the 8 years I have lived here

    Agree, when I first came here Thailand was a cheap place to live, not so much now days. But then again I've been here 30 years so in that time you have to expect prices to go up--just more than I thought they would. Also it depends on how you want to live, I live like a westerner not a Thai so spend quite a bit more than the average Thai would.

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  4. 19 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    I've never seen or heard of people doing that.

     I was in an outdoor noodle shop one time in a village up north. I saw this kid around 7-10 years old eating his noodles and watching this dog sleeping in the sun. After the kid finished his noodles he walked over to the dog quietly and soccer kicked it in the stomach as hard as he could; needless to say the dog ran off howling. I told my wife this could be one of the reasons some dogs bite people, bad history with humans.

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  5. Depends on the card game, but when they get into a game called "bok dang"--not sure if that's spelled right, anyway it can get real serious real fast. I've known three friends whose wives have lost houses, cars, motorcycles, basically everything. One friend thought he was smart and had the house deed in a safe in his car, the house was in her name so she went down to the land office and told them she lost the chanote, they gave her a new one and a few months later they were moving out, mafia got the house. He found out who got it and offered to buy it back; they said sure, for 4 million baht. Basically he would have had to pay full price he paid originally AGAIN to get it back. Police won't help in these cases. 


    I know this doesn't help you any just warning you how it can go.

  6. On 6/27/2023 at 4:13 PM, anchadian said:

    Thailand's leading prime ministerial candidate Pita Limjaroenrat said on Tuesday he has enough support in the upper house to become the country's next premier, just days ahead of the new parliament's first session

    Guess not; just saw on the local news today--28 Jun 1700, the senate didn't vote him in. The plot thickens.

    Rumour has it watchman didn't go to the UK to see a dog show he held a secret meeting with Thaksin about becoming PM--watchman not Thaksin. Another Thaksin puppet in the works, similar to his sister, and we all know how well that worked.

    • Haha 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    No specifics… how surprising. Do a bit more research

    Uhhhh.......four different articles from four different sources saying the same thing, guess I didn't do enough research for you, I can find more if you want but I think I proved my point--to most people, but obviously not to you. Plus the article you linked too basically says the same thing so I'm not sure what you wanted to say, seems there are five articles now saying the same thing. We'll just agree to disagree as I don't see this discussion ending. This will be my last post on this, have a nice day.

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  8. Been hit once, had security bars installed after that, don't like them but better than being robbed. They pushed up the latch on the window, never noticed how that could happen until I saw the evidence

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  9. 1 hour ago, Gweiloman said:

    Can you please give one example of an African nation that is finding out about getting a “loan” from China? All the examples that I know of seem to indicate that the nation concerned is very happy with the infrastructure investments made by China and Chinese firms. 

    https://blog.politics.ox.ac.uk/chinas-role-in-restructuring-debt-in-africa/#:~:text=China has become Africa's biggest,of the Sino-African relationship.




    It's called "debt trap diplomacy". No specifics on whether certaIn nations are very happy or unhappy just that there are in debt distress or at a high risk of debt distress. I'm sure China will have a way out for these countries when they start to default on their debt..........if you know what I mean. Cambodia is going the same way.

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