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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. I'd like to say I would intervene, but after being here 30 years and seeing what I've seen, if you do it's not going to go well for you in the end. Thai males can be very vindictive and will "get you in the end". They look at it like it's not your business--especially with a female involved.

    I knew a couple of farangs that had an issue with some Thai males; the Thais ending up waiting approx a year then beat the s**t out of the farangs. It was all over a "loss of face". Plus if you intervene you'll probably end up fighting with him and all his friends, not just him. 

  2. On 4/17/2023 at 10:13 PM, bogs smith said:

    i have had many such encounters over the years and its making me question. does Thailand attract losers or do people become losers when they have been here too long?

    I've lived here 30 years and over time I noticed the same thing, although saying that, I do have some friends that have been here a long time and are fairly "normal". I think with the ones that do have issues it could be that; some people have issues before coming to Thailand, and some come here "normal" and go off the rails. From what I've seen it's mainly from women, alcohol, or failed business ventures--or a combination of all three. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    Sometimes the only way a man can "win" is to simply leave, and I think that is even more true in a foreign country.

    "Cutting your losses" comes to mind, luckily my wife took my side as she could see how it was going to end up.

    I had a friend in my exact same situation as me and he told me one day, "Steve, just get your stepson in the bedroom and beat the <deleted> out of him, it's going to come to that one day so might as well get it over with." It never got to that but was real close a few times. Just a complete loser. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    It eventually gets to a point where it's time to 'cut bait' and run before it really gets ugly

    Exactly, a lot of Thai mother's just can't let go, they don't understand that it's better for the son to learn responsibility and become and adult; too many of them never mature and can't handle life later on. Like mentioned before; basically it ends up a life of sponging/stealing money, drugs, prison, etc. Good luck to the original OP, he'll need it!

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  5. 23 hours ago, Stevey said:

    What was the outcome ? 

    As far as I know still not working. Since he was such a loser from day one I don't ever ask about him. If he fell off the face of the earth, not many people would notice. Oh yeah, and for people wanting to know, he's 30 something now. When I think of him the phrase "Oxygen thief" comes to mind.

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  6. Kick him out, tough love! It'll make him a more responsible adult later on. There's no excuse for this kind of behavior/living conditions, especially in someone else's house. My wife kicked her son out of our house when he turned 15 because he dropped out of school with no plans for the future. She knew there would be major issues between myself and him eventually.....and I agreed with her. Best thing that ever happened in our household! Sabai sabai!

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  7. 11 hours ago, rwill said:

    But best to do what they want I guess to make things go smoothly.

    Agree, maybe I'm over cautious but I tend to do what they tell me so there's no issues later. You never know when you'll run across an IO thats pissed off, having a bad day and decides to make life miserable for you. I'd hate to show up for my annual extension and it goes something like this.

    IO: "Why you no show money at three months?"

    Me: "Uhhhh, people told me on Aseannow forum I didn't have too."

    IO; "What's this Aseannow forum? No extension, you start over with new visa."


    Like I said, maybe over cautious but I like an easy life so don't want to create additional problems. 


    • Haha 1
  8. AI is a dangerous thing, not sure why people can't see this. Numerous examples of, AI learning it's own language that the programmers don't understand, asking for the nuclear codes, various things like this. The movies: 2001; A Space Odyssey and The Terminator, come to mind. I know programmers say they can stop it at any time, but what happens if the AI program learns this and stops humans from stopping them BEFORE humans can do anything? Stephen Hawking--when he was alive, Elon MUsk, Bill Gates and other well educated people say it will take over the human race in time. IMO we shouldn't be developing this type software.

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