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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. AI is a dangerous thing, not sure why people can't see this. Numerous examples of, AI learning it's own language that the programmers don't understand, asking for the nuclear codes, various things like this. The movies: 2001; A Space Odyssey and The Terminator, come to mind. I know programmers say they can stop it at any time, but what happens if the AI program learns this and stops humans from stopping them BEFORE humans can do anything? Stephen Hawking--when he was alive, Elon MUsk, Bill Gates and other well educated people say it will take over the human race in time. IMO we shouldn't be developing this type software.

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  2. For all the time I've been here--30+ years, beach road has been a constant source of revenue for whoever's getting the contracts. Road repairs, road expansion, drain pipe project--numerous times, sand replacement project, overhead wires put underground, pavers on beach side footpath installed/pavers on beachside footpath replaced, etc. All done at different times, seems like they can't plan and do projects together. TIT

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