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Posts posted by rikki

  1. I read that crystal meths is 6 times more addictive than heroin.

    So 20k of it is going to get a lot of people hooked, they wont be able to see any further than their next hit.

    Probably not what most parents want for their children.

    I dont advocate the death penalty, but if it was a simple choice between the lives of those 2, or the lives wasted by their ICE,

    I know which I'd choose.

  2. if you go from the stadium, keep straight on where the road goes right, past a barrier, up a hill to another barrier,then you're on the road past a lake(with a slope and the stadium on your right) and it bends left

    . tarmac goes on a little then left to a hut,but you go straight on and you follow the big dirt track.At a very sandy junction at the bottom of a slope, (1km?)you can go either way to a junction where you see new houses being built.

    So take the other track there and follow (2km?) to the road just before huay tung tao ticket booth

  3. Interesting

    Airasia initially had a 6 month trial flight to manado,sulawesi, to test the route

    They promised flights to kathmandu, but apparently Malaysian Airlines thought it a promising route, and being the national airline, prevented airasia from getting the final permission needed to fly from Kuala Lumpur airport

    Can anyone explain why I can no longer get the airasia site to work on my PC?

  4. Also the diving boards at the stadium have been closed for about 6 months. Apparently someone had an accident.

    Not surprising considering the way some kids abused it.

    However, personally I need to practice diving and jumping an d would really like to see it open again.

    Presumably the same people are responsible for keeping the facility closed.

    If you could point me in the right direction perhaps I can do something.

    Also I would very much like to see a bike/skating park open here

  5. The doctor told me that he could tell by looking at me, and the answers I gave about my health, that I was not low in testosterone.

    I have no reason to doubt that he is a good doctor,

    Anyway, it is my own decision to investigate further.

    Also, the pharmacy at Macro is no longer there

    best quote so far is 850bt for a box (60) of Andriol

    Anyone find them for less?

  6. I just had some tests done.

    I asked for the tests mentioned above, however the doc said this an that, and so I ended up with the

    Total Testosterone and PSA test results

    Also the blood tests, sugar, cholestorol.

    All OK, except a bit too much sugar and animal fats.

    So now I want free testosterone and Estrogen level tests

    Where do they do this in Chiang Mai?

  7. I wanted to go but was busy riding elsewhere, mostly because I didnt know where or what time it was

    Can I get directions to the track?, I'd like to see if I can ride there

  8. I get the point of your post but if you value your life and/or don't like pain is anywhere safe?

    I appreciate info on traffic blackspots, also I understand people cant all afford cars, and there'd be much worse traffic problems if everyone used a car instead, but it seems to be that many car drivers have this "I'm bigger than you,so I can kill you if you dont keep out of my way" attitude, which is perhaps the reason that there are so many motorcyclists killed and maimed.

    So if that attitude is acknowledged to be wrong, end of problem

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