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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 3 minutes ago, 2baht said:

    The very fact that he even has a shot at another term as POTUS makes you all look stupid! As for Wonky Joe, no, I won't!

    As an american I agree and confess am embarrassed by it. 

    In our defence , I a not sure what country you are from, but I am sure you also have your chalanged individuals. 

    You might even be one of them, :tongue:

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  2. 1 minute ago, Dolf said:

    Please don't troll me with vulgar crap.

    It is a common saying designed to display how  small moment define the long term. 

    Apologies for the "vulgarity" I am sure you never heard f such language. Sorry I had to subject you to it. 

      and I was not trolling you I was replying to a post you made. I hope you now realise why what you said was wrong. 

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  3. Just now, Dolf said:

    The topic is about Trump. You started talking about penis. Must be something wrong with you.

    Just because you did not get it, does not mean that it's unknowable.

    You made a not so bright comment. "two hour speech and they are only talking about the two minutes,

    and I thought by using an allegory I would make you realise the error of that statement.  

    Apparently it went over your head

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  4. 4 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    I strongly agree. Question I have is what would the response be if Biden upon re-election pardon Trump for all 91?

    I don't particularly like Biden , he supported the gulf war, he gave us Hillary when he gave up his spot to her in 2016 , and then he gave us the Ukraine was, but compared to trump he is miles better. 

    Having said that 

    I have no doubt, that regardless who is president, trump will never spend a day in prison,

    Not sure how this will be accomplished.  Perhaps a Biden Pardon . like Ford to Nixon. 

    or sone other way. I would not be happy not to see trump in jail. but I understand the realities, 

    But good news for trump. After they are done with him, he will qualify for food stamps. :smile:


  5. 9 hours ago, frank83628 said:

    actually it's not, because if you bother to watch a clip of what was said this thread you will see this thread is misleading. he might have said the word, but it was not in the context implied here.

    I am not going to ague with you , if it is misleading on not, I have made the case that it is not several times, and the definition of insanity is, "doing the same thing and expecting different results. 

     Even if you are to believe that it is believing, which is not, 



  6. It will all depends an the with and length of the hole .

    If it is a wide hole, the meat can be spread out , maybe a ft thick, at which case the settling  in any particular are would be negligible. I am sure it would not be buried deep enough to affect water tables. 

    IMO it would be good fertilizer, 

  7. 1 minute ago, Dolf said:

    Topic mentions Biden in the title. How is it not about both of them?


    The thread is about what trump  said .  It is not about both of them. It could had said "there would be a bloodbath if trump loses in the general election"  and it would had made no difference to this thread.


    I grow tired of this dance . you can solo. The floor is all yours.

  8. 54 minutes ago, Dolf said:

    Mine showed Biden being lost. Yours was off topic nonsense.


    You just can't admit the truth about Biden. He looks very old.

    Yours showed a right wing Contractors doing her job

    Mine showed an actress doing her job 

    I could have posted a video of trump being lost and saying nonsenses, but I do like Audrey, trump? not so much.


  9. 36 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    he said the word 'bloodbath' but not in the context of the title of this post, it's misinformation, a word that the opposition to Trump are always accusing everyone else of.

    He said " If I am not elected , there will be a bloodbath" 

    are you saying he is so stupid he did not know how his supporters  will take it?

    if so he is either stupid, irresponsible, or both. 


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  10. On 3/16/2024 at 9:00 AM, Woof999 said:

    There is 3 phase power pretty much right outside. I'm not sure if the cable gauge is big enough for the power I'll need, but if not, the run to the main 3 phase poles at the T-junction is less than 300m.

    but the house and wiring will be designed to support at least hybrid electricity.

    Our play farm. (We mostly do gardening and playing with dirt there) was 500 m from the main line, 

    PEA wanted 300k to bring power to our farm where we have a small two room structure, and have a house book for. 

    So I said you got to be kidding,  for 300k I can have the best solar cell system and never pay a bill. 

      Have you heard the saying " the squeaky wheel gets greased"?  :laugh:

    we kept bothering the supervisor responsible to the point where he got tired of seeing our faces. And called up back after a while ,saying that he got a grand, and now he could do it for 90K

    So we had a meeting with all the neighbors in the area, Initially they were resistant. to the idea , but finally understood that for a small investment their value of their property would double. 

    The final cost for each was about 15,000 baht. 

    The Project is just finished last week. and we should be getting out meter installed tomorrow or tuesday :biggrin:

    On 3/16/2024 at 9:00 AM, Woof999 said:

    Yes we do plan on going solar. Whether that will be sooner rather than later we'll have to see, but the house and wiring will be designed to support at least hybrid electricity.

    That's the best option. I have a small solar system for running the well. and a couple of things . and cloudy days like now, I have issues. Today, I had to bring my generator with me, to water. We dont live there and I am afraid to leave the generator at the farm. 

       I am jealous of your 15 Rai and proximity to the river.  My "farm" is 1,5 rai.  I am trying to get our neighbor to sell be a rai ( they have so much) next to our property , I want to fig a pond. 


    PS: don't listen to all the negative advice, about not building. 

       First of all you know your wife. If you did not trustee her you would not had married her. To me you don't sound like you were born yesterday. 

       Second, Thailand is a Community property country, anything obtained while married , half belongs to the wife and half belongs to you. In the event you got divorced , your wife would have to buy wour half, or sell the property and you both split the proceeds . In the event of a death(god forbid) You have a year to sell your interest. (There ways of getting around that.)

       Third, you are not investing in your wife as some want to suggest. You are investing in your lifestyle. You only live once, you cant play defence and compromise your life. If you lost it, So what? 

    you lived your life in you on terms, and there is much more value in that than a few thousand dollars.  




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