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Everything posted by Gaccha

  1. That is why they rejected you. It's a relatively new rule (I think from around Feb 2024). Yes Yes
  2. The scholars of literature among us can enjoy the irony of the suspect called Mr K., being accused of committing the suitably vague quasi-crime of loss of face. “The trial is not about justice; it is about power.” – The Trial
  3. Well, let's see what she had to say. I'd love to have a link. Is it from Pantip?
  4. I know what bad air quality is: I experienced 700+ (!) in India. The current air quality in Bangkok is about the same as always at this time of year, 125- 225. After India, I had a blocked nose for 2 months until I started using nasal irrigation. At the milder Bangkok conditions, my nose just feels slightly uncomfortable at times. It makes no sense to shut up shop for this routine level of pollution.
  5. We have a very different view of reality. On the way back from a business trip to Malaysia, owing to rain damage to my passport, Malaysian immigration control came very close to blocking me from leaving their country. Even saying that I would need to obtain a new passport. Luckily, a top supervisor let me through. With this in mind you can imagine my extreme concern at Thai Immigration letting me in. I carefully selected a young female officer. It was a good choice. I giggled slightly when she looked in shock at the rain damaged passport, I promised her I'd get a new one, she laughed, and through I went.
  6. Is this a reference to the law in England of death by dangerous driving? I ask because I don't believe such a law exists in Thailand. That law in England, from memory, is up to 14 years imprisonment.
  7. You have just stumbled upon an important phenomenon called "the pizza effect".
  8. Opera browser. There is a Kaptcha on the page so it could be sensitive to the browser type.
  9. Wow! That worked. The App version has no "register" button after the acceptance of conditions. Amazing. I managed to register on your link and then log-in.
  10. That's actually one step more than me. What did you press to get beyond the page I'm showing?
  11. To piggyback off your post, I have been trying to use the queueing app, but found it impossible to get beyond the registration page. Has anyone managed to do this recently? Obviously if the App worked then I wouldn't need to worry about having a walk-in option. I also would like to know if there any walk-in options across Bangkok, particularly the DLT2 in west Bangkok. Here is the problem with the app: There is no way to get past this. It just goes into a loop.
  12. On the DLT Smartqueue App, I can't get past this pop up. If I press the red 'x', and then press 'confirm' again, it just enters into a loop. How do I move past this page?
  13. That's one of the higher tiers. 25% on income between THB 1,000,001 and THB 2,000,000
  14. This is best practice. The highest quality and yet cheap. The OP, if they're in Bangkok, should attend Rutnin Eye Hospital. They have a large area for eye examinations for a simple fee. Then get the prescription and order it online with Zenni.
  15. I'm intrigued by its practical functionality. Obviously it's in Pound Sterling. But as an offshore account is it linked to the free ATM usage network (the name of which escapes me) of the UK or are you charged on your bank card withdrawals (assuming you have one)? Did onshore institutions allow payments to be made to it? For example, law firms sending funds or government institutions sending payments etc. Is it on the Swift network or are movements treated as international from and to the UK? Are transfers to and from the UK free of charge? What other differences?
  16. It got 2,000 reviews and has a score of 4.0 on my Google Play. Is your Google selected for the Thai region? An outside region can cause them to hide reviews.
  17. I've had a Tourist Police App on my phone for well over a year. It does all the functions they describe above. It's called the "Tourist Police i lert u". There is also a separate but functionally identical general police app. I've had that one for around 5 years. If you have a problem. You take a photo, upload it to the App. They read the message, see the photo, know your location, and respond. Handy for accidents and disturbance. The problem for many AseanForum members is many of them are the problem, and are the disturbance. So they should refrain from using this App.
  18. I have deducted 10 points from your Social Credit Score.
  19. The article is talking about acting authentically in the face of existential boredom. Heidegger's remarkable "The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude" are the best lectures on the topic of boredom. Heidegger is famous for seeking to identify how to act authentically. The lectures strangely manage to make you bored but also excited as you read them. Recommended. But honestly I suspect most AseanForum members would be better off just buying a Leo, and not thinking too much.
  20. Report the new location to Google Maps App with photo proof. They are very quick to accept changes.
  21. I have never been stopped by customs in any country, except Japan. But with Japan, I've been stopped around 80% of the huge number of times. They always select foreigners. Always. The last several times I entered on a business trip, wearing a suit, and I still had my bag carefully checked. A foreigner trying to smuggle drugs into Japan is so unlikely to succeed.
  22. Did you miss the "or" and the "or" and the "or"?
  23. It's literally the first thing they ask. Whether it amounts to a crime obviously will depend on the circumstances, but the government's own explanatory guidelines even offer up this very scenario: You'll notice this is much wider than stealing from another. You don't even need a victim. Obviously using the account to enact tax evasion is to cause loss to another party.
  24. There is an ongoing conflation of domicile and residence. If you were born in the UK it is almost certain that you will remain domiciled in the UK for the rest of your life. It is notoriously difficult to lose that position. What you are almost certainly talking about is residency for tax purposes. And I still don't get the OP's position: Where is "here"? My assumption is Thailand. And what do you mean by live? More than 180 days so you are clearly a resident in tax matters. You mentioned earlier that you spend most of your year in KSA, which means that you live there, not "here". In any event, you can easily open a pound sterling offshore bank account in the Isle of Man etc. If you attempt to open a British onshore bank account then they will not allow it unless you lie about your place of residency. That is, as I explained earlier, a crime. The bank will ask you for your tax ID. What are you going to do? The money might not be taxed in the UK or Saudi Arabia, as you've pointed out, but that does not mean that Thailand cannot tax it if it enters Thailand such as via an ATM withdrawal, should you at any point be resident of Thailand.
  25. I don't understand. You want to tell them you live in Thailand when you really live in KSA? I cannot understand the aim of your scheming and this may affect the unraveling of the consequences. In any event, it will be fraud by false representation under the Fraud Act 2006. There will then be a cascade of further problems as you appear to be considering tax evasion.
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