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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. Saw a Knife pulled on 3 Indian guys today.

    Second lot down from walking street.

    The Indians where just not taking any notice of the Thais and where in the process of walking away.

    The Thai guy showed them the Knife and they decided better of it, sat down and the negotiations started.


  2. If, every time you need money, you withdraw 20.000 baht, about £425, the 150 baht fee is small beer. I have my pension paid into my UK bank and simply use the card 3 times a month to get it all over here, total cost, about £10.

    What card are you using?

    If for example its a Nationwide card then you are also paying 2% plus £1 per withdrawal.

    Add this to your 150B and you are up over £50 per month in charges.

  3. your right i was off topic and sailing too close to the wind with that last one for sure i blame the beer

    anyway i reckon seaside in chaiyapoon at 320 will do me as i will be on own from 12 midday to at least 12 midnight so seaside and maggie mays i think

    You randy sod Neil, you fancy the older one behind the cash till ,that's why you go there. I go too 'cos I fancy her but she's a bit stuck up,a widow though,but I 'll keep trying. There is a place across the Suk highway doing pints for 50 baht,Xmas dinner all in for 500 ,the Seaside is 80 baht extra for the afters...I'm on my own at 10 30 in the morn ,so might see you there

    What place is this?

  4. If you want to invest in a business for your wife then for it to have any chance of being successful it must be something that she has great expertise at, I seem to think you want to put all your hard earned cash in to a business for your wife and expect it to make you mega bucks without any working knowledge of the trade, you would be better off and go to a casino and put all your money on black, at least you will have better odds, (a 48.64% chance of doubling it or 51.36% of losing it).

    So the odds of getting Red are 2.62% better than Black ? I'm putting my money on Black...........

    Whilst I can't confirm the accuracy of Basil B's percentages.

    Be it Black or Red you odds are less than 50% as a zero is a lose whatever, the house advantage!

  5. i would not pay more than 100 baht, doctors or clinics,,would say doctor out on dark side on way to driving licence place.

    A little cheap are we? The same medical in the UK would cost you 8000 baht. For your own benefit if you are going to have a mediical pay the money and get it done properly.

    Two very different requirements.

    A medical check up.

    Or a medical certificate for driving license.

    As said before no check up required only 100B.

  6. A BIG well done to Pattaya One.


    Now wouldn't it be terrible if the beach road area, particularly the Mikes Mall area was to become littered with copy's.

    Some people are just so lazy leaving their papers laying around after reading them.

    Free to download off the internet and print as many as you like.

  7. Phil, it made me stifle a grin when he said that. :lol:

    His poster reads: Hawaii, Waikiki, Japan, Koba, Osaka, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Bournemouth.

    Just my opinion but spot the odd city out. :whistling:

    Koba, it's the only one spelt wrong.

    Bournemouth it's the only one I have lived.

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