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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Right. That's why some major car manufacturers are already looking into hydrogen because it's so unfeasible. We'll talk again in 10 years.
  2. So what? Sales fluctuate and that's true for every single car manufacturer and every single car model ever built! Why do you think manufacturers come out with new generations of their car models every few years? Because the current generation doesnt sell anymore. Tesla never had any generational updates of any of their models ever apart from the Roadster, but that one isnt one the matket, yet. Offering the same car for ten years without at least one or two facelifts like they used to back in the day doesnt fly anymore in this "fast" culture we have these days.
  3. You conveniently forgot to mention all the silver and rare earth metals that need to be mined to produce the batterie packs for electric vehicles, which you wouldn't have to nearly as much with conventional combustion engines that use hydrogen as fuel. Plus, you don't have to wait for 5 hours until a charging plug becomes free at a charging station on your way to the beach or Mexico or wherever you wanna drive to on holiday because there's ten guys waiting in front of you, plus it doesnt take 45 minutes on top of your waiting time to recharge your battery to 85%, plus you won't have to fork out 8K or more when you eventually have to replace the battery pack on your EV, plus the value retention of a regular car will be higher because it won't be needing a new battery pack for 8K and they will be much easier to sell too, becsuse no one wants to buy an EV only to have to invest 8K in a new battery pack, plus where do all the dead battery packs go? And the list goes on and on!
  4. While he is totally wrong with his statement, the Israelis cant really play the victim anymore because of what they're doing do the Gaza Strip. Its essentially a concentration camp minus the gas chambers.
  5. There is already an alternative. It's the hydrogen combustion engine and I don't mean the variant that is essentially just another electric vehicle, but the internal combustion variant, which produces nothing but water as exhaust fumes. We have had that technology since the 90s. The problem so far has always been that producing the hydrogen was much more expensive than producing fossil fuels because it needs a lot of electricity. But since solar panels have come a long way since then and countries like the US have large parts of their country that's almost always sunny, hydrogen is now feasible. While I love the sound of V8s, is it really still necessary to drive cars that guzzle 25 liters per every 100 kilometers/ do 5 miles per gallon?! There's quite a lot that can be done or at the very least be improved.
  6. They're part of the "Last Generation!" All they do is block traffic with that stupid bull...t. The entire nation hates them. Munich just passed a law that makes it illegal to do that in their city. Germany should make it illegal nationwide and punish it with 5 years imprisonment. That would stop that nonsense very quickly. What pisses me off the most is that the firefighters have to come in and cut them off the road because superglue on its own didn't do the trick well enough, so now they mix it with concrete. So now they actually have to cut them out of the road and then fix the road as well afterwards. And all of that in the name of "protecting the planet"! It's utterly brainless!
  7. Well, America is one of the biggest polluters on this planet, any type of improvement they would make would definitely be for the better. Having said that, I don't think mankind can actually stop climate change. Also, there has been periods in Earth's history where it's been on average 15 degrees warmer than now and it wasn't that long ago and mankind still survived. It's one big cycle that comes and goes. But then again, to think that mankind hasn't sped up that process since it became industrialized is just silly and it can't continue that way it is now.
  8. They glue themselves to roads in Germany! ????
  9. Batteries can be literally sourced in the blink of an eye from other countries!!!
  10. pacovl46

    Very hot fridge.

    There's fridges that were specifically made to be built in, these are usually not as deep as regular ones because they need more space behind them to be able to dissipate the heat. Regular fridges are not suitable to be built in because they don't have that additional space and if they do get built in then they can overheat and cause a fire. Im assuming your fridge is free-standing, but I still thought I throw that piece of info in.
  11. Most people don't know how to access it, me included. It's probably easy enough to fund out, but the anonymity level is quite a bit higher than the regular internet, hence a lot of criminals use it.
  12. You might wanna look up what the dark web is and why it's called that...
  13. He's lucky he's still alive because if more than 60% of your skin gets burned like that it usually means the end.
  14. Ok . Well, unless you get a pretty good deal on it you're probably better off buying a LP second hand in Thailand due to the import tax.
  15. Ok, so since you’re playing dumb now, let me rephrase it then, what is sad about a lot of western males in this forum knowing a lot about Asian dick size?!
  16. Wow! Just wow! Well, obviously he wouldn’t have come back, if there wasn’t a deal in place beforehand, but still! Speaks volumes!
  17. Thais are very open when it comes to stuff like that, at least in my experience. Obviously Thai women are built to "accommodate" Thai sized penises and they're on average definitely smaller than western penises. So, depending on how large the western penis is it can be definitely painful for them. Most western women aren't into the big dicks either, around 6 inches is all they need because apparently the average vagina is "only" around 4 to 5 inches deep and anything longer than that is usually painful or at the very least uncomfortable. So, it doesn't surprise me when Asian women say they prefer Asian sized dicks.
  18. Oh, so small crosses around one's neck are still allowed then? The whole issue is just stupid All it does is creating animosity!
  19. I'm a flaming atheist, but all this secular <deleted> does is pissing people off and there will be consequences.
  20. I'm not talking about the cross on the classroom wall. I'm alking about the cross around their necks. They're still allowed!
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