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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. The keywords in my previous post are "not retroactive"....
  2. Riiiiight! Like the first time worked out so great! Let's make the same mistake again!
  3. Definitions can be changed! Usually they're not retroactive, though, which means, if they implement the new definition, Israel can't be held responsible for past actions that violate the new definition, but Israel will have to change the way it goes about it or it can be prosecuted for future actions. I don't see a problem with that at all! Shall the world wait until that conflict is over to be able to change the definition?!
  4. They not only know about it, but they have the technology, they have UFO's and they fly them. Again, watch the Bob Lazar episode. It's all there. Unless you've watched that there's no point in further discussion. The reason they admitting it now, is pretty much that they can't keep it a secret anymore because there's too many credible people with irrefutable evidence.
  5. You didn't get it! The only way that makes sense when it comes to drugs is legalization or at the very least decriminalization. How much tax money do countries spend annually on the war against drugs they can't win? Drugs are everywhere and it's criminals that make huge amounts of money with them. We also don't know exactly how many people take any given drug in which amounts and what diseases might spread amongst them. All we have is guesstimates. Then there's the fact that in the case of hard drugs, addicts will fairly quickly reach the point where they can't finance their addiction with their income anymore. So now they have to resort to criminal activities themselves to feed the monkey, which results in a overwhelmed court system and overcrowded prisons. There's also lots of gang activities going on because they fight over turf. If governments were to produce the drugs, tax them and sell them through pharmacies at a much cheaper price and much better quality than ghe gangs, no one would buy the expensive cut-up sh.t on the streets anymore. Hence the gangs would have no turf to fight over anymore because they'd lose their customer base pretty much over night. This reduces overall criminal activity and if they sold it at a price so cheap that people could afford it with their income and still make ends meet, addicts wouldn't have to resort to criminal activities either. Pair that with an anonymous form where they have to state their gender, age group, drug of choice and amount and an annual anonymous health check, then you'd have real numbers after a year instead of guesstimates. Plus, the government could save a sh.tload of money that they are wasting on the war against drugs they cant win, instead they'd have tax income, which could then be spent on large scale anti-drug campaigns in every classroom of every school once a year. Make those as disgusting as possible, you know, take a speed freak with no teeth in there, an alcoholic who's totally effed up and a heroin addict with track marks all over who hasn't had a shower in a couple of months who lives on the street and show them what that stuff really does to you, instead of the little speeches and a few pictures they're using now. In the end there will always be people who want to take drugs and as long as there's money to be made there will always be people willing to satisfy that demand and making it illegal won't change that one bit! All it does is create a black market and all the negative sh.t that comes with it. Legalization/decriminalization is definitely the lesser of the two evils! Lastly, as long as alcohol and cigarettes are legal, by the way, booze does more damage to an addict and their social environment than any other drug, I don't see why weed should be illegal., and gateway drug number one is booze!
  6. Seems like she's got the wrong type of dog breed! 🤪
  7. I'm sorry, but just because you couldn't get your head out of the coke trough for a couple of decades doesn't mean that cannabis is bad for everyone! Cannabis will be consumed whether it's legal or not. Making it legal was the only way that made sense!
  8. They're already here. Watch the Joe Rogan Bob Lazar episode. Also, the American Government has admitted publicly with an article in the New York Times, in 2019 in believe, that there's flying objects that they've recorded with infrared, radar and regular cameras through the military, that perform maneuvers that are simply impossible for anything man-made. They're assuming that it's some sort of gravitational propulsion system because there's neither a heat source nor an exhaust stream of any kind visible. There's another Rogan episode with Commander Fravor, a military pilot, who's the guy who recorded some of the aforementioned footage of said object.
  9. Definitely not a centipede of the scolopendra family because not only is the fangs going in quite painful, but the venom results in excruciating pain that lasts for hours. There's no way you would've slept through that.
  10. Yeah, but it's very unlikely he'll ever do that again because this was clearly a heat of the moment thing and usually people who kill in a rage like that never kill again. There's studies out on that. Needless to say, what a waste of life over nothing, but that's how it goes sometimes!
  11. Operation Rabbit Slaughter??? 😂😂😂😂 Who came up with THAT?!
  12. There's testing devices you can buy that will tell you whether it's gold....
  13. Huh? The one thing they didn’t do with covid is to inform the public early enough! What you think is “scaring the public” is informing them in time of what’s going on. So now you can take your own precautionary measures.
  14. Work permit is enough as well. I used that to get into Khao Yai for 80 Baht instead of the 400.
  15. Theoretically yes. Practically, there’s too many people who don’t care about dual pricing and they pay whatever is asked for because it’s more important to them to have that experience than being stingy. After all they’re here on holiday and want to see stuff.
  16. 😂😂😂😂 riiiiiiiiight! So delusional!
  17. If YOU say so! 😂😂😂
  18. It's not the wrong attitude! What's always conveniently left out is that Thais on average earn a fraction of what people who have enough money to pay for a flight and a hotel in Thailand make a month. Should the Thais pay the same price as tourists? 10 bucks to get into a National Park for example is peanuts for a tourist. Also, no one is forced to go in there. There's dual pricing in Thailand and it's not gonna go away. So people have two options, either take it for what it is or bitch and moan about it, but it's not gonna change no matter how much people keep complaining about it. What I don't get is why this subject keeps popping up in this forum. It's literally flogging a dead horse at this point!
  19. I'm not watching TV, therefore I'm not watching BBC either. As I've said before, if they're anti-semitic they need to be dealt with...
  20. As I've stated before, this is a waste of time! This will be my last reply to you!
  21. How many more times will this be posted???? It is what it is. There's nothing you can do about it, so suck it up!
  22. Go buy bitcoin then!
  23. I've mentioned that numerous times before in replies to you! I also sent you a YouTube link in which a holocaust survivor tells you all about it, but of course you didn't reply to that because it doesn't suit your worldview on that particular subject matter Also, you and I will never reach agreement on this, so that back and forth is a waste of time. Plus, you don't want to get it because you have your pro Israel blinders on. So, let's just agree to disagree.
  24. Frankly I don't give a <deleted> about BBC. If they're anti-semitic then they'll need to be held responsible for that! BUT, so does Israel for its wrongdoings and that's not really happening the way it should because people like you have their blinders on and see only the bad that's being done to the Israelis, while the bad Israel does is conveniently considered to be justified when it's clearly not! They're not the victims anymore, they've become the oppressor and frankly, theyre not one hair better than Hitler!
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