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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Well, you make me laugh with your delusions! Hence the emojis! 😂😂😂
  2. You mean like the International Court of Justice who has issued an arrest warrant for Netanjahu? 😂😂😂
  3. The one and only astonishing thing is that people like you completely blank out decades of evil <deleted> perpetrated by Israel against Gaza and the Palastinians that eventually lead up to the attacks in October! Keep gaslighting yourself, but you're not fooling me!
  4. You totally missed the point! The keywords are "long term investment!!!!!!"
  5. Total and utter bull<deleted>! If someone misbehaves all the time and I tell them they're eventually gonna pay the price for that then that DOES NOT make me an anti-semite. It's merely me stating the facts! But thanks for proving my point!
  6. 😂😂😂 Take your head out of the sand and see what's really going on!
  7. 😂😂😂😂 riiiiiiiiiight! Whatever gets you through the night!
  8. They almost ALWAYS make that accusation and IT IS a zionistoc regime, whether you like it or not!
  9. I buy that with my gold... 🤪
  10. There's a flipside to that coin! How did it come to these attacks? Israel has been provoking and antagonizing them for decades, provoking them into these attacks, but because you have your pro Israel blinders on you can't see that! Every human rights organization has been saying that the sanctions on Gaza need to be eased because it's a massive humanitarian crisis for well over a decade and Israel doesn't give one flying f about it and then they wonder when they get attacked. By the way, they want to get attacked, so they can execute their genocide under the disguise of defending themselves! Plus, they won't have to give up any of their land and as long as Hamas and Hezbollah resort to terroristic means they won't have to. It's all part of the Israeli big picture.
  11. May that as it be, but criticizing Israel for its deed does not automatically equal anti-semitism, but Israel ALWAYS accusing anyone of anti-semitism as soon as they say anything negative about Israel. Their regime is a bunch of sulking l, genocidal babies!
  12. Thanks for proving my point! 😂😂😂
  13. I meant one ruler for the UK is too mich power for one man....
  14. I’m pretty sure she’s confusing criticism of Israel’s behavior with anti-semitism, just like all the delusional zionists and their supporters do. Fortunately that accusation has lost its teeth! It’s not enough anymore to accuse someone of antisemitism to shut them up! Israel has it coming big time!
  15. That’s never gonna happen and that’s good! Way too much power for just one person. We already have a universal language for the entire globe - English!
  16. Oh please! They know that the Russians have been putting Snowden to work and now they want him back so he can snitch on the Russians! That’s literally it!
  17. The scar will make for a great story down the line…
  18. Are you insinuating that your beloved Trump has a clean vest? Yeah, despicable action on Biden’s behalf, but Trump is not one hair better!
  19. Are you for real?! First of all, gold, unlike bitcoin, gold doesn’t lose value, if you keep it as long term investment. Secondly, bitcoin is WAY more volatile than gold ever will be and lastly, no one even knows who”s behind bitcoin. If society collapses your beloved bitcoin will be absolutely worthless, while physical gold will hold its value. If you think advising people to invest in physical gold over bitcoin is disenginious then you’re delusional AF!
  20. Yeah, sorry,but I know for a fact that bitcoin is a LOT more volatile than what this graph shows! Also, look at a chart of the actual gold price and not bitcoin versus gold. You can connect all the low points since th beginning of the gold chart and it’s a steady upward trajectory. Can you say the same about bitcoin! But hey, to each their own. If you want bitcoin, go for it. I don’t.
  21. You didn't get it. Of course they're gonna use the gold, but they're not gonna offer it for sale on the open market all at once because that would dilute the market and lower the price. Also, of course you will never get the spot price for bars or coins because they have to be minted/made and that costs money, but it should nowhere be anywhere near 20% below spot price. In Thailand there's so many gold shops and you'll definitely find a better price than that!
  22. There's a photo of her head in the article...
  23. They won't throw it onto the market because it would dilute the price. All the gold that has been mined so far would fit into an Olympic sized swimming pool, if I remember correctly. So gold is not really abundant and bitcoin will NEVER be as stable as gold. That's a fact. Just look at its course over the past 10 years. It's a massive rollercoaster.
  24. Yeah, I don't think it was the Ayuahuasca. Obviously it's a lot hotter in the Amazon than it is in the UK right now, so your body does overtime trying to cool you down and given her body weight, it was probably too much for her heart.
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