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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. You’re welcome, mate! 🙂
  2. I totally agree and they should just get their own bathrooms and their own categories in sports and the Olympics, if they can get enough of them together.
  3. Do you have a Foodland supermarket in Chiang Mai? I’m German and I couldn’t believe my eyes when they had pretty much everything you can buy in a German bakery in there. They also had regular German as well as pizza meatloaf. It was literally like walking into a supermarket in Germany. If German bread qualifies as good bread to you then it’s definitely worth checking out a Foodland supermarket, if you ever come across one.
  4. Parrots area very bad idea unless you have no neighbors within 500 meters because they are EXTREMELY noisy and they require a special high quality diet and lots of toys which they will destroy immediately. If you don’t occupy their mind or interact with them a lot they might get depressed and start plucking all their feathers and/or get nasty. Usually they’re sweet when they’re young, especially when you raise them from an egg, but they they reach maturity they usually get nasty for a bit and bite a lot. And god forbid they get sick and you have to inject them with medicine. They will hate you for months after that and will try to bite you every time you go near them. Tyler Nolan on YouTube has a couple of Macaws and they’re a pain in the ass. He’s got another one who’s a lot sweeter, but even that one is noisy as hell. Also, keeping birds who normally fly 15 miles a day in a cage is just cruel. If it absolutely has to be a bird, I’d get something small like a couple of canaries or a budgies that you can at least let fly around the house, if you don’t have the space for an aviary in your yard.
  5. It's not his job to check the gun because they hired an armourer specifically for that! And it was her who screwed up, hence she was sentenced and he wasn't! Having said that, him saying he didn't pull the trigger is ridiculous. I vaguely remember reading something about how its impossible that single action firearms can fire on their own unless there's a technical malfunction or you drop the gun while the hamner is cocked. He didn't drop it and if there had been a technical malfunction that would've come out immediately upon inspection of the gun, so....
  6. Exactly! No matter how much the "there's only two biological sexes" crowd doesn't get it, transgenderism is a real thing. In regards to puberty blockers in children, if it's a clear cut case that manifests from an early age where the kids tell you that they want to be the opposite sex, and that persists through kindergarten, primary and secondary school, then it's pretty safe to say that that kid is transsexual and therefore it should get the hormonal treatment it needs for its transition, so the end result will be much closer to how they identify. I mean let's face it, what do you see when you see a western transgender person who transitioned after puberty in the case of a male to female transitioner? In most cases you see a man dressed up like a woman, which is PRECISELY what they see when they look in the mirror, which causes major psychological issues, if they have BDD. On top of that they have to deal with dirty looks, jeers, snickering and all the other <deleted> every time they leave the house because some people simply can't handle it. If they had gotten the right hormonal treatment right at the onset of puberty, the end result would've been much more female looking and would've therefore alleviated some of the problems and therefore would improve their quality of life. The one thing I love about Thailand the most is that you can be anything and no one bats an eyelid, which is the way it should be! Thailand in that regards is lighyears ahead of the rest of the world. Having said that, the way transgender rights groups and other minority groups go about getting their agenda through most definity doesn't help their cause. You can't be militantly shove it down people's throats every single chance you get and expect to get acceptance and tolerance in return. Instead you get a knee-jerk reaction and the exact opposite of what you want simply out of spite. If you want acceptance, you need to ease people into it and bit by bit you're gonna get there!
  7. Well, I gave up smoking with the help of Carr's book. Worked like a charm. By the way, a lot of what people learn comes from books, whether it's school or an occupation or whatever. Therefore that argument of yours was quite silly! In the mid 90s, and and again towards the late 90s, heroin came through my little town of 6000 people. About 25 people that I know/knew personally, including three of my best friends, got hooked on that sh.t! I witnessed first hand not only their descent into addiction, but also their demise and the ensuing aftermath. Heroin infiltrates and screws up every single aspect of your entire existence, if you get hooked on it. And getting rid of that is so much a much bigger issue than just growing a pair and getting it done, like you suggested! If it was that easy we wouldn't be having this conversation! Now, there are definitely people who can give up smoking with sheer will power, and you might be one of them, but for most people sheer willpower doesn't work. Just because it works for you, doesn't mean it will work for everyone.
  8. There's no need for an explanation on your part. The video footage paints a crystal clear picture!
  9. There's video footage of more or less the entire ordeal with Floyd! If you've seen that and still think that Chauvin is innocent then you're utterly delusional!!!
  10. That's pretty much the silliest thing I've seen to date. Who came up with that?
  11. Again, pharmaceutical coke is already produced, you can just get it from them. And if they can grow their own weed then they can also grow their own coca, if they really wanted to. Stop wasting billions a year on a war you can't win and invest that money in greenhouses. Heroin is produced from opium and poppies can also be grown in greenhouses. And there's next to no heroin on the market anymore because the Americans left Afghanistan in 2018, I believe, and then the country went back into the hands of the Taliban, which wanted to be a accepted by the west and therefore gave in to the pressure of the west to destroy the poppy fields, which they did. Apparently they destroyed 95% of all the fields and since Afghanistan produced 85% of the global heroin, there's next to no heroin on the market anymore, which is why Canada and the US, amongst lots of other nations now, have a massive fentanyl crisis on their hands. Fentanyl, by the way is way worse than heroin because it's therapeutical window, you know, the distance between the dosage you need to get the desired medical pain killing effect and the dosage that kills you, is quite a bit smaller than that of heroin and that's why junkies have been dieing in droves. Of course that also has a lot do with the fact that the Chinese and Mexican cartels don't produce fentanyl tabs professionally like pharmaceutical companies do. So there's inconsistencies in terms of dosage per tab and distribution of the fentanyl within the tabs. So, it's possible that all of the fentanyl is concentrated on one side of the tab and if you need only half a tab and you consume that one, you'll die. But let's say they would by it from the cartels directly, this would cut out all the middlemen, which reduces the price and preserves the purity because everytime it goes through another hand it gets stepped on to the point where its barely narcotic anymore by the time it gets to the user, which is also the reason why junkies have to spend so much money on that low quality sh.t. They won't have to smuggle it, which cuts down the price and the drug gangs in the US would still be completely cut out of the business, which would reduce the crime rate drastically in the US. I never said my solution is perfect. The keywords are "lesser of the two evils" and my solution is definitely the way better option of the two and you can throw in your ifs and buts for as long as you want, doesn't change the fact.
  12. If you take a look at how disrespectful kids have become in the west I don't think this is the right way to go. I get where they're coming from, though.
  13. As you've stated, there's already enough coca farmers you can buy from. Not a problem at all. The key is to outcompete cartels and other criminal organizations when it comes to quality and price. The reason why drugs on the black market are so expensive is that you have to produce it, which probably requires some tea money, you'll then have to smuggle it, which costs money, then it goes through numerous hands until it finally ends up in your possession and everyone in between wants to make some money. If you were to plant your own poppy you can forgo all that. Also, heroin can be produced synthetically. Not sure about coke, but pharma already produces medical cocaine. Meth can be done in a lab. Then there's also the option to subsidize it, in case the income from sales won't cover the cost completely. If you take into consideration how much an inmate costs per month, the cost of growing your own coca probably pales in comparison. In the US 70 or 80% of all the inmates are imprisoned for drug related offenses. Either way, the way it's been done so far clearly doesn't work. It's time to think outside the box.
  14. Trust me when I tell you that I unfortunately know more about that subject matter from personal experience and watching friends go through heroin addiction than you'll ever know! That's a fact!
  15. I think it had more to do with the fact that he ripped of people by stealing their credit card details and identities and he absolutely did deserve that! Sh.t like that can ruin people. He should be in prison for what he did!
  16. Yeah, but it's SO safe down there is what you always hear. Best place in the world, next to no crime and then you look into human rights and all the other bullsh.t laws they have down there and then it becomes a hard pass! No desire whatsoever to ever go there!
  17. 😂😂😂😂 riiiiiiiiiiight. You got me there, Sherlock! If you don't understand that starving a population with heavy sanctions to the point where it's a humanitarian crisis is a form of genocide then I can't help you!
  18. Sorry, but that's so NOT how it works. If it was that easy then we wouldn't be having this discussion, now would we! Also, there's next to no "psycho babble" in Carr's book! Yeah, I'm familiar with the saying once a junkie always a junkie, and while that generally speaking is true, there's lots of people who went down the addiction rabbit hole all the way until they've reached the point where they truly wanted to stop and then they do and they just leave it behind and have no desire to pick it ever again. The reason why most people fail is because they were forced to stop due to outside pressure and that is usually destined to fail because they key is that you really need to want to stop yourself. If that's not the case there's no point in even trying.
  19. Producing the drugs wouldn't be a problem. Pharmaceutical companies already do that. In the US you have large scale producers of weed who supply the medicinal weed stores. Buying from them wouldn't be an issue. If you don't outcompete the drug cartels in terms of price and quality, you'll always have a black market and the issue that users of hard drugs won't be able to finance it with thwir income, if they have to buy it on the street. What Portugal did was great because unlike in Germany, consumption of drugs was also illegal. Since the decriminalization lots of people free willingly went into rehab because they didn't have to fear being prosecuted for it. In regards to being labeled a drug dealer, how about booze and nicotine then? Every bottle or pack of cigarettes I buy is taxed. If I get sick because of my addiction and I need medical treatment that will be taxed. All the medication, surgeries are also taxed. And don't even get me started on hiw many people are addicted to prescription drugs, which are also taxed No one has a problem with that! Thw traditional way of combating drugs has clearly failed. It's time to find a way that works for everyone. Zurich is a great example. They have a park called Platzspitz right next to the main train station that was built as a family retreat. In the 90s it became a hotspot for drug addicts and homeless people, with used needles and trash and crime everywhere. Eventually the citizens had enough of it and asked the government to step in. So they opened Fixerstuben, a place where junkies could go, buy pharmaceutical heroin and shoot it up right there an then with fresh and sterile needles. All they had to pay was 35 Swiss Franks per shot. I've seen a documentary about it. They followed a homeless junkie around who had a 300 Swiss Franks per day heroin habit. After the Fixerstuben opened, his consumption went down to 70 Franks a day, a shot in the morning and a shot at night because the quality was way better and it wasnt cut with the usual rubbish. They went back to see him a year later and he had managed to find a job and a place and became a productive member of society again, despite his addiction, while Platzspitz turned pretty much over night into a family park again because all the junkies relocated to the Fixerstuben.
  20. If you want the answer to that you can simply ask any human rights organization!
  21. It doesn't end. People who resort to that usually always find something else that needs to be "fixed"!
  22. As soon as I read the headline I knew she's been nagging... Not that that justifies the killing, but it explains it...
  23. Well, I guess the difference between the genocides you have listed and what's going on in Gaza is that your list were all pretty much one-time events, while the one in Gaza has been continuously ongoing for at least a decade. So what were "these people" supposed to do about them after the fact?
  24. Then you've been doing it the wrong way. Giving up smoking can be very easy, at least from my own experience. Alan Carr's method works like a charm. All it takes is about 3 weeks until the first day comes around when you don't think about smoking all day long and those 3 weeks were nowhere nearly as bad as I was making it out to be in my head beforehand. The most difficult thing about quitting is to set a point in time on which you're gonna stops. Once you've done that you're already halfway there.
  25. Yeah,this wouldn't have happened with a Cane Corso unless they'd kill the dog first...
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