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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Of course you have to excercise common sense when dealing with snakes. I thought that’s a given….
  2. That’s ridiculous! First of all, 20 Baht is nothing. If you can afford to stay at a 5 star hotel then you can afford 20 Baht for a toothbrush. Secondly, getting fired over this seems definitely excessive!
  3. That's bullsh@t! Going cold turkey on alcohol and several other medications can actually kill you!
  4. Tramadaol is an opioid and the pain you're having now is from the withdrawal, just like what a heroin addict goes through when he runs out of junk. The human body produces its own opiates, but when you start taking opiates it will stop producing its own and when you get off them, you'll experience pain because it takes a while for your body to start producing its own again. If you're mentally strong enough to get rid of your addiction by yourself, I would just reduce the daily dosage bit by bit until you get to zero, instead of going cold turkey... You can try this: Take only three quarters of a pill and see how it goes, if you get withdrawal pain it should be much better to handle than taking nothing. Eventually your body will get used to the reduced dosage and the pain will go away. Then start taking only half a pill, when that's good, reduce it to a quarter and then eventually nothing. The good news is that the physical pain is the lesser of the two evils when it comes to addiction. The much greater one is the psychological aspect. The key to getting rid of that is that you REALLY have to WANT to get rid of it. There's a book called finally non-smoker by Alan Carr. As the name indicates it's about giving up smoking, but his method can be used for any type of addiction and it works like a charm and is much easier than people think. The main problem with addiction is to set the point in time when you're gonna stop. Once you've done that, you're already halfway there. But it very much seems like you're ready and you can definitely do it, if you want it! If you don't think you can handle it on your own then get professional help, but they'll most likely ease you off it as well. They might have some other medication to help with the pain that isn't on opiate basis. All the best to you!
  5. Mambas are known to do that, if you corner them and they're quite fast as well. They can do 12 or 15 kilometers per hour, if I remember correctly, but they only exist in Africa, so that's not a problem in Thailand. Mamabs are pretty much the most difficult species when it comes to handling snakes. Extremely wiry, extremely fast and aggressive when it comes to defending themselves.
  6. Definitely don't try to handle or catch a venomous snake unless you know exactly what you're doing! That's pretty obvious in my book. No, the only snake species that might "run" after you, if you corner it, are mambas, but even they, like all other species of snake, want nothing to do with you and will try to get away first. Of all venomous snake species, cobras are the most predictable, though, because they lift the front part of their body up from the ground and will strike down from that position, which limits their striking range. Obviously this doesn't apply when you're handling them, which I don't recommend. They're also sight hunters, which means they'll focus on movement, which is why they're the preferred species for snake charmers.
  7. Mate, what are you on about?! I never said to handle the snake. All I said was get a better pic from a closer distance so we can identify the snake, and 2 or 3 meters distance are more than enough because of a cobra's limited striking range!!! But hey, whatever gets you through the night!
  8. In case you have facebook watch this video. It will show you exactly how cobras behave when they feel threatened and how they strike. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/v78A4PRpF2PMxP1L/
  9. There's glasses that have wire frames made from thin and flexible titanium. I think IC Berlin is one of them. They should do the trick.
  10. Which part of cobras have an extremely limited striking range is it you didn't understand? I gave you a perfect explanation, but you obviously didn't get it. So let's just leave it at that.
  11. I had a near death experience once, too, but it wasn't anything like the fairy tale that woman is spinning.
  12. Of course he does. Didn't expect anything else from this fascist delusional gasbag.
  13. I think it's great that these pigs are stupid enough to use social platforms for advertising. I mean how stupid can you be?!
  14. The bucket of water was clearly not "accidental", although I wish it would've been more water and a direkt hit. What an idiot! How can you get bent out of shape for being asked to smoke someplace else?!
  15. It only seems that way, if you don't know about cobras. Cobras always raise the front part of their body up and strike down from that position, which severely limits their striking range, which makes them very predictable. They also want nothing to do with humans, if given the chance they'll always flee. In case of a spitter you'll need a helmet with a visor so it can't spit in your eyes. Nothing dangerous about my advice whatsoever. A long as you stay at least 2 meters away from the snake you're perfectly safe and 2 meters is generous. A regular cobra has a striking range of less than a meter.
  16. Another classic example of posting anything to desperately stay relevant and get some clicks. Long may he rot in prison! People like him need to be taken in the back and s...!
  17. Wrong. You mean there's only two colors, white and non-white. Bu when it comes to culture pretty much every nation on this planet has its own culture. Take the white population of France and Germany for example, both white, but very different culture....
  18. I never said to walk around with a helmet on for months until you see him again. Did he hood up and hiss or spit at you? Next time you come across him try to take a bird's-eye view pic of his head. This will make identification easier.
  19. It's the same with their washing machines. I live in Germany and my neighbor had a problem with his Samsung washing machine. We have a repair ship in town, but they won't touch Samsung because Samsung won't give any electrician any courses on how to repair their stuff. Instead he'd have to bring it to a Samsung service center, which is several hundred kilometers away. So he boughr a new onw from a different brand and it was the last Samsung he's ever bought.
  20. Nope. A king cobra with that body width would be considerably longer and the color would also be different and the head would be much larger.
  21. It’s definitely not a python. Their head shape is completely different and they have hear seeking pits on the side of their head, which would be clearly visible in this video.
  22. The easiest way to find out is to put on a motorcycle helmet and get near it. If it hoods up and hisses it’s a cobra, if it spits at you it’s definitely a cobra. I don’t think it’s a spitter, though, because they have black markings and they’re usually very visible. There are spitters, though, that are almost completely white. In terms of head shape, eye size and eye location on the head, I’d say it’s definitely a cobra. They usually want nothing to do with humans, given the chance they’ll just eff off. They also strike from the top down, which makes their striking range very predictable. Next time it shows up, put on a helmet, put the visor down and walk up to it. 2 meters of distance will do the trick just fine.
  23. I'm sorry, but this article doesn't "unveil" anything! I expected it to tell me exactly what the scheme was, instead it's just beating around the bush.
  24. That's what they want you to believe, but then you see video footage of the attack and there's definitely way more than 0.1% getting through their iron dome.... Pretty much 90% of what Isael states publicly is a <deleted> lie.
  25. I don’t know. I’d rather have 30 or 40 years more before the air pollution catches up to me than getting hit by a bomb, missile or getting shot or hacked to death.
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