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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Having rough sex and then having a rape test done afterwards will almost always result in a rape positive test. Some women are so devious, they’ll just about do anything, including accusing you of rape, when they don’t get their way or you dump then. Did she go to the cops? Did she press charges right away? Guess not! So, why did she go to the rape center, but not to the cops on the day? Why did she wait several years?
  2. Yeah, I really can’t picture him as a sexual predator at all. Seems very much like a smear campaign and some people trying to cash in by selling a story to a tabloid like the one where he “exposed” himself to her and when you ask her where it took place then it’s the toilet cubicle of some pub or whatever, which begs the question, what is a “respectable” woman such as yourself doing in a cubicle with a guy?
  3. Let me guess, you're a barhopper, old, fat and ugly and cant find a suitsble mate whereever it is you come from, moved to Thailand and fell in love with one of the girls at your local strip club who is 3 decades younger than you, totally fell for her, totally believed her that you are the big love of your life, she took you for everything and once she had everything she dropped you like a used napkin and now you're bitter and hate all Thais?! If that's the case you've got no one to blame but yourself.
  4. There's a suble but important difference between being a child as in being a young person and being a child as in someone fathering and a woman having given birth to you, the latter being what was referenced!
  5. Sounds much more like being cretinous to me rather than cynical…
  6. Nowhere nearly as uncommon as you might think. Junkie drives to meet his dealer to score some dope, obviously he can’t wait until he gets home to shoot up, so he does it right there and then, gets a bit too much, or the dope was a bit purer than usual and there you go. Just a possible scenario in response to the statement I’ve quoted. I’m not saying that the guy this article is about was a junkie.
  7. Replace cynical with cretinous and you’ve hit the jackpot!
  8. That's not evidence. Misspellings happen. I'm assuming that she bases her allegations simply on the fact that she can't believe that her son committed suicide and now she's grasping for straws.
  9. The sad thing is that a lot of people think of them as cowards and weak when they take their own life. The reality of it is, none of them just lightly commit suicide. Usually they've been suffering for numerous years already and the suicide thoughts started quite a while back, but because they haven't reached the end of their rope, yet, things like I can't do this to my family, or in the case of my aunt not wanting to be found by their family, come into play and that's why they're not doing it right there and then, until they actually do reach the end of the rope. Suicide then becomes the only viable option they have left to end the suffering and therapy and medication does not work for everyone.
  10. Actually I did expect something else. In regards to what they can do about it, I hope he won't get through with it and I hope that the public backlash against Thaksin will be big enough so that that won't happen either.
  11. Exactly! Take Chester Bennington for example. 6 days before he hung himself he did carpool karaoke with James Cordon. I've seen that episode, he seemed totally normal, was joking around in a seemingly good mood., habing a good time. His wife released a family video of him and his kids playing a game that was shot one day before he killed himself, and again no indicators of what was about to happen whatsoever. Depression is a massive b..ch!
  12. This guy needs to go! First the pot and now he wants to involve Thaksin in politics when he gets out! Pffft! Army to the front!
  13. That would be way too easy! I hope he lives to be 110 in prison!
  14. Well, technically speaking alcohol (ethanol) is a cytotoxin, which means it’s toxic to every cell of your body and what you feel when you’re drunk are actually symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Having said that, a couple of beers a day won’t kill you. On the other hand, if you stop drinking and you miss it a lot then there’s probably some little psychological addiction thing going on. The question is, do you drink to get a buzz or do you drink because you like the taste? In my opinion, as long as your daily dosage doesn’t steadily increase, it’s not really a problem. But as soon as it does, you know, to get to the same level of buzz you’d like to have, if that’s the case at all, then it’s time to stop otherwise it will likely get out of hand eventually. It’s much easier to get off something while you’re not hooked on it, yet, than getting off it as an addict. What I would try just to get a baseline is, stop drinking for a month, if you still miss it a lot and think about having a beer all the time after that month then you’re probably an addict, as harsh as that might sound. But if a day comes within that month on which you’re not thinking about having a beer at all then you’re golden. By the way, according to definition, anyone who drinks regularly is an alcoholic. Although, in my book that’s not really true because, if I have some eggnog every Christmas, but don’t drink the rest of the year it’s still “regularly!” You just need to find out for yourself whether you need it.
  15. Well, they could install one that only activates/gets activated in an emergency situation, like for example when the ejector seat is used.
  16. If you made your money with selling cannabis products and that guy comes up for rejection would you vote for him, if you eligible to vote? I certainly wouldn't.
  17. This is a total guess on my part, but usually in condominium blocks there’s some sort of management that takes care of the reception and the maintenance of the building and the gardening, for which the residents pay a monthly fee, which should also cover the maintenance of the drainpipes and any repairs that need to be done. If lack of maintenance causes any trouble then this should definitely be paid for by management because it’s their job to maintain the building.
  18. And just like that he lost every eligible voters vote and support who's into smoking cannabis as well as everyone who makes a living with cannabis products. Smart move - not!
  19. Well, what does what others suggest in their posts have to do with my post? I don't get that at all! I'm not responsible for what they're posting? Somehow that slipped my attention. My bad. Yeah, I don't think she got her period! It's much more likely an injury. How someone can do that to a little girl is beyond me!
  20. I'm through with you! Waste of time! You'll never get it because you don't want to!
  21. Here's a few facts about your supposed "facts" about people from the Isaan: Just because someone is uneducated does not mean that that person has no common sense, is fricking stupid and has a low IQ because intelligence and IQ have absolutely nothing to do with education. They probably look at it like this: How many people do I know who actually died from the parasite in that fish? The answer is probably one or two out of hundreds or even thousands of people they know, so for them the risk is pretty low. Guess that thought didn't occur to you. You just rather throw a whole region into the same pot!
  22. ???????????? Quite the Mr. Wannabe Smarty Pants, aren't you? I don't have to be a doctor to know that if an adult male penetrates a nine year old girl that a vaginal tear would happen during intercourse and not a few days later, just like I don't have to be a professional race car driver to know that Hamilton can drive. I never said anything about her menstrual cycle or it being triggered by the rape. I simply replied to the vaginally tear comment. And yeah, it actually is possible for girls to begin menstruating at that age, I think the youngest age a woman gave birth at was actually 9, I remember reading something g about that many years ago. It wasn't in Thailand, though.
  23. Ok, for the last time, the way you worded it made it sound like Thais are stupid and despite warnings still do stupid <deleted>, which in my opinion applies to mankind in general amd not just to one specific country or one region in any given country. If you had written, people who eat that fish despite the warnings we wouldn't be having this conversation. Also, generalizations like people in the Isaan for example never hold any water because it's NEVER all of the people. It's like saying all the Irish are lcoholics or all the British tourists are drunk heathens that get into fights wherever they go. Food for thought.
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